The Big List: 10 Rapid Wave Pool Technologies and How They Work

What is a standing wave? Also known as a stationary wave or rapid wave, in surfing terms it is a wave with moving, surf-able water that contains the characteristics of a river rapid wave. Standing wave pools are human made stationary waves designed to produce a wide variety of rapid waves. How do these waves differ from the surf in other wave pools? One distinction between “traveling wave” and “standing wave” is that one mimics ocean surfing and the other mimics river surfing. Kelly’s, Waco and the Cove are traveling waves where the rider traverses a measurable distance when riding. The Eisbach and Zambezi rivers are rapid waves where you can surf the same wave for several minutes and not travel any longitudinal distance. Although the rider remains in the same dedicated wave space, the movements are very similar to what one does on an ocean wave. Stationary waves are … Continue reading The Big List: 10 Rapid Wave Pool Technologies and How They Work