
Endless Surf offers more insight into system with latest video

Endless Surf launches its latest corporate video detailing the ins and outs of its technology. For a world eagerly seeking more information on their brand of wave pool, this latest clip provides a deep dive into metrics and advantages while telling the product story through interviews with the people bringing this innovative system to light.

“With over 40 years of research and innovation in the business of moving water, we’ve set out to shape the future of surf parks,” said Paul Chutter President of Endless Surf. “That means overcoming the challenges of current systems with solutions that improve the experience for surfers, developers, and operators alike.”

The video addresses how their pneumatic system is extremely customizable to the crowd in the water at any given time. Endless Surf says this parlays into less energy output in a surf session tailor-made for the crowd on hand.

“We have more control than anybody else when it comes to wave generation,” said chief engineer Clement Ginestet. “The Swell Studio operation modules will create the best surfing scenarios so you can optimize the customer experience. We’ll be able to create waves that no one else has seen in a pool. You’re also going to be able to tailor each wave for each level.”

Endless Surf system takeaways:

•   Controllable wave heights up to 2m/6.5ft

•   Capable of delivering 400-700 rideable waves per hour

•   Long rides, up to 32 seconds in the Single Peak operating mode

•   Flexible wave interval management means waves can be generated every 8 -16 seconds

•   Advanced, intermediate, and beginner surfing zones ensure quality sessions for any skill level

ENDLESS SURF – Shaping the Future of Surf Parks from Endless Surf on Vimeo.

Endless Surf makes waves when air is pushed through caissons (chambers) in sequence to produce a variety of wave shapes and sizes. The number of caissons at the deep end of their heart-shaped pool correlates with the wave system’s size. An Endless Surf 1800 has 18 pneumatic chambers and an Endless Surf 4800 has 48 caissons and measures 282m (925.2ft) x 84.5m (277.2ft). The system can go even larger and offer 32-second rides on the single peak setting which travels the length of the pool. Wave heights will run at 2-3 ft on average but can go up to 7 feet as both lefts and rights. The system has the capability to produce 400-700 waves per hour.

As pneumatics become the daily driver for many wave pool systems, the thing that sets the Endless Surf system apart is the wide variety of surf they can offer within the same session via their Swell Studio software. The synching and firing of pneumatics is controlled by the new patented software that can be customized for each individual surfer sharing the same block of surf time. Riders either wear an RFID wristband or place it on their board to activate the computer with their pre-loaded wave choices. Experts get expert waves, intermediates get intermediate waves. Once deployed, this system will save surf parks from booking solely “expert” or “intermediate” sessions.

Behind Endless Surf is Canada’s Whitewater, a giant in the waterpark business that has a deep understanding of pool construction and master planning processes. Currently, there are plans for Endless Surf pools in Melbourne, the Gold Coast, Liverpool, Munich, Vietnam, Dominican Republic and several locations throughout the USA.
