
Alaia Bay empty wave pool

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Time to fill that wave pool in the Swiss Alps!

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Alaïa Bay in the Swiss Alps announced they are nearing completion of their 8500m2 Wavegarden Cove surfing lagoon. The wave pool will be filled in December, concluding a five-year project to open the first commercial surf-focused wave pool in mainland Europe. The first tests of the wave generating machinery will begin in January. During this phase, the settings will be fine-tuned

Alaïa Bay in the Swiss Alps announced they are nearing completion of their 8500m2 Wavegarden Cove surfing lagoon. The wave pool ...Continue ›

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Hills Shire Council green lights Wisemans Surf Lodge

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The Wisemans Surf Lodge project took a major step forward this week when the local council approved the development of a Surf Loch wave pool. Ace Chief Group paid $7.25 million for 18 hectares in 2016, partnering with John Du Vernet to develop a surf spot away from the ocean. “What we’ll create at Wisemans is a solution to access

The Wisemans Surf Lodge project took a major step forward this week when the local council approved the development of ...Continue ›

American Wave Machines Perfect Swell

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Florida to get PerfectSwell as SoCal desert gets more legit

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Two American Wave Machine projects received approval this week, one in New Smyrna, Florida and the other in Thermal, California. The company that makes PerfectSwell wave technology, the famed system used at BSR in Texas and at the American Dream Mall in New Jersey, now claims six upcoming projects including Japan, Brazil, Virginia and Australia. New SmyrnaNew Smyrna Beach Commissioners

Two American Wave Machine projects received approval this week, one in New Smyrna, Florida and the other in Thermal, California. ...Continue ›

wave pool surf trip

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Your perfect COVID-era surf trip is to a wave pool

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Planning a surf trip is difficult. Do you go big and cross the equator or do you stay domestic? To find that rare sweet spot between raw adventure and a sure thing is daunting. Of course, after all that research and planning the waves can go completely flat during your visit. Compound that with a global pandemic and the search

Planning a surf trip is difficult. Do you go big and cross the equator or do you stay domestic? To ...Continue ›

surf coach ru hill on the wave pool mag podcast

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Podcast Episode 5 Season 2: Surf coaching success and the wave pool equation with Ru Hill

News, Podcasts

Many peg wave pools as the Supersauce to surf improvement. Unfortunately, this is mostly done in broad, sweeping strokes with emphasis placed solely on the repetition aspect of learning. There are so many finer points to why coaching in a wave pool works. In this podcast we drill down the milli-specifics and share the why and how on-hand training in

Many peg wave pools as the Supersauce to surf improvement. Unfortunately, this is mostly done in broad, sweeping strokes with ...Continue ›

wave pool charity events

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Wave pools emerge as community event & health hubs

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By now many of us are aware of the pluses of surfing to one's health and well-being. Today wave pools are providing access to these benefits for people living in areas where, only a few short years ago, surfing wasn't a feasible option. As these new, non-coastal demographics jump into the pool we are seeing surfing through a new lens

By now many of us are aware of the pluses of surfing to one's health and well-being. Today wave pools ...Continue ›

Sasha Becejac testing surfboards at The Wave

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“One of Us!” Wave pool surfer launches board review channel

Latest, News, User Guide

Unsalted, Sasha Becejac is unique in the digital world of surfboard reviews, he’s wave pool-centric for most of his testing. To further his separation from the pack he’s also “un-YouTubed” (yes, we just invented that term) as his content can only be found on Instagram. The surfboard review space is populated by either surf shops slinging the latest model from

Unsalted, Sasha Becejac is unique in the digital world of surfboard reviews, he’s wave pool-centric for most of his testing. ...Continue ›

swell mfg

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Podcast Episode 4 Season 2: The new wave pool technology in Arizona

News, Podcasts

The company describes their system as a natural surfing lineup with a peak wave rather than a right-session-only or left-session-only option as found in many of today’s wave pools. “Peak waves provide some of the most fun waves at Swell MFG locations,” says Matt. “Options to surf left and right to hone in frontside and backside skills and choice of

The company describes their system as a natural surfing lineup with a peak wave rather than a right-session-only or left-session-only ...Continue ›

endless surf wave pool melbourne

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Melbourne gets another wave pool project


The City of Kingston in Melbourne’s southeast is getting an Endless Surf wave pool as part of a planned $100 million project. Artist renderings show the new surf spot surrounded by water slides, a human-made beach, and family attractions.In a similar fashion to the Palm Springs Surf Club revamping the Wet n’ Wild water park in the desert of Southern

