
sao paulo surf club

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Sao Paulo 3, Rio 0. Wave pool race heats up in Brazil


São Paulo is on its way to becoming the wave pool capital of Brazil, and South America for that matter. The city is the southern hemisphere’s most populous metropolis with 12 million inhabitants, and now all will be within driving distance of three wave tanks. The KSM group opened Praia da Grama last year to rave reviews. Now JHSF, a

São Paulo is on its way to becoming the wave pool capital of Brazil, and South America for that matter. ...Continue ›

coral mountain wave pool gets smaller

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Coral Mountain scales back to appease neighbors


Big changes to the design at Coral Mountain were announced this week as developers try to appease neighbors in the adjacent golf resorts. The private resort and residential community plans to include 150 hotel rooms, 600 vacation rentals and additional exclusive residences and recreational facilities. Coral Mountain is intended to be built on 400 acres of undeveloped land that was

Big changes to the design at Coral Mountain were announced this week as developers try to appease neighbors in the ...Continue ›

wave pool wave entry is key to surfing well

 |  Latest

Tips and Tricks: Surf Park wave entry is key to surfing well. Here’s how to do it


Urbnsurf Melbourne is the only surf environment in Australia with a controlled, consistent take-off location. With this, a surfer can guarantee where and when each wave will break… and that no one will be on your inside. By understanding the where and when of each wave, a surfer can take complete ownership of their wave entry, thus enabling them to

Urbnsurf Melbourne is the only surf environment in Australia with a controlled, consistent take-off location. With this, a surfer can ...Continue ›

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Wave Pools & Evaporation: There’s more to the water loss equation than looking up at the sun


At one point Coral Mountain announced they would reduce the size of their proposed wave tank from 18.6 acres to 12 acres. Why? The development has been facing opposition from adjacent golf resort communities who cite a variety of life-compromising issues like increased traffic, but mainly water use. Water and wave pools are a hot-button topic in places like California.

At one point Coral Mountain announced they would reduce the size of their proposed wave tank from 18.6 acres to ...Continue ›

Surfers in the water at The Wave credit Global Shots

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New coaching program at The Wave targets skilled surfers


Wave pools have long been tapped as the perfect venue to improve one's surf skills. But most programs out there focus on the beginning/intermediate surfer. At the other end of the spectrum are the elite training sessions geared for the professional level. But what about those surfers somewhere in between, you know advanced but not quite QS warrior ready? The

Wave pools have long been tapped as the perfect venue to improve one's surf skills. But most programs out there ...Continue ›

oceankamp wave pool in oceanside

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Oceanside city council green lights surf lagoon (finally)


Editor's Note:The land around Ocean Kamp is undergoing construction as we speak. We get a handful of reports from neighbors and surfers in the area. Most often the report is something like: "lots of dirt moving equipment, but no wave pool yet." We get hit up regularly with requests, "any updates on the O-Side pool?" Well now, after a year

Editor's Note:The land around Ocean Kamp is undergoing construction as we speak. We get a handful of reports from neighbors ...Continue ›

Surftown MUC construction

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Bavarian surfing and how Surftown MUC will change everything


I spent several days in Munich surrounding the groundbreaking of the new Endless Surf powered facility dubbed Surftown MUC. What I saw around town was truly eye-opening: bikes kitted out with board racks, wetsuits hanging from balconies, the odd surf shop and surfers cycling (traffic is gnarly here) to the Eisbach River wave. One afternoon sitting at a Biergarten I

I spent several days in Munich surrounding the groundbreaking of the new Endless Surf powered facility dubbed Surftown MUC. What ...Continue ›

Dreamwave rapid surf pool

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No energy required: Meet the rapid wave pool without a motor


One could consider Germany the birthplace of river surfing at natural spots like Floßlände and Eisbach in Munich. From Bavaria it spread into the rivers of Austria and Switzerland and across the pond to the US. Today there are commercial artificial rapid pools popping up everywhere in the world which is great. However, there’s obviously the issue with sustainability through

One could consider Germany the birthplace of river surfing at natural spots like Floßlände and Eisbach in Munich. From Bavaria ...Continue ›

bryan dickerson at The Wave Bristol

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Industry Updates: WavePoolMag partners with Surf Park Summit


