
Andrew Ross

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Melbourne: Andrew Ross tells us why surfing will never be the same again


From calculating urea content to Aussie pride, much more goes into wave pool planning than you would think... Andrew Ross is perfectly groomed for making wave pools. A practiced attorney who worked in London as an investment banker, he’s able to hopscotch legalities inherent in artificial wave generation while at the same time drumming up cash to launch something as

From calculating urea content to Aussie pride, much more goes into wave pool planning than you would think... Andrew Ross ...Continue ›

Austin Keen at the Kelly Slater Surf Ranch

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Skimply Irresitible: Wave Pools on a pizza pan

Latest, News, Television

Pools open up wave riding to a variety of craft, including skimboards... Skimboarding in wave pools ljooks damn fun. But there’s something horrible about skimboarding. In our collective digital conscious we only see epic fail clips where the board sticks and the rider faceplants into a variety of sand: soft, wet, packed like clay - it doesn’t matter. Skimboarding to

Pools open up wave riding to a variety of craft, including skimboards... Skimboarding in wave pools ljooks damn fun. But ...Continue ›

WavePoolMag SurfPlanner Map

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New Wave Pools hit Korea, Norway, California… the world


In this monthly Surf Planner installment we cover Korea, California, China, Japan and Norway... We pride ourselves on keeping the WavePoolMag Surf Planner up-to-date. A lot of entries came in this month, with Seoul Korea, Palm Springs and Norway topping a list of nearly 50 projects worldwide. We frequently have wave pool makers from Europe and the States reach out

In this monthly Surf Planner installment we cover Korea, California, China, Japan and Norway... We pride ourselves on keeping the ...Continue ›

Shane Beschen Citywave

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Why is Shane Beschen promoting standing wave technology?

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Shane Beschen’s wave pool concept could bring more waves to more people... Shane Beschen is one of the more successful post-pro career stories out there. His illustrious competitive life peaked in the ‘90s and included several domestic titles (back when the USA had a tour), three perfect 10s in one heat and an infamous unmasking of Kelly Slater’s darker side

Shane Beschen’s wave pool concept could bring more waves to more people... Shane Beschen is one of the more successful ...Continue ›

Wavegarden Korea Project

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Seoul Arch: World’s largest wave pool slated for South Korea


Wavegarden just announced the addition of their Cove technology to a massive 2.1B€ mixed-use development in South Korea. The announcement comes mere hours after URBNSURF Melbourne formally proclaimed they will open by Easter this year. Wavegarden said the South Korea project has already begun and is calling it “the world’s largest man-made surf park.” The highly developed resort will be

Wavegarden just announced the addition of their Cove technology to a massive 2.1B€ mixed-use development in South Korea. The announcement ...Continue ›

URBNSURF Wave Machine

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Melbourne’s wave pool to open in 5, 4, 3, 2…


Turn on the Machine! Australia’s first public wave pool readies URBNSURF Melbourne is counting down the days to flicking the switch on Australia’s first public wave pool for surfing. The company said construction activities are near completion and the first public waves are expected at the Tullamarine airport location around April 21st (Easter). The opening conveniently coincides with the world’s

Turn on the Machine! Australia’s first public wave pool readies URBNSURF Melbourne is counting down the days to flicking the ...Continue ›

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Be Kind Rewind: 10 (semi) rare Surf Snowdonia clips

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That looks fun eh? - 10 clips that show why Surf Snowdonia still sizzles... Remember when surfers collectively salivated at each new Surf Snowdonia video clip? It’s only been a few years since the world’s first surf-specific-human-made-wave facility opened up. And now look. The wave pool clip-o-sphere has hit hyperspace. So much so that we’ve been digitally blinded by wave

That looks fun eh? - 10 clips that show why Surf Snowdonia still sizzles... Remember when surfers collectively salivated at ...Continue ›

 |  News, User Guide

Find the perfect “not-beginner-but-almost-intermediate” surfboard

News, User Guide

No longer a beginner? A mini-mal is a great intermediate surfboard, but an oversized shortboard will be more useful to you in the long run. Here’s why… The beauty of learning to surf in a wave pool is that you will progress at a steady pace. Hit it like you’d hit the gym and you’ll progress rapidly. For the ocean-dependent

No longer a beginner? A mini-mal is a great intermediate surfboard, but an oversized shortboard will be more useful to ...Continue ›

china wave pool

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Chinese wave pool clip teases world with scant details

