Drone footage of Virginia Beach wave pool’s latest milestone

Atlantic Park reached a construction milestone last week with the completion of the wave pool’s lowest point, referred to as the “bottoming out.” This event is a variation of the traditional “topping out” ceremony, which typically celebrates the placement of the final piece of a building’s tallest structural element. The wave pool is a central feature of the Atlantic Park development.
“The wave pool is the heartbeat of Atlantic Park, and we wanted to celebrate getting to the bottom – laying the final pieces of the foundational structure that will soon create an authentic surfing experience,” said John R. Lawson, II, Executive Chairman of W.M. Jordan Company, which hosted a ceremony with the construction team that included signing a commemorative surfboard marking the occasion.
The recent construction milestone at Atlantic Park was significant for the development team, which along with major financial institutions includes Wavegarden, Beach Street, Kimley Horn, and partner Pharrell Williams.
This milestone marks a shift to operational activities for the mixed-use development in Virginia Beach’s ViBe Creative District. Installation of the 46-module Wavegarden Cove is set to begin in October, which will create over 20 different wave profiles for various skill levels.
Drone footage by Hanbury.
“Imagine four-foot Malibu waves for beginners and longboarders, five-and-a-half-foot waves for the seasoned surfer and, of course, six-foot barreling waves for more experienced surfers,” said Blake Hess, COO of surf park operator Beach Street. “The surf lagoon will provide skill-based experiences, rather than thrill-based attractions you would find at a traditional water or theme park. This technology creates exceptional waves specifically for the purpose of surfing – for seasoned surfers and for those with the desire to learn.”
Bookings for the 55-minute sessions will begin around the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, with each surfer having the opportunity to catch 12 to 15 waves per session, beginning in early 2025.
Atlantic Park is targeted for a May 2025 opening.
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