WavePoolMag announced a partnership with Surf Park Central this week. The two most prominent names in all things surf parks and wave pools are teaming up to better deliver news and information in this rapidly expanding space. Both teams have decades of surf industry experience accumulated before the time when wave pools were a thing. As the wave basin landscape

WavePoolMag announced a partnership with Surf Park Central this week. The two most prominent names in all things surf parks ...Continue ›

wavegarden scotland to open 2024

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Wavegarden Scotland breaks ground, eyes 2024 opening


Major construction work at Scotland’s newest leisure and staycation facility, Wavegarden Scotland, got underway today in Ratho, near Edinburgh. The £55m landmark development will include the country’s first inland surfing destination.The Wavegarden Scotland development is expected to open to the public in Summer 2024 - boosting long-term socio-economic, recreational and tourism benefits including creating up to 130 jobs once open, generating

Major construction work at Scotland’s newest leisure and staycation facility, Wavegarden Scotland, got underway today in Ratho, near Edinburgh. The £55m ...Continue ›

typhoon lagoon by barr+wray

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Chlorine Dream: The oft-overlooked wave pools including one that charges just $8 per hour


Here are the Top 10 wave pools you don't think of when you plan a surf session... What do you do if you’re on a layover in Orlando or Edmonton? You can go surfing. True, it won’t be the perfection of The Surf Ranch. But surfing, strange beast that it is, seems to be fun no matter what. After Stab’s

Here are the Top 10 wave pools you don't think of when you plan a surf session... What do you ...Continue ›

deaf surfer and teacher in switzerland

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Pool program brings wave-riding to the deaf in Switzerland


One of the coolest things about wave pools is that driven, ocean-less individuals can go from zero to hero in just a few years. All it takes is heaps of drive, ambition and close proximity to one of the world’s surf parks. Simon Plachtzik started surfing five years ago during a holiday in Portugal and waved goodbye to his previous

One of the coolest things about wave pools is that driven, ocean-less individuals can go from zero to hero in ...Continue ›

Rapid surf league munich main

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Janina Zeitler and Lennard Weinhold claim Rapid Surf League Puresurfcamps Munich Pro titles


 With rapid pools being built all over the world, the sporting side of things is getting more and more interesting and professional. Since its inception in 2018, the Rapid Surf League, the first professional surf league on rapids has now successfully organized 7 RSL Pro events, a Pro / Am event and various smaller grassroots events at locations across Europe.

 With rapid pools being built all over the world, the sporting side of things is getting more and more interesting ...Continue ›

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How big can surf get in a wave pool?


Does size matter? When it comes to wave pools, it really isn’t the size that counts; it’s definitely what you do with it. Once you start to ramp up wave size, all sorts of factors come into play: currents, dissipation, public safety, power consumption and pool integrity, to name but a few. Let’s face it, the majority of surfers are

Does size matter? When it comes to wave pools, it really isn’t the size that counts; it’s definitely what you ...Continue ›

English Adaptive Surfing Open

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Surfing moves closer to Paralympic inclusion with event at The Wave, Bristol


The 2022 English Adaptive Surfing Open ran on July 7 at The Wave in Bristol. It's a popular draw combining positive vibes in a party atmosphere while adhering to strict ISA Para Surfing classifications. Surfing England says they are pushing to get the sport included in the Paralympics via both regulations and simply by sharing their stoke of these high-energy

The 2022 English Adaptive Surfing Open ran on July 7 at The Wave in Bristol. It's a popular draw combining ...Continue ›

Surf Lakes Australia Wave Pool Yepoon

 |  User Guide

12 waves per surfer per hour at Surf Lakes?

User Guide

Surf Lakes is a big wave pool. It's also really big right now in Australia (a big, big country.) Much of its popularity is due to its Queensland location. However, it's still a 9-hour drive from iconic breaks like the Superbank. Why? Because, you guessed it, OZ is B.I.G. As part of the company's more aggressive rollout and announcement of

Surf Lakes is a big wave pool. It's also really big right now in Australia (a big, big country.) Much ...Continue ›

surf coach luca loubet

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Employee of the Month: Luca Loubet of Alaïa Bay


Luca Loubet studied water sports management at the University of Montpellier. The fickle swell patterns and six-month-long flat spells of the Mediterranean stoked his interest in wave pools. Luca wrote his final thesis on Wavegarden, eying an exit to a career as a surf coach. A combination of drive and luck landed him a job at Adventure Parc Snowdonia as

