
Air Farmer Jackson Dorian’s latest Waco binge

Jackson Dorian is perfecting airs under the watchful eye of surf coach dad Shane Dorian. In this latest digital episode, young Jackson pulls off a handful of truly, technical, innovative airs.

Want to know more about Jackson? Check the below interview from WavePoolMag last year.

Like John John and others before him, Jackson Dorian learned to skate and surf about the same time he learned to walk.

The spritely 13-year-old has access to the world’s best waves and isn’t shy about texting his godfather, Kelly Slater, to slip in for a session at the Surf Ranch. His dad, big-wave legend Shane Dorian, is always game to take the kids on trips to perfect their airs in the PerfectSwell tech of Waco.

We spoke with Jackson to get his take on surf parks and the emerging role they will play in the evolution of surfers like himself.

kelly slater and jackson dorian
Kelly Slater keeps an eye on Jackson. Photo by Rob Henson

Are you super into wave pools?
Yeah, I love em. They are really good for learning tricks and progressing. I feel like you get better quickly while surfing in pools because the waves are the same every time.

How many wave pools have you surfed?
Kelly’s Surf Ranch and BSR in Waco, Texas. I really want to go surf the new Wavegarden pool in Melbourne, Australia. That one looks super sick.

Tell us a little bit about what makes each one special
Surf Ranch is sick because its like perfect Snapper Rocks and has a perfect barrel every time. I like Waco better because you get a lot more chances and the air section is super fun. And anyone can go to Waco.

OK. Design your own Jackson Dorian Wave Pool. What would it be like?
The take-off would be a wedge where you could backdoor it into a sick barrel section, then it would have a couple of perfect high-performance sections for hacks or blowtails, then it would go into another long barrel section, then go into a perfect air section like at Waco. Then it would reform into a perfect left that is rippable into an air section.

Where do you see surfing and wave pools in ten years?
I think wave pools will be all over the globe. I think kids who don’t live near the ocean will be able to surf every day. Which is super cool.

You can follow Jackson on Instagram here
