Waco air fest a cure for the Meh-pocalypse. For now anyway.

Mind-melting air variations are nothing new to Waco Surf. But, there’s a collective “meh” in the Insta surf consciousness, an unfortunate reminder that we’re a difficult lot to please. When is the last time you got excited about an air reverse? And it gets worse. If influencers started airing clips of themselves, say, levitating or spontaneously combusting, there’s a chance the world would be in utter, total shock for about 5.7 hours. Max. Sad, but such are our hyper-deficit attention spans at this point in human history.
So how do we counter this Meh-pocalypse?
Matt Meola and Albee Layer put their energy drink sponsor’s credit card to good use recently to secure some very creative settings at Waco Surf. The result is a digital feast of innovative, futuristic airs that should have a longer shelf life than most clips that came out this summer. We might lose the Meh-pocalypse war, but Matt and Albee totally won this battle.
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