
Exclusive: Wave pool coming to Tropical Queensland

An Endless Surf wave pool is planned for a site 10 kilometers from Port Douglas in northern Queensland Australia. The 100-acre property will be an eco-resort with SUP lagoons, an aqua park, wellness center, conference center as well as surf cabins and a 160-room high-tech hotel. At the center will be an Endless Surf ES400 wave pool measuring 280 meters (925.2ft) by 85 meters and offering 26-second rides.

WavePoolMag received news that the latest wave pool project coming to Australia will be located in the far north of Queensland in an area known as the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. The $300million NorthBreak Port Douglass project is designed to strengthen year-round visitor appeal in the region while maintaining ecological sensitivity. Local firm Hunt Design has created what they are calling an environmentally and economically supportive development. The resort, by David Imgraben and Gary Hunt, plans to break ground 10kms outside Port Douglas.

Port Douglas sits on the Coral Sea in the tropical far north of Australia. Its beach resorts and access to the Great Barrier Reef attract tourists from all over the globe.

According to developers, the 100-acre property will maintain 40% vegetation coverage of the site, with buildings designed in light modern aesthetic which Hunt Design describes as ‘an evolution of the tropical vernacular style’. The accommodation is designed for what they call “the barefoot beach vibe” with shaded timber deck verandahs protecting guests from sun or rain – all designed to make the most of the natural aesthetic of the 3.5-acre Endless Surf wave pool at the heart of the resort.

“Port Douglas has some natural benefits such as the lush tropical setting and winter warmth that the team were able to capitalize on, while at the same time overcoming the inability to surf here or even swim in summer due to box jellyfish” said Andrew Thatcher, VP Business Development at Endless Surf. “It makes it the perfect place to add our world-class surf.”
Surfing of course is a national pastime here with approximately two million Australians enjoying the activity. There are no recognized surf breaks in tropical Australia so the project will provide welcome year-round access to safe reliable surf.

The NorthBreak facility will also have SUP lagoons, an aqua park, bike trail, beach club, restaurant, wellness center, conference center and function rooms as well as surf cabins and a 160-room high tech hotel. Residential units will be private or shared ownership.

“This resort epitomizes the future of sustainable surf parks,” said Paul Chutter President of Endless Surf “a carefully considered development which understands how to enhance both the community and elevate guest experience. It has been a pleasure to support David and the NorthBreak team because we share the same passion to create sensitive surf developments which are a net benefit for everyone.”

NorthBreak says the resort will be 100% self-sustainable by using solar and other green energy sources and fed with captured and cleansed stormwater, and because they are using Endless Surf as their wave pool technology.

wave pool northern queensland
Artist rendering by Hunt Design showing plan for the NorthBreak development. Top page image by Hunt Design.

The big three sustainability questions for wave pools are concrete, water and electricity. Endless Surf states that their design uses approximately one third less concrete than alternative choices. Less water is used due to its compact shape and because the pool doesn’t require regular draining for maintenance. Energy is saved through wave programming software that’s adjustable for the number of customers filling each session and their skill level. On a quiet day engineers can power just a portion of the pool.

“From early on in our investigation of the surf technologies available it became obvious to us that Endless Surf was the standout option for NorthBreak, backed by a team with an impressive track record,” said developer David Imgraben.

The ES4800 has 48 caissons and measures 280 meters (925.2ft) by 85 meters (277.2ft) which, the company says, translates to a 26-second ride.

NorthBreak joins ParkWood on the Gold Coast and Surf N Play in Melbourne as upcoming Endless Surf designs. WavePoolMag has just added the Port Douglas project to our Surf Planner which you can view right here.
