
Podcast: Sophie Everard ventures into The Wave (Bristol)

Sophie Everard is a journalist, passionate snowboarder and surfer with a lust for life. The stylish goofyfoot has worked extensively within action sports media for more than ten years and is a published writer for industry-leading snowboard titles. She has also set up a brand called “Mad to Live” through which she promotes a positive, modern message of female empowerment via creative, original content. Attached to the content and Mad to Live brand are a series of wildly successful women-only retreats in various places like Portugal, Morocco, Costa Rica, Bali and England.


About Sophie Everard

  1. You grew up in Athens in the 90s. What was life like?
  2. When you were younger, what drove you to sports and outdoor pursuits?
  3. How was your first experience of learning to surf, where was it?
  4. Pick an early surf trip. How did it go down?
    • Noosa, Australia
  5. When did you realize you could make a living out of playing?
    • Marketing events –> Action Sports Publisher –> Big Brand –> “Mad to Live”
Recent shots of Sophie on her El Salvador trip

The Wave Bristol

  • How was your attention first drawn to machine-driven waves?
  • UK surf scene and trips down to Cornwall and how many UK projects are on the go and setting the trend for worldwide wave pool parks.
  • Have you been aware of Nick Hounsfield‘s mission to create the Bristol project?
    • Including collectives like Yvette Fielding: Sunday Times Sportswoman of the year https://wavewahines.co.uk/
    • The Wave is highly conscious of sustainability.
  • Tell us in detail about the run-up to your surf day at The Wave in Bristol. How did you set it up?
  • What were your expectations for the day?
  • How did they greet you at the entrance and what is the reception area similar to?
  • Did you go straight into a briefing?
    • We talk about Ben Skinner and his boards – check out a great podcast with him from The Wire.
  • Emerging out onto the lake area must feel pretty different to running down the sand dunes to the ocean…
Drone shot of The Wave Bristol
Drone shot of “The Wave” by Global Shots
  • How did the surfing feel at The Wave Bristol? Many people have observed (from the comfort of their keyboards) that the waves are really small. Do you agree?
  • Do you think one hour is enough?
  • What can you do in-between sessions? Could you imagine doing a retreat there?

Check out Sophie’s fantastic blog about her entire weekend down in the South West.

The Future of Surfing 

  • Can you imagine a future when surf parks are more prevalent than football stadiums?
