
Planned Endless Surf wave pool in houston

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Houston project debuts new technology images


Beach Street Development recently went public with new images of the upcoming HTX Surf wave pool. The HTX Surf project will now feature an Endless Surf wave system instead of a Wavegarden Cove. Beach Street is still using Wavegarden Coves at two other developments, DSRT Surf in California and Atlantic Park in Virginia Beach. The company's website said that HTX

Beach Street Development recently went public with new images of the upcoming HTX Surf wave pool. The HTX Surf project ...Continue ›

sunset surf in melbourne

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The wave pool world gets its own bespoke ticketing system


The custom booking system at The Wave Bristol has evolved to such a point that the company is now marketing the platform to surf parks around the world. Surf parks rarely follow a one-size-fits-all program. When The Wave Bristol opened in 2019, instead of using generic ticketing platforms that didn’t align with the emerging market of wave pools, they decided

The custom booking system at The Wave Bristol has evolved to such a point that the company is now marketing ...Continue ›

Basic information about surf leashes

 |  News, User Guide

Basics: Beginner’s guide to understanding surf leashes

News, User Guide

Surf leashes are essential accessories that help prevent the loss of the surfboard. They are designed to be highly durable and easily attach to the surfer’s leg. Many surf leashes feature lightweight, non-slip cuffs and quick release tabs for safety. There are different types of surf leashes designed for each different type of surfing, from competition-level surfing to big wave

Surf leashes are essential accessories that help prevent the loss of the surfboard. They are designed to be highly durable ...Continue ›

URBNSURF Manager Shaun Hutchinson podcast

 |  Podcasts

Podcast: How to manage a wave pool with Shaun Hutchinson


Shaun Hutchinson is Group Operations Manager at Urbnsurf. Most of the day he’s tucked back in the office redlining in the tasks department, but we coaxed him out long enough to do a podcast. During our half hour conversation we learned just how complex and layered managing a surf park is.

Shaun Hutchinson is Group Operations Manager at Urbnsurf. Most of the day he’s tucked back in the office redlining in ...Continue ›

Andy King of Flowstate

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Andy King eyes AI coaching development and shares how wave pools will make world champions


Andy King has a wonderfully intimate presence when he speaks to you. It’s like that moment when a friend leans in close to tell you something very important. He seems to do this 24/7. Everything Andy says is delivered with a sincere, genuine poise rarely found in today's conversations. I tried to figure out if it was due to conversation

Andy King has a wonderfully intimate presence when he speaks to you. It’s like that moment when a friend leans ...Continue ›

Kelly Wave Pool Board

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Lost and Found at the Kelly Slater Surf Ranch


Kelly Slater reconnected with his magic pool board recently. At a special party held at Surf Ranch longtime associate Chris Malloy appeared with a board of Kelly’s that Chris had been hanging onto for 35 years. In what Kelly dubbed a “full-circle moment” he shared the board with friends and Instagram fans. “When I was 16 I needed a last

Kelly Slater reconnected with his magic pool board recently. At a special party held at Surf Ranch longtime associate Chris ...Continue ›

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Wavegarden launches AI video capture system


Wavegarden announced their latest development, CheckMySurf, which provides surf park operators and customers with a video capture, replay, editing and distribution service. The fully automated system leverages AI technologies, including face recognition, to deliver an extensive array of innovative features to the surf park industry. Crafted in-house to capture every ride within the Reef and Bay areas of Wavegarden's surfing

Wavegarden announced their latest development, CheckMySurf, which provides surf park operators and customers with a video capture, replay, editing and ...Continue ›

Lost Shore surf resort

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First look at construction on Europe’s largest wave pool


New pictures give a first look at the world’s first inland surfing resort in Edinburgh. Lost Shore Surf Resort will feature luxury lodges, premium accommodation pods, restaurants, spa and shopping, it is set within a 60 acre country park and will open in September. Images released to the public for the very first time (including drone footage) show the resort

New pictures give a first look at the world’s first inland surfing resort in Edinburgh. Lost Shore Surf Resort will ...Continue ›

bristol bodyboarders club

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How a wave pool became the social glue for a group of bodyboarders


