
Posts Tagged ‘Dany Taylor’

dany taylor image from surf lakes

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WavePoolMag Photographer Series Episode 3, Dany Taylor of Surf Lakes

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Making salted surf look magnificent, ethereal, moody and mythical is rather easy given that it’s, well, the ocean. Giving something human-made a nature-made aura is one of the biggest challenges in photography. Editor's Note: WavePoolMag is reposting this profile on photographer Dany Taylor who passed away on December 11, 2023 after battling cancer. His work was unique because he was

Making salted surf look magnificent, ethereal, moody and mythical is rather easy given that it’s, well, the ocean. Giving something ...Continue ›

Surf Lakes

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Photo Essay: Surf Lakes 2.0 testing hits the zen button

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What Jeff Divine’s rainbow shots at Pipe were to 1970s surf media, this latest round of Surf Lakes images are to the wave pool set. Why? Because in the age of Insta posts, likes and shares are mostly action-generated. From Kevin Schulz’ flip at Waco to Kelly’s twin-finning at the Surf Ranch, the world prefers big airs to big art.

What Jeff Divine’s rainbow shots at Pipe were to 1970s surf media, this latest round of Surf Lakes images are ...Continue ›