Bristol pumps up the volume with two new wave settings for the public

The Wave has announced it will be running a series of Experience Days for its new bigger wave settings. Surfers in the UK and beyond will be able to sample The Wave’s ‘Advanced Plus’ and ‘Expert’ surf sessions which feature Wavegarden Cove’s turning and barrelling wave settings.
Bristol’s best surf spot will pump out the new settings on March 12, 16 and 23rd for their Early Rider Pass holders (non-pass holders can lock in sessions after March 6.) These first experience days are taking place towards the end of The Wave’s Warm-Up period. Participating surfers will also provide feedback about the surf.
The company stated that to surf either of these types of waves riders must be highly experienced and proficient. In addition, The Wave will not require surfers to have a license to ride the bigger waves.

“The waves have now been thoroughly risk-assessed and there is a clear skill level that people need to surf them. In the same way as the other sessions, these new sessions build up over the hour. If the lifeguards and surf coaches feel someone is not coping with the waves being pushed out and are really struggling to catch and ride them, then they may ask them to leave the water.”
Full details and videos of the Advanced Plus and Expert wave settings can be found on The Wave website. The team has outlined exactly what people need to be able to do to ride these wave settings safely:
• Ride waves around 2.0m comfortably
• Paddle in large waves and strong currents
• Take-off consistently
• Generate speed
• Perform turns and maneuvers across wave
• Negotiate sections
• Demonstrate respectful surf etiquette in group
Advanced Plus – See website for pricing
• The wave: a full-faced wave on takeoff, which holds good shape and size all the way down the line. Its inside barrel section is easy to pre-empt and stays open with a fun, open face to maneuver.
• Face height: 1.7-1.9m
• Waves per session: around 15-20 waves per set
• Suitable for: ideal for those comfortable in powerful surf and riding performance boards
Expert – See website for pricing
• The wave: a fast, challenging and powerful wave with a long face for performance turns and barrel sections. An entry-level barrel that is easy to navigate.
• Face height: Around 2.0m
• Waves per session: around 15 waves per set
• Suitable for: ideal for highly experienced and progressive surfers
Main Image: Thomas La Fonta rides the Expert wave setting. Photo by James Owen of Image Cabin
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