
First Look: Drone gives complete view of new Boa Vista wave pool in Brazil

The world has been fed a meager stream of clips this year of an incredibly long, pneumatic wave generating system out of Brazil. This week all of that changed as Boa Vista officially opened its doors to residents this week, so expect plenty of Instagram fodder and celebrity surfer sightings. It’s on!

Developed by JHSF, the wave pool sits at the center of a private residential development. The Surf Lodge Hotel component remains under construction but the key takeaway here is that residents have daily access to the wave tank. In this clip you can see a mix of advanced, intermediate and beginner wave settings.

The new Boa Vista wave pool in Brazil as captured by a drone.
The new Boa Vista wave pool in Brazil, as captured in drone footage, shows the surrounding buildings and amenities which include residences and a hotel.

The development surrounds the pool with drone footage showing the spa, restaurant and cafe anchored along the back wall of the wave-generating system. The wave tech by PerfectSwell is the same kind that is used at Waco Surf and at SkudinSurf American Dream in New Jersey. But this one is much longer, allowing double air sections.

Brazil is enjoying a wave pool kick at the moment. Boa Vista joins Praia da Grama which uses Wavegarden tech and is also in Sao Paulo, as the latest wave park launch to date. Gabriel Medina Surf Club powered by Endless Surf wave systems and Sao Paulo Surf Club are also set to open in the coming years.

The Lowdown: This Sao Paulo development follows a trend in anchoring new projects around wave pools. Maybe slightly varying from the norm, the Boa Vista plans show a Surf Lodge (actually a multi-story, swank looking hotel) for visitors making freshwater surf trips. The interesting component here is the huge PerfectSwell technology from American Wave Machines. It looks to be twice the size of the AWM facility in Waco with 20-25 second rides. Boa Vista will offer surf to residents and visitors.

WavePool Construction Progress: Built and in operation.

Accessibility: Mixed-use private and possibly public.

Wave Generating Technology: New American Wave Machines Perfect Swell design.

Wave’s Technical Information: Both Left and Right Breaks, Length of Wave: possibly 120year-round yards/meters, Semi-hollow to hollow and performance-oriented. 120 -160 waves per hour come in three-wave sets at between 1:10-1:30 apart. Waves are waist to head-high.

Hours of operation/Seasonal Hours: Expect year round surf.

Pool Structure: Concrete pool facility with sand added set in center of hotel and residences.

Waves per hour: 120-160.

Atmosphere: Lux Brazilian golf vibes.

Apparel: Mostly boardshorts and bikinis. 3/2 fulls and spring suits for fall/winter.
