
Reduce your microplastic use for International Surfing Day & always

Sunday, June 20th is International Surfing Day, a day where surfers around the world are encouraged to hit the water and celebrate this thing we love to do. The day is designed to raise awareness about the environmental threats facing the world’s oceans, most recently the problems with micro plastic.

Only 10% of all plastic produced worldwide is currently recycled, the rest ends up in a landfill or worse, the ocean. Today, large amounts of plastic floating in the ocean are threatening both marine life and the global climate.

Research has shown that all synthetic materials contain microfibers. These tiny pieces of plastic can make their way through the food chain and onto our plates. Despite multiple efforts to tackle the problem at its source, there are currently no alternatives to synthetics when it comes to producing high-performance products such as boardshorts and swimwear.

But some surf companies are using recycled plastics in their wares.

“We are very excited to contribute a part to the protection of something we genuinely care about — the ocean,” said Garry Wall, Global General Manager of Quiksilver. “Up-cycling plastic waste into something that is useful for us, even today, is an important step.”

Celebrated worldwide, ISD activations have taken place in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, France, the UK, Argentina, Japan, and coastal communities across the U.S.

Here are 5 things you can do to reduce your microplastic use

  1. Install a filter in your washing machine and try to line d
  2. Buy clothes made from natural materials.
  3. Stop using single-use plastics.
  4. Use public transportation.
  5. Buy plastic-free cosmetics.

More info on ISD from Surfrider Foundation. Main image by Dan Lewis via UnSplash.

Endless Surf 2023A