
Wave Pool inventiveness is alive and well with latest circular concept

We’ve often heard the wave pool space referred to as a big kids’ science fair. And we embrace that aspect of it because it’s through these basement tapes that true innovation comes about. Even without millions of dollars of investment support, wave pool designs are still sprouting up across the globe. It’s a good indication that the spirit of the golden age of Josema Odriozala, Gregg Webber and Tom Lochtefeld tinkering into the wee hours of the night is alive and well.

We recently discovered this inventive spirit alive and well with Vermont inventor Lane Kessler.

Lane recently built a 14ft diameter prototype of an infinite wave generation system. Lane’s system creates circular, infinite waves, allowing for more surfing time per wave without the need for a large footprint. The current design is aimed at being installed in existing bodies of water.

A 1:15 scale prototype of the circular wave generator has been successfully constructed, producing an infinite wave. Lane is still tinkering on the design and expects future improvements to enhance wave shape, quality, and scalability.

Lane Kessler circular wave pool design

Some of the earliest concepts in our short history have pursued the “circular holy grail” of wave pool design. WavePoolMag has covered this subject extensively. But in the past 20 years of circular surf tanks, no one has been able to get past the current issues caused by so much water moving in the same direction.

Lane says he has built in a low velocity, high volume counter-current to maintain wave shape and height.

“As the prototype was a foil-based design, I included six opposing foils around the perimeter,” said Lane. “These are optimized to laterally disperse and shed water in the opposite direction of the traveling wave, while also directing water inward toward the center of the system for mixing.”

Lane said that because there are six foils, they can move quite slowly. By the time the wave has made a full revolution, most turbulence has dissipated, pulling still water in from around the system.

Lane Kessler circular wave pool design
Basement Tapes: Lane and his build somewhere in the US Northeast.

In addition, the inventor added that there is even a slight opposing current.

“I would like to tune it (the opposing current) to improve the wave shape, making it more hollow and efficient,” added Lane. “Part of the problem was how close I built my tank walls to the path of the opposing foils, causing surging/inconsistency shown in the video. The sections where the wave is cleaner correspond to where the tank walls were further away.”

Lane says he’s looking for more space as he continues to tinker on his design.

“In some spots, there was only about two inches of clearance. I was pretty space limited, and it was already a large system!”

Wherever Lane Kessler goes with this desgin, we’re wishing him the best of luck. You can check out his website here or connect with him on LinkedIn.