The City of Kingston in Melbourne’s southeast is getting an Endless Surf wave pool as part of a planned $100 ...Continue ›

sureal art of new zealand wave pool

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New Zealand wave pool announced for Auckland environs


Auckland is entertaining another wave pool concept to attract some of the area’s 1.6 million residents and traveling adventure seekers. The surf park is a good bet as Kiwi tourism both domestic and international accounts for nearly $41 billion annually. This latest project is spearheaded by industry heavy-hitters Aventuur, whose primary business is to develop integrated real estate developments that

Auckland is entertaining another wave pool concept to attract some of the area’s 1.6 million residents and traveling adventure seekers. ...Continue ›

Kai Odriozola

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Wavegarden’s air section fully blooms in South Korea

Latest, News, Television

Earlier this year Wavegarden experimented with a new air section at their R&D facility in the Basque Country. At the time citizen-of-the-world but currently residing in Portugal CT surfer Kanoa Igarashi tested, tweaked, and gave feedback on the new prototype. The system looks like a submerged obstacle that creates different sections depending on the wave setting. The R&D development process

Earlier this year Wavegarden experimented with a new air section at their R&D facility in the Basque Country. At the ...Continue ›

Summer waves in Bristol

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UK confinement order shuts down The Wave until at least December


For surfers in Europe, this recent wave of shutdowns helps confirm 2020’s status as The King Year of Suckiness (or whatever you want to call it.) Although not as draconian as the first round of shutdowns, this one hurts especially bad because many of us thought we were on the rebound to reopening. Now The Wave, that bright spot of

For surfers in Europe, this recent wave of shutdowns helps confirm 2020’s status as The King Year of Suckiness (or ...Continue ›

Quito art

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Mile-and-a-half-high wave pool on the equator? Yes it’s happening

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Olas, an Ecuador-based company announced this week they have funded the last phase of their full-size flume test and will begin construction on a full-scale wave pool. The project joins a handful of other wave pools from different technologies planned for South America. But several factors set Olas apart from other global ventures at the moment. For one, it will

Olas, an Ecuador-based company announced this week they have funded the last phase of their full-size flume test and will ...Continue ›

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New project brings UK potential to 8 wave pools

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A new wave pool project in the UK showed up on several British newswires this week. The new Southport Cove Resort will be sandwiched between Blackpool and Liverpool and hopes to draw visitors from the densely populated city of Manchester an hour to the east. The area has been a popular seaside destination for two centuries. The wave pool will

A new wave pool project in the UK showed up on several British newswires this week. The new Southport Cove ...Continue ›

tube ride in south korea

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That one guy who we keep seeing at the Korean pool

Latest, Television

Jacob "Zeke" Szekely made the trip to South Korea to test out the Wavepark 56-module Wavegarden Cove last week. Since his visit, we've been treated to barrels, airs and crystal clear water. Jacob, or "Zeke" as he's known just dropped a YouTube clip collecting highlights from his amazing sessions.

Jacob "Zeke" Szekely made the trip to South Korea to test out the Wavepark 56-module Wavegarden Cove last week. Since ...Continue ›

Texas wave pool

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What to expect when you’re expecting a trip to Waco

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We went to Waco to bring you this user guide to the BSR Surf Resort . In the article below our reporter investigates, explores and surfs the famous Texas wave to bring you valuable information. There is an imbalance on the interweb these days with surf celebs and influencers out shouting regular surfers when it comes to the wave pool

We went to Waco to bring you this user guide to the BSR Surf Resort . In the article below ...Continue ›

alaia bay wave pool artist rendering

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Project Update: Swiss pool could be filled before end of 2020

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This is where things get weird. The Swiss surf team, like the Swiss Navy, exists, employs people, has cool uniforms and more despite the country not having an ocean or a sea. At the 2019 ISA World Surfing Games in Japan the Swiss team finished 23rd out of 54 nations. The result placed them just behind The Netherlands and ahead

This is where things get weird. The Swiss surf team, like the Swiss Navy, exists, employs people, has cool uniforms ...Continue ›

surfer as seen from underwater

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Shooting the American Dream wavepool with Dylan TerMorshuizen


