
Waco night surf belies tragic occurrences

The world is full of sorrows. But we can choose to live in joy. Waco night surfs help

Sometimes real life gets in the way of smooth surf edit. The creatives at What Youth put together an A-List team of punters for a Waco film. Having scripted and filmed B-Roll, the crew had stopped shift gears after more tragic U.S. shootings and the Naegleria fowleri caused death of Fabrizio Stabile.

“We had a clever story idea tee’d up that played off a creepy old horror movie, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” What Youth says on their website.

“As we started getting closer to the video drop some really bad things happened, especially the unfortunate death of Fabrizio Stabile.A few more senseless gun-related tragedies here in the U.S. and our little attempt at humor suddenly wasn’t very funny.”

We are very aware that sad doesn’t sell. But sad happens. It’s part of the contract for threading this mortal coil. But in the words of Joseph Campbell “Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.”

What better way to live in joy than go surfing?

The What Youth crew turned it around and the resulting 11-minute edit including a Waco night surf featuring Eric Geiselman, Evan Geiselman, Ozzie Wright, Chippa Wilson, Mitch Coleborn and Finn McGill.

“Tom got some insane night shots to go along with the vid footage,” the description continues. “No humor, just some great surfing.”





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