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Surfland Brasil installs wave engines, moves closer to first surf sessions


In Garopaba, Surfland Brasil completed the installation of the wave pool motors for their Wavegarden Cove technology this week. The work started in 2020 but stalled until the first shipment of machinery arrived all the way back in October 2021. Since then it’s been a steady flow of construction on the site to complete a 52-module Cove design as they

In Garopaba, Surfland Brasil completed the installation of the wave pool motors for their Wavegarden Cove technology this week. The ...Continue ›

exekiel lau alaia bay switzerland

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Athletes find new airwave training in Switzerland


Some of the best athletes will have the opportunity to test these recently developed waves before they are available to the general public.“We are opening the doors of Alaia Bay to Federations to witness the potential of our brand new Air Waves and the advantages of doing training at our facility,” said Founder and CEO Adam Bonvin. “The new Air

Some of the best athletes will have the opportunity to test these recently developed waves before they are available to ...Continue ›

Brendan Buckley

 |  Podcasts

Editor-in-chief at STAB Brendan Buckley


What is the premier surf platform's take on wave pools? In this episode, we gather insight into the wave pool scene from the editor-in-chief at STAB Brendan Buckley. While we normally talk to wave makers and doers, Buck’s contribution to the wave pool discourse is on the culture, that unique confluence of salt and pool water. We hit on how

What is the premier surf platform's take on wave pools? In this episode, we gather insight into the wave pool ...Continue ›

Sarah Beardmore barrel at urbnsurf

 |  News, User Guide

WPM Video Series: (Almost) All You Need to Know about URBNSURF 2023

News, User Guide

From different wave settings and food options, Sarah revisits Australia's first public wave pool located just outside of downtown Melbourne and adjacent to the Airport. The facility opened in January 2020 and has since set the benchmark for surf park operations. You will find surf club competitions, concerts, corporate events, new food options, hot tubs and heaps more - especially

From different wave settings and food options, Sarah revisits Australia's first public wave pool located just outside of downtown Melbourne ...Continue ›

Surf Planner Map April 2023

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WavePoolMag Adds Rapid Wave Pools to Global Surf Tank Guide


We are stoked to add the world’s rapid wave pools to our company’s Surf Planner page. The expansion comes with WavePoolMag’s expanding coverage of the standing wave market. Where to find the Surf Planner on WavePoolMag's menu As surfing enters a global growth phase in the Olympic era, we can expect all forms of the sport to rise with the

We are stoked to add the world’s rapid wave pools to our company’s Surf Planner page. The expansion comes with ...Continue ›

Shuunichi at surf stadium japan

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Employee of the Month: Shunichi Matsuuchi, taskmaster at Surf Stadium Japan


In person, you can tell that Shunichi Matsuuchi is constantly thinking, coming up with solutions to any number of problems presented during a day at work. From ill-tempered weather to surf wax stuck on the pool waiting area, his brain is always puzzle-solving. Shunichi, or simply Shun, is the Assistant General Manager of Business Development at Surf Stadium Japan. Like

In person, you can tell that Shunichi Matsuuchi is constantly thinking, coming up with solutions to any number of problems ...Continue ›

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How cool is your pool? Discover water temps for all the world’s wave pools


We surfed 3°C (36°F) Alaia Bay for the Winter Cup, but we’ve also heard reports of 30°C (92F°) water in Japan. Curious about the extremes of wave pool temperatures, we reached out to the surf tanks of the world to ask them directly about the warmth of their waters. Here's what we found... The Wave – Bristol, U.KThis Wavegarden Cove installation

We surfed 3°C (36°F) Alaia Bay for the Winter Cup, but we’ve also heard reports of 30°C (92F°) water in ...Continue ›

blair conklin ollie at wave pool

 |  Television

Blair Conklin sessions Hawaiian wave pool


Blair Conklin sits comfortably on our top list of surfers. He was one of the first to explore Waco on a skimboard and all manner of craft including a bodyboard and a foamie. In this clip he's feelin it and getting creative - he even launches an RC surfer at one point. The frothy regular foot from Southern California takes

Blair Conklin sits comfortably on our top list of surfers. He was one of the first to explore Waco on ...Continue ›

wave pool jobs

 |  Jobs

Waco, Melbourne, Bristol, Oahu, Switzerland all hiring. These are the wave pool jobs for April 2023


