
Posts Tagged ‘Encyclopedia of Surfing’


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Rewind: The Allentown wave pool comp 1985


Wave pool comps have a bad rep. Much of it due to the tense monotony of the CT elite at Kelly’s. Yes, there are moments of brilliance, but overall the splendor of surf spectating is dragging anchor at such events. Conversely, the longboard event at Kelly’s was beautiful, graceful and engaging. Further up the wave pool comp please-o-meter the Alaia

Wave pool comps have a bad rep. Much of it due to the tense monotony of the CT elite at ...Continue ›

Matt Warshaw

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Repost: Insight into Kelly’s wave from salted historian Matt Warshaw


We're reposting last year's interview with surfing's favorite historian and author of the Encyclopedia of Surfing (or EOS as it's known to those over the age of 40) Matt Warshaw. The EOS is into another round of funding to keep surfing's history a living, growing entity. Most of the funds will go to recording and digitizing all the loose scraps

We're reposting last year's interview with surfing's favorite historian and author of the Encyclopedia of Surfing (or EOS as it's ...Continue ›

Ludwig II thinking about wave pools

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The history of 20th-century (and earlier) wave pools

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This surf-focused history of wave pools pre Y2K uncovers the surf-able and the non-surfable. Only surfing would find a connection between a mad Bavarian king, America’s largest cosmetics company and pre-Nazi Germany. All three were instrumental in creating wave pools. The mad king is credited with making the first artificial waves. Clairol bankrolled the first large-scale American wave pool, and

This surf-focused history of wave pools pre Y2K uncovers the surf-able and the non-surfable. Only surfing would find a connection ...Continue ›