Dylan TerMorshuizen has done most of his photography in the tropical wilds of South Sumatra and the cold slabs of Ireland. That is, until a recent trip to America that is producing stellar images from a very unique and controlled environment. TerMorshuizen recently took a dip in the American Dream Mall in New Jersey to shoot the wave menu for

Dylan TerMorshuizen has done most of his photography in the tropical wilds of South Sumatra and the cold slabs of ...Continue ›

Andrew Ross of Aventuur

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How to build a wave pool: Urbnsurf creator Andrew Ross’ new venture can help


Andrew Ross is a bit strange. Not making-art-out-of-tin-foil-scraps strange but merger-of-very-different-worlds strange. He’s the gravitational force where banking, investment, law, and surfing meet. Andrew can crunch numbers like Rainman in Vegas, divine intent from reams and reams of legal docs, and forecast investment performances like Wall Street’s best wolf. But he’s also a guy who puts surfing first, especially when

Andrew Ross is a bit strange. Not making-art-out-of-tin-foil-scraps strange but merger-of-very-different-worlds strange. He’s the gravitational force where banking, investment, law, ...Continue ›

longboarding south korean wave pool

 |  News, Television

South Korean wonder wave delivers goods for the singlefin set

News, Television

After a stunning week of clips including lengthy barrel sections and graceful underwater zen-moments from Wavepark in South Korea, Wavegarden has just released a visual guide to its Malibu wave settings. These aren’t the heart-in-your-throat beasty barrels but instead gentle super-long peelers. In this clip, we get to see Malibu settings 1 to 4 with a quick glimpse at Waikiki

After a stunning week of clips including lengthy barrel sections and graceful underwater zen-moments from Wavepark in South Korea, Wavegarden ...Continue ›

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Rob Machado takes new design to the Surf Ranch

Latest, Television

Rob Machado tested out his new Glazer surfboard design at Kelly's Wave. In a podcast with Firewire's Chris Grow, Rob talks about what it's like to take a surf trip to Lemoore and how the Glazer design came to be. The Glazer is modeled off Rob’s Biscuit design from 10 years ago with several modifications. The graceful goofyfoot reshaped the

Rob Machado tested out his new Glazer surfboard design at Kelly's Wave. In a podcast with Firewire's Chris Grow, Rob ...Continue ›


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All you need to know about Urbnsurf Melbourne

Latest, News, User Guide

Editors Note: This piece was originally published in June 2020. We are reposting this guide as Melbourne's favorite wave pool reopens post-COVID lockdown. There is heaps of useful information and insight thanks to our reporter Sarah Beardmore. Also, there is a 3-minute video covering her visit. Check the bottom of this page if you'd rather watch than read a surf

Editors Note: This piece was originally published in June 2020. We are reposting this guide as Melbourne's favorite wave pool ...Continue ›

baptiste caulonque on wavepoolmag podcast

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Podcast Episode 3 Season 2: Surfing in the heart of Paris!

News, Podcasts

In this latest WavePoolMag podcast, Baptiste Caulonque discusses the French capital's wave pool project, La Vague Grande Paris.The project has been a fascinating combination of public and private co-operation and Baptiste Caulonque has been immersed as a consultant in the thick of all the agencies working hard on it. The promise of perfect machine-made waves in the middle of a

In this latest WavePoolMag podcast, Baptiste Caulonque discusses the French capital's wave pool project, La Vague Grande Paris.The project has ...Continue ›

SurfWrld planned wave pool

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Germany eyes world’s largest wave pool project


Germany! Oktoberfest! Kraftwerk! That creepy Netflix series about time travel (Dark)! And now it looks like this land of infinite complexities will add the world’s largest wave pool to its list of cultural achievements. Surfwrld is on-trend for what wave pools are doing as of late 2020: Bigger, better, faster and multi-use. On an abandoned coal mine three-hours from the

Germany! Oktoberfest! Kraftwerk! That creepy Netflix series about time travel (Dark)! And now it looks like this land of infinite ...Continue ›

the wave pool at urbnsurf surf park

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Urbnsurf to re-open this week after COVID crisis in Melbourne


Oh, the emotional game that is running a surf park in 2020. Since welcoming the public, Urbnsurf has spent more time closed than open. The company has had to shut its doors not once, but twice. Now, in this latest round of COVID dodgeball, the pride of Melbourne surfing will host surfers once again. “Urbnsurf Melbourne is stoked to reopen

Oh, the emotional game that is running a surf park in 2020. Since welcoming the public, Urbnsurf has spent more ...Continue ›
