Number of waves surfed at Urbnsurf this year into the millions…

While the world economy shuts down and health care systems globally strain under the new demands of COVID-19, it’s a fair time to seek out distractions. First priority during this pandemic is health and safety which, depending on where you live, can either be as simple as staying inside or as difficult as locating complicated medical equipment. Let’s hope for the former.
Distractions from the daily horrors of this time are welcome here at WavePoolMag, and a gem just fell into our laps courtesy of Urbnsurf. It’s the kind of stuff lovers of the empirical will swoon over. What is it? All manner of stats on Australia’s first public wave pool since they opened on January 6, 2020.
Via the Urbnsurf newsletter (you can sign up at the bottom of the page here) it was discovered that nearly four million waves were surfed.
“Since opening our turnstiles on January 6th, we’ve welcomed thousands of frothing surfers to catch a few waves with us,” said Urbnsurf via their communique. “Here’s a few interesting stats that we have collected in just the first 12 weeks.”
Total Urbnsurf Guests: 65,000
Total Waves Surfed: 3.6 Million
Total Boards Broken: 50+
Highest Temperature: 42C or 108F
For more on Urbnsurf beyond the current global crisis, check out the Urbnsurf YouTube channel which includes gems like this nightsurf by Jack Freestone and Alana Blanchard.
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