How do I find work at a wave pool? Consider this: Even if only half of the surf park projects on the WavePoolMag App come to fruition, it still represents more than 5000 jobs in the next 3-5 years. We just found a few dream positions for anyone serious about working in the space. Wavepooljobs is a platform for surf

How do I find work at a wave pool? Consider this: Even if only half of the surf park projects ...Continue ›

joe frizzelle

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Industry: Country Club Surf Club brand expands


Joe Frizzelle is a livewire of creative energy, stoke with a wonderful splash of goofiness (he’s not afraid to wear a golf caddy outfit in public.) The creator of Country Club Surf Club launched the brand after watching the first Surf Ranch pro event and hasn’t slowed down. We first interviewed him two years ago (you can read that here)

Joe Frizzelle is a livewire of creative energy, stoke with a wonderful splash of goofiness (he’s not afraid to wear ...Continue ›

Allentown wave pool

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Mullets & acid wash in Allentown: Surfing’s first pro pool comp


Main Image by Matt George In 1985 the planned union of wave pools and high-performance surfing caused barely a ripple in the collective surf world. No one had any idea what to expect - least of all professional surfers. It takes people keen to try something new to get others to think outside the box. If people are unwilling, drag

Main Image by Matt George In 1985 the planned union of wave pools and high-performance surfing caused barely a ripple ...Continue ›

surf in lemoore

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Any excuse. Research team hits Kelly’s wave pool to prove that offshore wind is best


Offshore wind good. Onshore wind bad. The research study we didn’t really need, but we're stoked to have. Plus, the researchers got to go to Kelly’s. A team of scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego took a trip to the Kelly Slater Surf Ranch to do extensive research about how wind affects waves. Falk Feddersen, a

Offshore wind good. Onshore wind bad. The research study we didn’t really need, but we're stoked to have. Plus, the ...Continue ›

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Wave pools (just like any other surf spot) build communities – even if your name is Pond Scum


In some of the heavier settings in wave pools, the barrel can get pretty tight. Stand-up surfers, if not balled up tight enough, will get clipped in the head trying to squeeze in while bodyboarders have no trouble getting slotted. This scenario seems a bit like karmic justice. Since the introduction of the Boogieboard from Tom Morey, the dedicated have

In some of the heavier settings in wave pools, the barrel can get pretty tight. Stand-up surfers, if not balled ...Continue ›

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Environmental group issues statement that France project is dead


It’s very difficult to confirm if a surf park development is dead. Tenacious project developers never issue a press release that their project was tanked, and there is always hope that the tide will turn in favor of the wave pool. As one insider told us, the duration of bringing a wave pool project to light is often longer than

It’s very difficult to confirm if a surf park development is dead. Tenacious project developers never issue a press release ...Continue ›

Jina Kim at Wave Park South Korea

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New study drills down the habits of Korean surfers


'Min Mool’ means tap water in Korean and was coined to identify a surfer who has only surfed at Wave Park in Siheung-Si. Korean surf culture is in its infancy, slowly maturing and developing its own dedicated breed of chlorine surfers and we wanted to know how this consistent, quality wave is shaping the Korean surf culture. Fortunately, we have

'Min Mool’ means tap water in Korean and was coined to identify a surfer who has only surfed at Wave ...Continue ›

Virginia Beach wave pool to break ground this spring

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Virginia Beach wave pool, yup the Pharrell Williams one, to break ground this spring


Venture Realty Group finalizes $335-Million Atlantic Park development which will include a Wavegarden Cove as its centerpiece The City of Virginia Beach and Venture Realty Group announced today that it has closed on the transformative $335-million mixed-used development to be constructed on the former site of the Virginia Beach Dome. According to a statement by Venture Realty Group, Atlantic Park

Venture Realty Group finalizes $335-Million Atlantic Park development which will include a Wavegarden Cove as its centerpiece The City of ...Continue ›

science of surfing makin you happy

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The science behind why surfing makes us happy


Surfers are often stereotyped as laid-back, easy-going people who don’t have a worry in the world. Of course, the reality is surfers around the world are diverse and just as complex as any other human. However, anyone who has felt that magic sensation of riding their first wave can attest that there is something special about the activity that lifts