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The mystery wave pool machine has more bulk than Kelly’s Surf Ranch, but produces smaller waves... Wave pool tech is notoriously secretive in the early stages. Each new pool’s marketing value is lashed to interest in that product. A great way to keep mystery and therefore stoke public interest is to show everyone a clip of your new pool. And

The mystery wave pool machine has more bulk than Kelly’s Surf Ranch, but produces smaller waves... Wave pool tech is ...Continue ›

palm springs wave pool

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Wave pool slated for re-imagined Palm Springs waterpark


Mystery technology to transform pool from the cult classic "The North Shore"... Instagram has become a wire news service for surfing. Hot on the heels of Kalani Robb posting buddy Cheyne Magnusson counting off steps in an empty pool, the surf world salivated at the prospect of a secret new pool. Secret because it wasn’t announced through the usual main

Mystery technology to transform pool from the cult classic "The North Shore"... Instagram has become a wire news service for ...Continue ›


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German stationary wave finds first home in the USA

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Citywave design to be built at existing Washington state waterpark... German company Citywave will see its first project land in the USA as Slidewaters, LLC announced plans this week to build and operate the first American deep-water stationary wave. Designed in the land of Eisbach River surfing (Munich’s most famous wave and home to a professional rapid surfing league), this

Citywave design to be built at existing Washington state waterpark... German company Citywave will see its first project land in ...Continue ›

splash house wave pool in Indiana

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America’s well-known and unknown wave pools

News, Television

Ben Gravy takes us on a vloggy adventure through the States to list his top 5 wave pools... The world’s favorite novelty surfer and blogger Ben Gravy gives us his list of America’s top 5 wave pools. Even with the glaring omission of NLand. we are tickled because we discover some new novelty gold, at a place in Indiana. Splash

Ben Gravy takes us on a vloggy adventure through the States to list his top 5 wave pools... The world’s ...Continue ›

Eli Hanneman

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BSR confirms new water filtration system on track

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Surf Resort also opens application process for new crew members... BSR Cable Park confirmed this week that work on their massive new water filtration system is on schedule to be open in the spring. “We are beyond stoked for our second season of surf,” BSR said. “We are currently on track to open up the waves in early-mid-March.” The impetus

Surf Resort also opens application process for new crew members... BSR Cable Park confirmed this week that work on their ...Continue ›

koby abberton wavegarden

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Cold, cold Cove: Wavegarden hosts two underground legends

News, Television

Friendly rivalry heats up freezing Winter session in the Basque Country... Winter wavepool surfing logged another clip this week when Eneko Acero and Bra Boy Koby Abberton took to Wavegarden’s Cove test pool. Basque first-generation pro Eneko, brother to Kepa Acero, traded kegs with Abberton in a friendly January surf off. The duo have compeeted against each other since they

Friendly rivalry heats up freezing Winter session in the Basque Country... Winter wavepool surfing logged another clip this week when ...Continue ›

Grom at NLand Wave Pool

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7 clips that show our collective stoke for the NLand wave pool

News, Television

Premature retrospective? We look at NLand, America’s OG Wave Pool, as it changes hands... After Surf Snowdonia opened their doors in Wales, America threw out a collective shout of “Us Too!” Doug Coors fulfilled our wish by purchasing160 acres of land in Austin Texas. When he flipped the switch, launching the Wavegarden hydrofoil and throwing out the first freshwater surf

Premature retrospective? We look at NLand, America’s OG Wave Pool, as it changes hands... After Surf Snowdonia opened their doors ...Continue ›

NLand wave pool

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WSL buys NLand Surf Park

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America’s first Wavegarden facility sold to KSWC subsidiary... The WSL just purchased Doug Coors’ pride and joy, the NLand Surf Park in Austin Texas. The sale follows an inverted purchase pyramid of sorts, with WSL at the top, absorbing the property through Tumbleweed Opco, a Delaware-registered LLC. In the middle is the Kelly Slater Wave Co who operates Tumbleweed. According

America’s first Wavegarden facility sold to KSWC subsidiary... The WSL just purchased Doug Coors’ pride and joy, the NLand Surf ...Continue ›

 |  News, User Guide

Wetsuit Lining – why what’s inside matters

News, User Guide

Wetsuit lining is the new frontier in performance as companies create innovative ways to insulate surfers. Previously the inside of your suit was just a nylon polyester stretchy material that was there to soften the stickiness and abrasion of raw neoprene rubber. In the last few years wetsuit makers started using textured interior linings for improved insulation. Go to a

