Wave pool on former mining site gets pushback in England

Quinn Estates, the engine behind the Seahive wave pool project is returning after a setback in July. The company was denied planning permission with the then current design, but since have kept The Seahive hopes alive with a modification of the proposal. The BBC reported the surf park made a few adjustments to meet the demands of neighbours who fear that the estimated 700,000 people enjoying the surf park annually is incompatible with wildlife which has taken root on the abandoned industrial site. According to the news report, current site plans call for a wildlife area of 48 acres inside the park as well as 25 acres outside of its borders. The Seahive wave pool would take up 15 acres. “Our intention is to be an integral part of the wider Country Park, to add to the overall destination where we expect visitors to experience and benefit from all aspects … Continue reading Wave pool on former mining site gets pushback in England