The unsung virtue of wave pools is that they create communities. In countries with a board riding club culture like Australia, it’s a natural transition from salted to machine waves. In unlikely places like Hawaii where waves are plentiful, Wai Kai has become a central gathering point for the Island’s surfers. And Bristol? Well Bristol is unique. The surf park

The unsung virtue of wave pools is that they create communities. In countries with a board riding club culture like ...Continue ›

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10th Surf Park Summit reflects the growth of the industry


WavePoolMag was a sponsor again this year at Surf Park Summit - the annual event that promotes and connects the wave pool industry. The 2023 gathering reflected rapid growth within the space. This year the crowd was bigger, the vendors more niche (did someone say automated storage lockers!?) and the mood positively buoyant. On top of that, the exchange of

WavePoolMag was a sponsor again this year at Surf Park Summit - the annual event that promotes and connects the ...Continue ›

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Too Easy: Flowstate AI video capture system launches bespoke highlight reels


Flowstate, the company behind an innovative video capture system for surf parks, has launched new AI-automated highlights abilities along with many other customer and surf park user-freindly features. The Flowstate Zone system works by recording a customer's rides during their wave pool session and within minutes of finishing, compiles them into a downloadable folder - effectively removing the hassles of

Flowstate, the company behind an innovative video capture system for surf parks, has launched new AI-automated highlights abilities along with ...Continue ›

kneeboarding at urbnsurf melbourne

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Wave pool push rekindles stoke for kneeboarding duo in Melbourne


Much of surfing's past, from inflatable mats to hand-planes to single-fins is being restyled and embraced by the neo-hipster crowd, but kneeboarding remains the odd wave-riding form out. We haven't seen the resurgence quite like we have for, say, Mid-Lengths. Which is a shame because kneeboarding fits well in the wave pool space. George Greenough popularized kneeriding in the mid-to-late

Much of surfing's past, from inflatable mats to hand-planes to single-fins is being restyled and embraced by the neo-hipster crowd, ...Continue ›

 |  News, Television

The bizarre attraction of watching 7 minutes of repeated air attempts

News, Television

Watch Leo Fioravanti practice airs at Alaia Bay for "7 Straight Minutes of Unadulterated Pro Surf Training." 'Yawn' you say to this title? No interest? Leo posted the clip with the more exciting verbage of “My First Backflip On A Perfect Artificial Air Wave” because, well, it’s the internet and big, bold titles scratch the algorithm. Either title you chose

Watch Leo Fioravanti practice airs at Alaia Bay for "7 Straight Minutes of Unadulterated Pro Surf Training." 'Yawn' you say ...Continue ›

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How one person created access to the world’s most exclusive wave pool


Simple word of mouth and chit chat around the world’s most famous golf course has led to a cottage industry that provides access to the Kelly Slater Surf Ranch Pebble Beach golf course is widely acknowledged to be the one of, if not the premier public golf destination in the world. To play it you have to book a room

Simple word of mouth and chit chat around the world’s most famous golf course has led to a cottage industry ...Continue ›

surfboard reviewer Noel Salas

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Gear testing savant, coach and YouTube fixture ditches coastal zip code for Texas wave pool


Why would someone in the business of reviewing surfboards relocate from Southern California to the suburbs of Dallas, Texas? It seems to defy logic. However, that’s exactly what Noel Salas did. In February of this year he packed up his home in Orange County and moved his family to Rockwall, Texas. Salas and his brother, Aaron, have been running the

Why would someone in the business of reviewing surfboards relocate from Southern California to the suburbs of Dallas, Texas? It ...Continue ›

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Employee of the Month: Paul Francisco of SkudinSurf American Dream


New Jersey stand out Paul Francisco has found a way to keep wet during the East Coast's notorious flat spells. It's simple, he clocks in at one of America's largest shopping malls where he helps run the show at SkudinSurf. Along with Alyssa Malliae, Greg Kaasmann and a host of others, Paul keeps the wave pool's presence felt on social

New Jersey stand out Paul Francisco has found a way to keep wet during the East Coast's notorious flat spells. ...Continue ›

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Wave pool on former mining site gets pushback in England


Quinn Estates, the engine behind the Seahive wave pool project is returning after a setback in July. The company was denied planning permission with the then current design, but since have kept The Seahive hopes alive with a modification of the proposal. The BBC reported the surf park made a few adjustments to meet the demands of neighbours who fear

Quinn Estates, the engine behind the Seahive wave pool project is returning after a setback in July. The company was ...Continue ›

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Why wind mapping is key for your surf park project


Not every project has considered the wind’s effect on their tank’s surf conditions. But now a group of aerospace engineers want to help wave pools correctly plan for wind conditions. Here's how: After seeing an article online about how wind affects the waves at Kelly Slater’s pool in California, Luca Oggiano became inspired. There was more that could be done.

