Your guide to intermediate wave settings at Urbnsurf

We’ve yet to find a more captivating video formula than great surfers in great waves. And wavemakers follow this recipe to a T. Urbnsurf isn’t always turned up to 11 letting pros loose in reeling Beast Mode. But that’s the reality of digital surf media and marketing. We want blood. We want a show. But what about those of us who would most likely to get launched onto the concrete by a wave setting such as Beast Mode?
The reality is that most of us are “average” surfers graced with more stoke and than ability. We don’t train for CT events or hit airports with an entourage on our way to Rio. We just surf. For this giant chunk of the surfing population, we found heaps of information on surfing Urbnsurf when the Wavegarden Cove machine is not set on “pain-inflicting mode.” Let’s explore this setting for normal surfers…
No Frills and No Fancy Pros, Just Real Surfers: Check this clip from an average intermediate session at Urbnsurf shot by OnYaBike to get a good read of what the surf park is like during an average session.
Shine Bright Like a Diamond
The Point section of the Wavegarden Cove is the pointy part of the diamond-shaped wave pool. Both advanced and intermediate sessions go down here. One side has the left and the other, the right. Both are separated by that cylindrical-igloo-looking wave generator running down the center of the diamond. In Urbnsurf’s case, the machine is named Roary, after the Roaring Forties ocean latitudes.
Urbnsurf has many wave settings for both the advanced and intermediate sessions. Their Malibu-style and Giros waves feature prominently in the intermediate surf sessions. The sessions run for 1 hour in duration.
“Offering playful rights and lefts, intermediate surf sessions at The Point are ideal for confident learners, intermediates with advanced surf sessions in their sights, and for families,” advises Urbnsurf. “Intermediate sessions are best for altcraft like bodyboards, longboards, fish, softboards and finless.”
“Our Giros (or “turns”) waves, that mimic the idyllic pointbreaks of Noosa, Rainbow Bay and Byron Bay, are universally loved. They provide long, powerful walls perfect for carving turns, cutbacks and more. And offer ride lengths of between 12-16 seconds per wave.”
Each surfer can expect 10-12 waves per session when Urbnsurf is fully booked, but should they hit it on an off-day, they will most likely get more waves. Aqua Memberships allow 25 intermediate surf sessions per year and run $117 per month.
“If you’re surfing in one of our intermediate or advanced surf sessions, you’ll have to choose to surf on your forehand or backhand – you can’t swap sides mid-session,” says Urbnsurf. “To keep wave counts high, and to fairly manage the lineup, we think this is the best way to play it.”
Hourly Rates:
Advanced Sessions at Urbnsurf $79
Intermediate Sessions at Urbnsurf $59-$79
Beginner Sessions at Urbnsurf $25-$30
Beginner Lesson $59-$79
Spectator passes $5
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