
How to create a wave pool in Norway

The WavePoolMag podcast explores bringing a tank to Norway

I can picture Daniel Lira Figueiredo teaching volleyball on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro and wondering how these guys can fly in from Norway and enjoy such an amazing quality of life. So, being a man full of initiative he figured it out, jumped on a plane and moved to Norway to study. He had no choice but to work hard and get his degree, which he did. It was an incredible challenge, but he overcame it and is now a thriving member of Norwegian society and has embarked on another major challenge: creating the first wave pool in Norway. Listening to the challenges he has set himself and is overcoming them, I couldn’t help but be hugely inspired. I know you will be too. Listen to the end, it wasn’t planned but he has an amazing story about a world champion surfer.

Check out Sunnnfjord Waves here. Daniel referenced this film about cold water surfing in Iceland

Nick Robinson

Endless Surf 2023A