Wetsuit lining is the new frontier in performance as companies create innovative ways to insulate surfers. Previously the inside of ...Continue ›

Waco wave pool BSR Surf Resort

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Wave Pool Year in Review: WPM’s top stories for 2018

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What happened this year? Polite answer is “heaps.” The more real answer is “shit tons.” To help keep track of this rapidly expanding universe, we noted (chronologically) some of the major milestones that went down in the wave pool world this year. But remember, while 2018 is by far the biggest year in wave pool news ever, expect it to

What happened this year? Polite answer is “heaps.” The more real answer is “shit tons.” To help keep track of ...Continue ›

Luke Davis in the tube

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TV: Under-the-radar pros hit the Waco pool

Latest, Television

We love the RVCA surf team. They are low-key and a bit off-kilter. Ford Archbold and Luke Davis are pro surfing misfits who shy away from the limelight yet somehow collect a paycheck from their sponsors. How? We think it’s their electric surfing and kinetic energy in the ocean or a wave pool. Joined by Hawaii’s Noah Beschen, the team

We love the RVCA surf team. They are low-key and a bit off-kilter. Ford Archbold and Luke Davis are pro ...Continue ›

tube elation at Kelly's wave pool

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Exclusive: Kelly Slater wave pool versus BSR Surf Resort!

Latest, User Guide

Everyday shredder boils down the good, the bad and the ugly of each wave pool Yes, it’s easy for a pro surfer to call any wave pool “all time.” Pros make a living making shiite surf look good. It’s their job. But what about us capable surfers who know how to surf but don’t receive royalties for social media likes

Everyday shredder boils down the good, the bad and the ugly of each wave pool Yes, it’s easy for a ...Continue ›

kelly's wave pool with paige hareb

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William Finnegan’s profound insight into Kelly’s Wave Pool


Pulitzer Prize winner digs in deep to explain surfing’s latest existential funk in 8 quick minutes It’s rare that surfing enjoys the intellectual chops that come with a writer like William Finnegan. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author explored Kelly’s wave pool for The New Yorker in a lengthy written piece and in a podcast. Finnegan explores “The Perfect Wave” phenomenon, or

Pulitzer Prize winner digs in deep to explain surfing’s latest existential funk in 8 quick minutes It’s rare that surfing ...Continue ›

Occy's Left

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USA, Brazil, Europe and the Middle East kick off Surf Lakes race


Surf Lakes founder Aaron Trevis recounts road to Yeppoon, announces plans for 2019, names key executive hires... The inspiration came when Aaron was skipping stones and pining for a surf. There was something about the ripples pushed out by the pieces of rock. After years in the test lab and tweaking designs in the mud, the affable engineer came up

Surf Lakes founder Aaron Trevis recounts road to Yeppoon, announces plans for 2019, names key executive hires... The inspiration came ...Continue ›

matt biolos and daughter

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Lightning Rod Learning: Surfboards for wave pools by Matt Biolos


Mayhem dishes design theory for the world's wave pools... Artisan tough guy and shaper-to-the-stars Matt Biolos is perhaps the most experienced maker of surfboards for wave pools. His team killed it at the Stab High event in Waco; he knows Wavegarden’s Lagoon tech (NLand and Snowdonia) intimitely, and he shaped the board under the feet of Surf Ranch Pro champion

Mayhem dishes design theory for the world's wave pools... Artisan tough guy and shaper-to-the-stars Matt Biolos is perhaps the most ...Continue ›

owen wright at wavegarden cove

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Big man in the kiddie pool – Owen Wright at The Cove


Why Wavegarden R&D Facility is a Wave Pool, uh, Kiddie Pool.  So all that amazing footage we see of pros blasting at the Wavegarden Cove test facility in Spain is done in a terribly tight space. We don't really consider this during our daydreaming YouTube minutes. But these surfers are pros, trained to fit in as many manoeuvres as possible

Why Wavegarden R&D Facility is a Wave Pool, uh, Kiddie Pool.  So all that amazing footage we see of pros ...Continue ›

City Wave Germany

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What the hell is surf park management?


 Why the coming wave pool boom needs to consider the cost of a pizza slice... Artists mock-ups are the backbone to the coming wave pool boom. But they are big, dumb pretty things that make surfers daydream and investors (hopefully) get out their checkbooks. Mockups neglect the finer details, the important stuff that will see if wave pools stick around

 Why the coming wave pool boom needs to consider the cost of a pizza slice... Artists mock-ups are the backbone ...Continue ›