Luca Loubet studied water sports management at the University of Montpellier. The fickle swell patterns and six-month-long flat spells of ...Continue ›

wave pool architecture dreams

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How to design and plan for “elevated human experiences” around a wave pool


Surf parks must be designed to appeal to diverse groups of surfers. From core salts to freshly scrubbed newbies, everyone has a different expectation of what the optimal surf day is like. It’s a tough gig. Sometimes designing the optimal elevated human experience for these different groups means a layout that minimizes their contact with each other. Complicated, yes. Architecture

Surf parks must be designed to appeal to diverse groups of surfers. From core salts to freshly scrubbed newbies, everyone ...Continue ›

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How to get into and enjoy the Kelly Slater Surf Ranch


We get so many queries about the Kelly Slater Wave Co. Readers want to know how to get in, how much does it cost and why isn’t the company returning phone calls and emails? The short answer is that Kelly’s is so busy that landing new clients is not a priority – a wonderful problem for any business. But it

We get so many queries about the Kelly Slater Wave Co. Readers want to know how to get in, how ...Continue ›

Surf Lakes wave pool in red light

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Code Red: Surf Lakes in Yeppoon is about to be torn down


The iconic Yeppoon facility will be razed and a new commercial model will be built in its place. CEO Aaron Travis reveals to Neil Armstrong more about the new build, grand-opening plans and which animals are a problem on the site. Slick clips featuring filthy pits, family-friendly peelers, silhouetted kangaroos, and steampunk-esc machinery - frankly, it’s a marketing department’s dream.

The iconic Yeppoon facility will be razed and a new commercial model will be built in its place. CEO Aaron ...Continue ›

how do standing wave pools work?

 |  Wave Technology

The Big List: 10 Rapid Wave Pool Technologies and How They Work

Wave Technology

What is a standing wave? Also known as a stationary wave or rapid wave, in surfing terms it is a wave with moving, surf-able water that contains the characteristics of a river rapid wave. Standing wave pools are human made stationary waves designed to produce a wide variety of rapid waves. How do these waves differ from the surf in

What is a standing wave? Also known as a stationary wave or rapid wave, in surfing terms it is a ...Continue ›

bsr changes name to waco surf in 2022

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Employee of the Month: Amy Hunt of Waco Surf


Everyone who works in the wave pool world at this point in time wears several hats. Partly because the industry is so young that clear-cut job titles are still years off. We've heard of CEOs taking on social media duties, fixing dings and handing out singlets to customers. There's a wonderful we're-all-in-this-together vibe among staff at the world's wave pools.

Everyone who works in the wave pool world at this point in time wears several hats. Partly because the industry ...Continue ›

Nick hounsfield bodysurfing The Wave pool in Bristol

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Can you bodysurf during regular hours at the world’s surf pools?


To slide along a wave, with nothing bar a pair of fins, a bit of clothing, and possibly a handplane, is surfing at its simplest. Or to put it another way, bodysurfing is the oldest and often most overlooked form of wave riding. Mike Stewart, legendary bodyboarder, 16-time Pipeline bodysurf champion, and one of the greatest watermen of all time

To slide along a wave, with nothing bar a pair of fins, a bit of clothing, and possibly a handplane, ...Continue ›

Unit surf pool

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Project outside Berlin to feature largest indoor rapid wave pool


Potsdam, Germany is a beautiful city just outside of Berlin and is known for its remarkable palaces, lakes, and rich historical significance. And soon it will also be known as "that one place with a big ass rapid wave pool." The Havelwelle project announced they will feature an embedded 14 meter (46 feet) wide Unit Surf Pool as their hub.

Potsdam, Germany is a beautiful city just outside of Berlin and is known for its remarkable palaces, lakes, and rich ...Continue ›

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More surf in the UK: The Wave secures funding for future wave parks


The Wave has completed a significant investment deal with Sullivan Street Partners this week. The Bristol surf spot said the partnership will enable the company to push forward with its ambitious roll-out plans. The initial funding platform of c.£27 million will support the expansion phase of the business, enabling the securing of sites and planning, and further debt finances for

The Wave has completed a significant investment deal with Sullivan Street Partners this week. The Bristol surf spot said the ...Continue ›