Not every project has considered the wind’s effect on their tank’s surf conditions. But now a group of aerospace engineers ...Continue ›


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I guess you can call it “research” – Atlanta wave pool project does homework with surf trip to Waco


The crew at Surf ATL took a trip to Waco Surf to find out more about surf park planning, operation and pneumatic wave technology. And in the process they got to surf (duh!) This clip by Reel Impact Studios and Joe Media Co documents their journey, discovery and take-aways from a few days spent in Texas. WavePoolMag has been documenting

The crew at Surf ATL took a trip to Waco Surf to find out more about surf park planning, operation ...Continue ›

Kanoa and Mel Palmiano

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Sponsored by a Wave Pool – Meet Wave Park Korea locals Kanoa & Mel Palmiano


Siheung-Si sits southwest of Seoul on the Yellow Sea. It was once a factory town. Then it was razed. Then the Daewoo Co built a wave pool and surrounded it with amenities to create a new Resortlandia of sorts. Presto. New surf spot. And while the goal was to lure weekenders from Seoul, the Wave Park inadvertently became a training

Siheung-Si sits southwest of Seoul on the Yellow Sea. It was once a factory town. Then it was razed. Then ...Continue ›

urbnsurf sydney plans

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Dream Job? Sydney surf park has 150 roles to fill


Australia’s first wave park is around the corner from opening the gates to surfers and is calling for Sydney siders to apply to work at Australia's newest wave pool. URBNSURF announced that Sydney’s first ever wave park is set to open Southern Hemisphere Autumn 2024, and is now on the hunt for talent to come and work onsite in Sydney’s

Australia’s first wave park is around the corner from opening the gates to surfers and is calling for Sydney siders ...Continue ›

surf stadium japan

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Wavepooler Files: Toshihiko Adachi, creator of Surf Stadium Japan


Shizunami is a thriving surf town southeast of Tokyo and is also one of the world’s first surf parks to sit just a stone’s throw from the Pacific ocean. To create this 2.4 acre bastion of stoke, one man had to conceive, fund, dig and ultimately implement his vision. During WavePoolMag’s visit to Surf Stadium Japan we were able to

Shizunami is a thriving surf town southeast of Tokyo and is also one of the world’s first surf parks to ...Continue ›

Flowstate Zone podcast

 |  Podcasts

Find out how Flowstate uses AI to enhance the surf park user experience


How does one go about training a machine to recognise each and every individual surfer? Flowstate have created an AI powered capture system that records each guest’s surf experience. And the amazing thing is that it works without RFID wristbands or board stickers. In this podcast we dig in and learn how Chris, Mike and the crew at Flowstate have

How does one go about training a machine to recognise each and every individual surfer? Flowstate have created an AI ...Continue ›

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EuroVision: New parks coming next year to the Old Country


We decided to do our own take on Eurovision, that annual over-the-top song contest that unites European nations in a bright, shiny moment of camp and pop. Old Country moral could use a little boost at the moment, so we found six reasons to smile... After the closure of Surf Snowdonia, there are only three remaining surf parks in Europe

We decided to do our own take on Eurovision, that annual over-the-top song contest that unites European nations in a ...Continue ›

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Unique wave pool therapy group launches film and crowdfunding effort


Early last summer we profiled a unique UK program. For years the Wave Project in Bristol, England has been specifically utilizing the Wave surf park to enhance the mental and physical health of young people in need. The Wave Project works as a surf therapy intervention that takes young people aged 8 to 21 who might be struggling with mental

Early last summer we profiled a unique UK program. For years the Wave Project in Bristol, England has been specifically ...Continue ›
