International Surfing Day means hit the pool, watch your plastics

On Saturday, June 16, 2018, the Surfrider Foundation and international affiliates will host events around the globe in celebration of the 14th International Surfing Day. The day is designed to raise awareness about the environmental threats facing the world’s oceans. This year much of the ISD targets plastic in the ocean.
“The Surfrider Foundation network of volunteers both around the nation and worldwide are taking action every day to preserve our ocean and coasts,” said Eddie Anaya, Marketing Director for the Surfrider Foundation.
Brands getting on board for the day include Quiksilver, whose new campaign addresses the issue of micro plastics.
Only 10% of all plastic produced worldwide is currently recycled, the rest ends up in a landfill or worse, the ocean. Today, large amounts of plastic floating in the ocean are threatening both marine life and the global climate.

Quiksilver are using recycled plastic bottles to weave into their new boardshorts. One claim is that they’ve used material from 100 million bottles already.
Celebrated worldwide, ISD activations have taken place in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, France, the UK, Argentina, Japan, and coastal communities across the U.S.
More info on ISD from Surfrider Foundation
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