World’s first wave pool boardriders club fires up

Under bright lights, Urbnsurf Melbourne hosted their inaugural Boardriders club competition, the Winter Classic on Friday night, Jul 2nd, 2021.
The event was the first boardriders club competition held in a surf park in Australia (possibly the world) and featured a field of 28 surfers across a range of abilities, with the focus on fun and building culture. A unique format developed by Urbnsurf allowed surfers to rip into 18 waves over the 2- hour competition with three allocated waves scored and the best two counting.
Luke Martin took out the event, utilizing a fast and powerful backhand to score 16.25 out of a possible 20 points.
Formally recognized by Surfing Victoria, the Urbnsurf Boardriders Club was established in 2020 and plans to run competitions for all crafts (shortboard, longboard and bodyboard) and age divisions (groms, juniors, opens and masters). Organizers said inclusiveness and diversity are key pillars of the group.

“It was great to see so many different crew in the water enjoying a competition,” said Damon Tudor CEO of Urbnsurf. “For many, it was their first time in a jersey – enjoying a few waves with friends and then a post-heat BBQ and beer.”
Tudor said it’s possible to run multiple divisions using the same format or also run team-against-team events.
“The format was designed to allow competitors to surf a heap of waves within a competition,” added Tudor CEO of Urbnsurf. “It’s really unique and allows us to run a 36-person competition in two hours. Imagine the traditional rivals – QBC vs North Steyne or Torquay vs Phillip Island in the pool with a post-surf event at Three Blue Ducks.”
The event will hold a regular place on the surfing calendar with the next Urbnsurf Melbourne Boardriders Club scheduled for November.

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