
Posts Tagged ‘Catch Surf’

Blair Conklin

 |  News

Let’s invent a new kind of surfing with Blair Conklin


Blair Conklin is at the center of the foamy-and-finless movement, shredding the gnar at the confluence of skim and surf. 10 years from now we will look back and see Blair's watercraft as either early prototypes of now-standard equipment, or as colorful relics in surfing's hardgoods recycle bin – discarded next to cans of spray-on traction and nose guards. But

Blair Conklin is at the center of the foamy-and-finless movement, shredding the gnar at the confluence of skim and surf. ...Continue ›

Chris Monroe Beefs TV

 |  News, Television

Behind the scenes of a wild trip to Waco

News, Television

Meet the guy with the goofy voice behind BeefsTV It’s like if Mason Ho was a YouTuber. Fun, energetic bro who lets roll with unfettered commentary. It’s not the slick corporate edits we’re used to seeing in the Instagram sphere. No. Chris Monroe, the soul behind Beefs TV, presents a refreshingly candid take on surf sessions. We first noticed Chris’

Meet the guy with the goofy voice behind BeefsTV It’s like if Mason Ho was a YouTuber. Fun, energetic bro ...Continue ›