Surfers are often stereotyped as laid-back, easy-going people who don’t have a worry in the world. Of course, the reality ...Continue ›

blake hess on the wavepoolmag podcast

 |  Podcasts

Blake Hess – The ultimate wave tank manager


Blake Hess is a rare individual in that he is one of only a handful of people who know how to run, manage and develop a surf park. In the few years that wave pools 2.0 have been a thing, Blake has been deeply involved. He helped bring NLand online its first and only year and then he moved on

Blake Hess is a rare individual in that he is one of only a handful of people who know how ...Continue ›

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Endless Surf’s custom, one-of-a-kind surf lagoon (ES60) planned for Thermal Beach Club


Southern California’s largely anticipated Thermal Beach Club (TBC) has officially announced details on its partnership with Endless Surf to deliver a first-of-its-kind surf lagoon as an anchor amenity for the exclusive 326-home community. What makes this groundbreaking is the seamless integration of a 3.8-acre Endless Surf pool into a larger 20-acre lake. The unique design by Endless Surf and Martin

Southern California’s largely anticipated Thermal Beach Club (TBC) has officially announced details on its partnership with Endless Surf to deliver ...Continue ›

hawaii wave pool vlog

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Check out Hawaii’s rapid wave pool via that super excited vlogger guy!


YouTube star Jacob Szekely is always excited. A fan of wave pools since his early forays to Wave Park South Korea, the stocky regular foot throws out “yo” and “dope” with rapid-fire abandon in his clips. Sometimes cringy, sometimes captivating but always hyper-accelerated, Zeke does have a knack for getting into the best wave pools on the planet. Wai Kai

YouTube star Jacob Szekely is always excited. A fan of wave pools since his early forays to Wave Park South ...Continue ›

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Talking German surfing, wave pools, and the future with Quirin Rohleder


The latest news of SURFTOWN MUC breaking ground has stirred up a lot of excitement in Munich and in the region. The surf park will cater to an existing, vibrant surf community centered around the Eisbach river wave in the heart of the city. Between this stationary wave and (if you’re lucky) the occasional surf trip throughout the year, the

The latest news of SURFTOWN MUC breaking ground has stirred up a lot of excitement in Munich and in the ...Continue ›

This article covers surfboard wax, its history, types of wax and application.

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Decode the mysteries of surf wax


WavePoolMag Basics is an ongoing series providing essential surf gear information to those new to the wave pool, and surfing. This article covers surfboard wax, its history, types of wax and application. From temperatures, brands, scents and base coats to waxing a foamy - everything you need to know about surf wax. Surf wax is almost as crucial to surfing

WavePoolMag Basics is an ongoing series providing essential surf gear information to those new to the wave pool, and surfing. ...Continue ›

image of surfer at urbnsurf by Oscar Rath of Rath Visuals

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WavePoolMag Photographer Series: Oscar Rath of Rath Visuals


Oscar Rath is an enthusiastic videographer/photographer who splits time between Melbourne and Canada. His Instagram is a barrage of epic snow adventures and electric blue wave pool sessions. A forced COVID lockdown helped hone his photography chops and led to doing video edits for Urbnsurf. So how did his dream wave pool job come to be? Let's dig in and

Oscar Rath is an enthusiastic videographer/photographer who splits time between Melbourne and Canada. His Instagram is a barrage of epic ...Continue ›

Perth Surf Park renderings

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Perth Surf Park gets the green light


Western Australia is one step closer to hosting the largest surf park in the Southern Hemisphere, with Aventuur today receiving development approval for the Perth Surf Park. The approval granted by the Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) will see the Cockburn Gateway precinct transformed into a major tourism, sporting and entertainment hub. The project’s development approval follows a

Western Australia is one step closer to hosting the largest surf park in the Southern Hemisphere, with Aventuur today receiving ...Continue ›

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Why surf lagoons are becoming the center piece for masterplanned communities


Surf lagoons are not just another amenity for housing developments. Why? Surfing itself has an indescribable allure to it – just ask any of the 35 million surfers around the world. The buzz you get when catching a wave is what gets surfers hooked. Few activities provide that sort of happiness payout, but this is one of them, which is

Surf lagoons are not just another amenity for housing developments. Why? Surfing itself has an indescribable allure to it – ...Continue ›
