Ka’ana Wave Co. showcases pop-up surf park with stationary deep-water waves

Ka’ana Wave Co. celebrated the launch of their CM7-Series wave machines with a pop-up surf park at Britannia Beach, British Columbia. Their ground-breaking technology represents a new class of artificial surf attraction, one that creates a variety of deep-water surf waves, in new and existing pools and lagoons. The company said its aim is to break down barriers to entry and make surfing more accessible for everyone. The pop-up surf park was an opportunity for Ka’ana to reveal the company’s first wave shapes, develop CM7 safety protocols, and collect feedback about the surf experience from more than 250 people including industry insiders, professional athletes, developers, city planners, architects, resort planners, and aquatic designers.  Shaping waves at 60 to 70 percent of the machine’s capacity, Ka’ana Wave Co. showcased the world’s first stationary, bathymetry-agnostic, artificial surf waves at the event. These waves included a right break barrel, boat wake, and river jump. “This has never … Continue reading Ka’ana Wave Co. showcases pop-up surf park with stationary deep-water waves