
We value your insight so much that we are prepared to give you a chance to win a new Firewire Surfboard for sharing your thoughts

You’ve got locked and hidden away inside that surf-stoked brain of yours insights that the wave pool and surf tourism industry value. Yes, you are special. How special? Well for starters, there’s an entire industry being built as we speak that has no road map. It’s uncharted territory. And while there’s an elite crew at the helm planning our growth, they don’t know everything. You can help. Give us your thoughts, and ideas and share that knowledge. Just for doing so, you will automatically be entered to win a free Firewire Surfboard of your choosing. Read on!

Please Take the 2022 Surf Park Consumer Trends & Sustainability Attitudes Survey

The Center for Surf Research at San Diego State University and Surf Park Central are pairing up to explore our surf travel habits. How do we think about and use surf parks, and do we even give a damn about sustainability in surfing? The results of the survey will be used to inform surf park design, operations, marketing, feasibility studies, and the prioritization of sustainability in current and future projects. Have your say about the way the industry develops.

These surveys have an impact

For example, a previous iteration of this survey that focused on regular surf travel was used to establish a pre-Covid value of global surf tourism. The results, published last year, punted surf travel squarely into the lap of ‘blue economists’ for the first time. These are folks who are concerned, at the global level, with the value to humans that sustainable use of our oceans can produce. They have long discussed snorkeling and dive tourism as drivers of the blue economy (to the tune of US$19 billion a year) that deserve to have their special places preserved.

Meanwhile, surf travel has been totally ignored and left out of these high-level conversations. Ironically it actually turns out that surf travel is worth much more than snorkeling and diving to the blue economy, between $31 – $65 billion depending on how many surfers you assume there are in the world (in this case the low and high assumptions were 17 – 35 million).

As a result of people like you taking the survey, these findings are being presented to the United Nations Oceans Conference this year in a special blue economy session on the potential for surf travel to help support a global network of surfing protected areas.

Click this link to take the survey and a chance to win a Firewire Surfboard of your choosing.
