
Story 2 Kaana Wave Co

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Backstory: The how-and-the-why of the Ka’ana Wave Co

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It’s the backstory of bringing new technology to see the light of day that makes the wave pool space so interesting. Throwing rocks in a pond inspired Aaron Trevis to build the giant plunger in Yeppoon while Greg Webber’s fire was lit by watching boat wakes reel down a riverbank. In a follow-up to our initial conversation with bathymetry agnostic

It’s the backstory of bringing new technology to see the light of day that makes the wave pool space so ...Continue ›

wavegarden Cove lineup with planets

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The Wave in Virginia Beach moves closer to Cove-land


Costs for The Wave, Pharrell Williams' pet project in his hometown of Virginia Beach, faced increased price estimates this week. VB city documents showed that fallout from the pandemic has increased the overall price tag of the development. Fortunately, the city council approved on Tuesday an additional $9 million for the design and construction. The $325 million Atlantic Park development

Costs for The Wave, Pharrell Williams' pet project in his hometown of Virginia Beach, faced increased price estimates this week. ...Continue ›

hand and water making waves

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Guest Blog: Pneumatic wave pool technology crash course

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When it comes to man-made waves, not all surf pool technologies are created equal. Sure, the end goal is ultimately the same, creating an epic surf-able wave that brings the stoke of surfing to inland areas devoid of wave-producing coastlines. There are many ways to achieve this goal, however, and that comes down to the wave-making technology that is pursued.

When it comes to man-made waves, not all surf pool technologies are created equal. Sure, the end goal is ultimately ...Continue ›

Rip Curl Gromsearch at urbnsurf melbourne

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National grom event runs at Urbnsurf Melbourne for the first time ever

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Ellie Harrison and Lennix Smith have been crowned 16 & Under Rip Curl GromSearch National Champions today at Urbnsurf Melbourne in the 20th Year of the prestigious grom event. 2021 is the first time the Rip Curl GromSearch National Final has been run at Urbnsurf and showcased an innovative format testing competitors in turn and barrel waves to crown the

Ellie Harrison and Lennix Smith have been crowned 16 & Under Rip Curl GromSearch National Champions today at Urbnsurf Melbourne ...Continue ›

nick hounsfield podcast

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Podcast: Life at The Wave in Bristol with Nick Hounsfield

News, Podcasts

Nick Hounsfield had a background in healthcare and is the chairman of Surfing England, having long been involved in the governing body. His dream to build a wave pool in a field outside Bristol has captured the attention of thousands, if not millions of people around the UK and the world. He chats with us about the highs and the

Nick Hounsfield had a background in healthcare and is the chairman of Surfing England, having long been involved in the ...Continue ›

Alaia Bay

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Alaia Bay takes the wind-tunnel training model to the surf


Alaia Bay CEO Vincent Van Laethem about the similarities between a wind tunnel and a wave pool.  One element comes up in every conversation with wave pools, and that is the element of progression. That is radical, rapid progression. It stands to reason that consistent surfing a wave pool will result in rapid progression because the waves are always the same

Alaia Bay CEO Vincent Van Laethem about the similarities between a wind tunnel and a wave pool.  One element comes up ...Continue ›

Hilton Alves artwork wave pool

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Art Study: The 101 Perfect Waves project from Hilton Alves

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Drawing a bead on Hilton Alves's art influences is difficult. At first glance, his work lies somewhere between the celestial boomer vibe of Wyland and the vintage kitsch of a tiki bar. But with a heavy stoke factor. Self-trained, Hilton is on a quest to paint 101 big-ass wave murals. He’s well way with number six of the series decorating

Drawing a bead on Hilton Alves's art influences is difficult. At first glance, his work lies somewhere between the celestial ...Continue ›

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Pools primed as Rapid Surf League kicks off 2021 season

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Rapid Surf League's Quirin Rohleder brings us up to speed on this innovative tour, the first event of which will run on a Citywave for the RSL Pro at Jochen Schweizer Arena in July 2021 River surfer, stationary wave riders, floating wave riders - the best of them will finally be back under Rapid Surf League’s roof in 2021. United

Rapid Surf League's Quirin Rohleder brings us up to speed on this innovative tour, the first event of which will ...Continue ›

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New project aims to bring Endless Surf to Gold Coast in two years

