Wavegarden demo center local Josh Kerr pushes kids into slabs

Former pro surfer and DSRT Surf ambassador Josh Kerr is still regarded as one of the most innovative and versatile surfers of his era. His daughter Sierra (11yrs) and her Hawaiian friend Bettylou Sakaru Johnson (13yrs) are two very talented youngsters spearheading the next generation of progressive female surfers.
During an intense session in the Wavegarden Cove, Josh, Sierra and Bettylou warm-up with a variety of powerful open-face turns before get pitted in Wavegarden’s notorious slab wave.
A regular visitor to Wavegarden’s Demo Center in Spain, Josh always looks forward to seeing how the technology is progressing.
“I would never really take Sierra, or any girls of that age, out on a wave (in the ocean) that’s doing that (slabbing), because generally it’s on a pretty shallow reef and they would get pretty smoked”, explained Josh.
“For them, to have the experience of late drops and throaty, double up style barrels… that really builds their confidence and builds my confidence in them, to watch them do it, like wow, they’re capable of it”.
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