
Dream wave pool powered by secret underground volcanic vent

Think differently. The creative mind is as integral a component to wave pool development as engineering chops. Quite often, that spark of surf inspiration happens visually in the form of a scribble on a napkin or a 12-hour sketchbook bender. Next comes the hours of photo rendering.

We’ve profiled several artists here on WavePoolMag as well as major players in the pocket-protector set who bring all manner of wave pools to life. The confluence of inspiration and technical ability results in the surf parks we froth to surf and the ones we’ll be sessioning in the future.

Artist James Billing loves to play around with wave pool concepts. His latest one takes the genius of Wavegarden’s Cove technology and quadruples it. The logic goes, if you build one Cove, why not four? He explains below.

“The idea struck me over a year ago when I first saw the sketches for Urbnsurf and the triangle-fan shape layout,” says James. “It seemed completely logical to lay each out in a circle so that there were more waves for everybody.”

“It’s a not-so-distant future concept of utilizing Wavegarden Cove Tech, located on a remote island somewhere in the middle of anywhere. Using the still water that is already there, and potentially powering it with an underground volcanic vent that feeds into a steam turbine which then powers the central core of the pool.”

“Each circle on the end of the north, east, south and west jetties is essentially lodging and or a restaurant or gym and spa. There are man-made beach atolls on the other jetties which allow for beach recreation as well. Accessible by boat or Helicopter “The Island” can host multiple guests and groups with waves breaking in all directions and so there will always be a peak that is offshore!”

“Also, by having a circle layout like this you can have different pods and pools breaking on different settings from Beast Mode all the way down to beginners at the same time. The Westside of this island crater could also be developed into a viewing platform, adventure sports activity center and wildlife sanctuary.”

Billing’s longwinded explanation covered most of the plan, except for one thing – what about that one small structure? “The small building on the East side of the crater? Ah that is my house! Haha.”

DISCLAIMER: These images are fictional renders created at the discretion of the artist and in no way reflect endorsements by the represented technology.
