
Clip Candy: Shane Dorian and son Jackson’s wave pool tour

It seems an odd swap, the lava and deep blue of Hawaii for the cattle-lot and roadside expanse of inland America. But Shane Dorian and son Jackson have ditched Island salt for wave pool fresh recently. Lured from their home by the Mainland’s best, the Dorians recently scored both Kelly’s and Waco.

In a series of YouTube posts last year the duo is seen scoring a fun-filled trip with the Kelly entourage in Lemoore. A few weeks ago they made the pilgrimage to the BSR Surf Ranch to enjoy some overhead (for Jackson anyway) peaks.

Comments for the YouTube clips are rife with enthusiasm and speculation. Shanecgriffo offers, “I say let him live there for the next few years.. kind of like a science experiment.. to see just how good he can get.”

We are confident there are some groms out there willing to take part in such an experiment.

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