Chris Hemsworth is a wave pool connoisseur for the people

So just wondering if we care that Thor is surfing the world’s wave pools? Well, clickbait aside, we do care. Because if one of the most recognisable actors in film has a surf park jones, then somehow that makes it OK for the rest of us. Granted, most of us don’t have the means to jet off to Brazil, Melbourne, Yeppoon, Switzerland and Abu Dhabi just for a surf. But Chris does. And we respect him for that. If we were Chris Hemsworth, we’d be hunting down the world’s best wave pools too.
In this over-stretched analogy, he’s the everyperson wave pooler. Or proletariate pooler, if you will.
Chris recently told his nearly 60 million followers how ‘lucky’ he felt spending a few days at Boa Vista in Brazil. Thor then thanked Italo Ferreira before posting about a new film in which he looks like a sinewy Barton Lynch cast in the latest of the Mad Max franchises.
But that’s besides the point. The real deal here is Chris’ wave pool count. So we took a look to see which wave pools Chris Hemsworth has surfed. In short order they are: URBNSURF Melbourne, Surf Lakes Yeppoon, Kelly Slater Wave Pool Lemoore, Kelly Slater Wave Pool Abu Dhabi and Boa Vista Brazil.
So it’s safe to say that Chris Hemsworth is a wave pool nerd. Here why:
Chris goes to the Surf Abu Dhabi wave pool
Surf Abu Dhabi is the first Kelly Slater Wave Co system beyond Lemoore and is part of a massive 51 million square meter project on Abu Dhabi Island. The country is building this massive development that will create 16 kilometers of new coastline and several new neighborhoods and attractions. Despite the enormity of the wave and the surrounding development, Chris was grounded and focused on the trip as a family vacation.
“Watching my kids progress through the day until they were backhand tube riding better than the adults was all time 🤙thanks @kellyslater @surfabudhabi @mitchcrews for a super fun session.”
Boa Vista welcomes the Marvel star
Brazil is happening. This Sao Paulo development follows a trend in anchoring new projects around wave pools. Did Chris buy a property? Or did he stay at the Surf Lodge, a multi-story, swank hotel that sits in front of the surf. This pool is the current media darling with it’s huge PerfectSwell technology from American Wave Machines. It looks to be twice the size of the facility in Waco with 20-25 second rides.
Alaia Bay wave pool happy to host Chris
Newswires went nuts after a simple Instagram post showing Chris’ session at Alaia Bay in Switzerland this summer. Chris tears the bag out of a few right-handers and somehow got a water photographer (no easy feat at Alaia) to shoot some clips for him.
“Got to surf the wave pool in Switzerland with the family last week. Such an amazing trip. To be able to surf in a pool with snow cap mountains as the back drop was pretty awesome!”
Surf Lakes makes room for Thor
To us at WavePoolMag this has been the most interesting Surf Lakes session. Like, ever. Influencer Elke Mai blogged about it, Occy donned a costume to commemorate it while Instagram accounts from Rockport to Yeppoon flooded their feeds with blurry “Thor sightings.” Elke was so moved by the experience she even hashed out some fantasy Thor/Surf Lakes art (which is the hero image for this piece.)
URBNSURF could be Chris Hemsworth’s local wave pool
In 2019 the actor returned to his hometown of Melbourne and sessioned the right side of the URBNSURF wave tank for an entire day. URBNSURF’s Facebook page posted several stellar Stu Gibson shots with the following caption:
“Awesome to have Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth and their family and friends join us for a mammoth 10h surf session last week! Everyone was ripping, including the kids who were having a blast in The Bays while barrels and big turns were happening out the back. Thanks for coming guys, and stoked to have you back at URBNSURF soon!”

Kelly Slater’s pool
The two are friends and the Daily Mail has gone to great lengths to document the duo shirtless. And after combing through TMZ sleaze for this piece it does in fact appear that Chris will take off his shirt for just about any occasion. The simple math is, Kelly owns the best wave (currently) on the planet. At some point, their uber-busy schedules must’ve allowed for a shared wave while all on hand signed a stack of NDAs.
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