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Australian media outlets reported a new development sighting on a golf-and-boat heavy section of Queensland. The project will be just five kilometers inland of the Gold Coast’s famous turquoise water and just 20 minutes down the road from the famed rights of Burleigh heads. The Club at Parkwood Village is a well-established leisure destination already and serves the local community

Australian media outlets reported a new development sighting on a golf-and-boat heavy section of Queensland. The project will be just ...Continue ›

stephanie gilmore tubed at kelly's wave pool

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International Women’s Day: Top 10 Women-in-Wave-Pools clip

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"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist,” said world-renowned journalist and activist Gloria Steinem. “Nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.” For more on International Women's Day check here    VIDEO #11 - Is of YOU during a wave pool session. Share your

"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist,” said world-renowned journalist and activist Gloria Steinem. “Nor ...Continue ›

The Camp at The Wave

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The Camp at The Wave Launches in Bristol

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As the surf world anticipates a hyped-up summer of more travel, new can now stay meters from the most consistent surf break in the UK. The Wave - the inland surfing destination in Bristol - has this week launched bookings for its new accommodation, The Camp at The Wave. The UK's first Wavegarden Cove surf park has just recently completed the 25 furnished tents, located near the shore of the surfing lake. The Wave says the tents pay

As the surf world anticipates a hyped-up summer of more travel, new can now stay meters from the most consistent surf break ...Continue ›

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Podcast: Research and experimentation – the Wave Prizm story

News, Podcasts

Mark Kosich has built a brand around making waves. It's called WavePrizm and threads some unique theories together to produce large surf. However, he is not about to compete with the major players at this stage. In this long conversation, Mark recounts how his life led up to this current experimentation with wave machines and he discusses the claim that

Mark Kosich has built a brand around making waves. It's called WavePrizm and threads some unique theories together to produce ...Continue ›

wave pool test tank

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Another vintage wave pool machine from the mysterious Fred Island

News, Television

Our latest wave pool discovery from the YouTube vault features motorized mini barrels reeling out from somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere tropics. To make the waves, a strap is attached to the drive wheel of a pickup truck - much like Tom Lochtefeld’s early test systems - which powers the door to a resevoir. Water from the tank then spills

Our latest wave pool discovery from the YouTube vault features motorized mini barrels reeling out from somewhere in the Southern ...Continue ›

Disney fantasy wave

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Coming up Disney: Designing the pump and dump at Typhoon Lagoon

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The great thing about wave pools is that with such a short history - just 15 years, well, 30 and 50 respectively if you count Typhoon Lagoon and Big Surf - you’d think there’d be very few mysteries stashed away on microfilm in some exotic city. But thankfully life is full of surprises. We received an email informing us that

The great thing about wave pools is that with such a short history - just 15 years, well, 30 and ...Continue ›

Oscar Langburne at Urbnsurf

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Getting Styley: Oscar Langburne Melbourne session

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Oscar Langburne brought some much-needed styling to the work-a-day business at Urbnsurf. The diminutive goofy foot set out on a quiver of Haydenshapes to anoint the Melbourne pool with broad splashes of Gerry Lopez mojo. While the world focuses on the next big thing in technical airs, it’s nice to take a breather, step back and enjoy the act of

Oscar Langburne brought some much-needed styling to the work-a-day business at Urbnsurf. The diminutive goofy foot set out on a ...Continue ›

Clement Ginestet of Endless Surf

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Engineer Clement Ginestet details the Endless Surf system


Clement Ginestet is a product engineer at Endless Surf. In this feature he walks us through this new technology explaining how it works, what it can do and what surf sessions will look like. To simplify, Clement likens the system's wave-making chambers to keys on a piano able to produce both rhythm and melody at the same time, meaning the

Clement Ginestet is a product engineer at Endless Surf. In this feature he walks us through this new technology explaining ...Continue ›

Ben Gravy at the Palm Springs Surf Club

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California desert updates: Wave pools still target 2022-23 launch

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The WavePoolMag desert update focuses on developments in the evolving surf park oasis east of Los Angeles. This time we find that not a whole lot has changed since our last update, but seeing as there is so much interest in this space, we wanted to keep everyone up-to-date... The pandemic continues to slow progress on the four surf parks

The WavePoolMag desert update focuses on developments in the evolving surf park oasis east of Los Angeles. This time we ...Continue ›

Ka'ana wave system rendering

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New Technology: Where stationary and traveling waves meet


