
Urbnsurf keeps wave pool party vibe going with Winter Jam event

As whispers of the first wave pool projects grew louder, the topic of nighttime events entered the chat. Snowdonia did some amazing stuff with Red Bull, Alaia celebrated with Winterfest and even the grandaddy wave pool Big Surf threw summertime raves. Bright, most definitely disco and loud, these events are becoming a part of the surf park landscape.

On August 27th Urbnsurf will kick out the jams with a blend of surfing, snowboarding & live music showcasing some of Australia’s top athletes & electronic artists. The Melbourne wave pool plans to say goodbye to winter by hosting a winter jam on Saturday August 27th – a combo surf and snow comp set within a party.

“The Boost Mobile Winter Jam Presented by YETI will blend some of Australia’s leading surf and snow athletes with a live version of Season 3 of the Rivals series in the lagoon and a winner takes all snowboard rail jam just metres away,” the company stated.

The event will kick on into the evening with a sunset DJ set from Dena Amy before Set Mo closes the event with the final performance of their “Something to Dream of Winter Tour.”

Urbnsurf partnered with City Snow Events to deliver a custom rail jam at the edge of the surf lagoon.

This is an over 18’s event. Tickets start from $39.99 which you can purchase here.
