
Will Texas be getting a Surf Lakes wave pool?

A news report out of Texas last week said Australian wave pool maker Surf Lakes is scouting areas in North Texas for a new surf park

According to the report, Dallas’ Edge Realty Partners is seeking locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for projects that will be using Surf Lakes technology. Developers are looking for sites ranging in size from 20 acres to 45 acres and hope to secure land by 2021.

“Accessibility to major roads to address the 500,000-plus visitors per year is a necessity,” the real estate company told Dallas News said. “Within a 45-minute drive from major airport for international and domestic travelers is important.”

The report added that the planned surf parks are about the size of some of the Crystal Lagoon water features also slated for North Texas with 5-to-7 acres of open water. It wasn’t stated if Crystal Lagoon would be a part of the new development should everything move ahead as desired.

WavePoolMag reached out to Aaron Trevis of Surf Lakes who confirmed that a Surf Lakes licensee was reviewing options in the area.

several riders at surf lakes
Surf Lakes’ lesser known fun setting is a main draw for most surfers

Surf Lakes tech stunned the world with the unveiling of its Yeppoon test facility in 2018. A giant plunger located in the center of the pool pushes out waves in a 360-degree radius. As the waves fan out they break across customized reefs producing up to 2000 rideable waves per hour.

Surf Lakes recently launched their reduced-sized footprint Standard model with a view to targeting the beginner to intermediate surfing market. The new Surf Lakes model requires only two hectares (five acres) of land for construction. Therefore the design has the potential to be built in areas closer to higher population densities where larger landholdings may be limited. The Surf Lakes prototype in Yeppoon which was known as the “5 Waves” design is now known as the Surf Lakes XL model.

Surf Lakes said in an interview last October that they have projects in the UK, Australia, and Southern California currently in the works.

“And then we’ve got the Surf Lakes SoCal, and that’s in the Orange County area with Drew and Eddie,” said Wayne Dart. “They’ve been settling on a particular location. That will be big. It will be an incredible project. We can’t give the exact timeframe for waves, but they are super determined and capable, and well-connected. That one is going to be a real showpiece I believe. There are others across the US as well, and there’s a couple of other territory agreements and there’s another license which we will share more about when we can.”