 Yes, we certainly live in crazy times. From Kelly’s human-made wave debut at the close of 2015 to a plunger in the Australian scrub kicking out a utopian (or dystopian depending on who you talk to) surf-future, we all share an amazing time where creativity is melding with engineering guts. To add to the craziness, we recently discovered a portable,

 Yes, we certainly live in crazy times. From Kelly’s human-made wave debut at the close of 2015 to a plunger ...Continue ›

aaron neighbour surfing

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Everyday Surfers: Aaron Neighbour’s POV tubefest


It gets a little tiring watching pros in wave pools. Sweet digital candy that it is, there’s a big disconnect between what we as everyday surfers experience and the selected curation from the pros. Unfortunately, the other end of the scale is not much better. Many of the amateur wave pool clips feature dudes throwing out rapid-fire high-fives and tense

It gets a little tiring watching pros in wave pools. Sweet digital candy that it is, there’s a big disconnect ...Continue ›

scott bass wavepoolmag podcast

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Scott Bass: Veteran surf journalist shares his wave pool stories

Latest, Podcasts

On this episode of the WavePoolMag Podcast Nick Robinson speaks with veteran surf journalist and wave pool connoisseur Scott Bass. After his stint as Surfer Magazine’s online editor in the fledgling days of digital media, Bassy went on to develop one of surfing’s most core surfboard expos, The Boardroom. Along with a podcast focused on all things surf he also

On this episode of the WavePoolMag Podcast Nick Robinson speaks with veteran surf journalist and wave pool connoisseur Scott Bass. ...Continue ›

Surf Stadium Japan

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Sneak Peek: Surf Stadium Japan sends out first sets


American Wave Machines leaked images and a clip of their new facility in Shizunami Japan. With the pool only 43% full, Instagram viewers were treated to a very-Waco looking left peeling along the wave pool’s main wall. Surf Stadium Japan broke ground for their PerfectSwell wave pool just 13 months ago, making this one of the fastest builds in the

American Wave Machines leaked images and a clip of their new facility in Shizunami Japan. With the pool only 43% ...Continue ›

Bodysurfing Urbnsurf in Melbourne

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Bodysurfing Beast Mode – can you do it?

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According to the Google Search Engine, when it comes to wave pools the lion’s share of YouTube results go to Kelly Slater or that one time a Chinese wave pool malfunctioned and sent out a huge wave injuring people. It's not a very accurate representation of who uses pools. Beyond the bot algorithms that provide these search results so much

According to the Google Search Engine, when it comes to wave pools the lion’s share of YouTube results go to ...Continue ›

the first-ever photo taken of a surfer riding a rapid in Munich

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Surfing’s Rapid Transformation: Guide to rapid wave pool and river wave evolution in Europe


What the North Shore is to surfing, Bavaria is to rapid wave surfing. To understand the state of rapid, river and stationary wave surfing (three terms that loosely describe the same thing) we need to understand the sport's roots. Wave pool surfing is easy. Developers do their best to transport the ocean-experience into a tank with human-made waves. For wave

What the North Shore is to surfing, Bavaria is to rapid wave surfing. To understand the state of rapid, river ...Continue ›

jackson dorian at the drive in

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Another Roadside Attraction: Sky and Jackson’s visit to Palm Springs

Latest, Television

We haven’t heard from Palm Springs in a while. Last spring it seemed every blogger-slash-surfer had stacked quite a few clips and content around this desert oasis. In between the Casey Niestadts and Ben Gravys of the Insta-sphere, the world’s favorite pool groms Sky Brown and Jackson Dorian enjoyed a fun day in the sun. The two kids are wave

We haven’t heard from Palm Springs in a while. Last spring it seemed every blogger-slash-surfer had stacked quite a few ...Continue ›

urbnsurf lifeguard tower close

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COVID return haunts Melbourne attractions including Urbnsurf

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Just like a villain in a horror movie at that moment when we think the hockey-mask wearing killer is gone, COVID comes back for another knife-wielding jump-scare. Urbnsurf has been running on all cylndars this summer. Until now. Victoria Australia is entering the state’s third lockdown after officials discovered 13 cases of COVID. Victoria had been case-free for 28 days

Just like a villain in a horror movie at that moment when we think the hockey-mask wearing killer is gone, ...Continue ›

Endless Surf 2023A