
Occy gives wonderfully, uh, Occy-esque Surf Lakes assessment

Mark Occhilupo is a Surf Lakes spokesperson. He’s not terribly articulate and his words come out slowly, yes, just like many of the surfers we know. And while his delivery will never be confused with the crushed velvet cadence of Alec Baldwin narrating a Wes Anderson film, it’s Occ’s simplicity, honesty and lack of eloquence that resonates with surfers like us.

Surf Lakes has taken a page out of the Wavegarden playbook and launched a clip complete with heaps of pros ripping and paired it with an Occy spoken testimonial all set to a soundtrack of bright, upbeat rights-free music.

“I’ve been working with Surf Lakes for a few years and, um, Aaron had the, ah, dream and he made it happen and it’s right behind us and it’s incredible. I can’t believe what they’ve done.”

Could we have said it any better? Nope. Not never. You don’t get marketing hyperbole with Occy. Perhaps that’s why his podcast is so popular.

Endless Surf 2023A