
bryan and sarah at surf lakes

 |  User Guide

WPM Video: (Almost) All You Need to Know about Surf Lakes

User Guide

Did you know that the test plunger you see was designed for 150,000 cycles, but that the new one will be made for 50 million cycles (or roughly 75 years of daily use)? The machine currently delivers a 3-wave set and the new plunger will up the ante to 5-wave sets once it starts dishing out tasty waves to the

Did you know that the test plunger you see was designed for 150,000 cycles, but that the new one will ...Continue ›

Jess Ponting on the WavePoolMag podcast

 |  Podcasts

Jess Ponting dishes all those little details that explain why this space is limitless


Dr. Jess Ponting joins us to touch on several projects and points including Stoke Certification, Surf Park Summit, the new Consumer Trends Report and more.But the heart of the convo comes during his big-picture view of surfing. “People aren't used to thinking about a surf park as a legitimate recreation facility in a community," he says. "And there's, you know,

Dr. Jess Ponting joins us to touch on several projects and points including Stoke Certification, Surf Park Summit, the new ...Continue ›


 |  News

EpicSurf announces new green and inclusivity commitments


EpicSurf announced this week "The EPIC Promise" which the company says provides a snapshot of its values, ongoing efforts, and commitment towards sustainability. "As leaders within the wave system design and manufacturing industry for over 50+ years," the company said in a statement. "We are passionate about creating an inclusive and safe surfing experience beyond the ocean while maintaining our

EpicSurf announced this week "The EPIC Promise" which the company says provides a snapshot of its values, ongoing efforts, and ...Continue ›

surfline and consumer surf park report

 |  News

90% of intermediate surfers say they will travel internationally to surf. How do we know this?


Surf Park Central Releases 2023 Consumer Trends Report Surf Park Central, the organization behind Surf Park Summit, has released the 2023 Surf Park Consumer Trends Report focused on the future of surfing outside the ocean. The report is an almost 100-page analysis of trends and statistics fueling the multi-billion dollar human-made wave industry. The report contains years of survey data

Surf Park Central Releases 2023 Consumer Trends Report Surf Park Central, the organization behind Surf Park Summit, has released the ...Continue ›

perth wave pool in cockburn

 |  News

Perth wave pool clears latest hurdle


Aventuur, the company now chaired by Andrew Ross, moved one step closer to building their Perth wave pool this week. At issue was the future site’s Banksia trees which can be a foraging habitat for Black Cockatoos, a threatened species. This week the state's environmental watchdog ruled that the vegetation on the planned site was too degraded already and not

Aventuur, the company now chaired by Andrew Ross, moved one step closer to building their Perth wave pool this week. ...Continue ›

2023 Alaia-Bay-Opening

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Swiss hot spot sending surfboards to West Africa


Alaïa Bay will collaborate with the Swiss NGO Provide the Slide to collect used surf equipment for people in West Africa. In Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Spain used surfboards and equipment are collected free of charge, repaired if needed and then sent to partner communities of African surfers as part of the Provide the Slide program. The gear is sent

Alaïa Bay will collaborate with the Swiss NGO Provide the Slide to collect used surf equipment for people in West ...Continue ›

Bryan Dur of Wave Park

 |  News

Not all heroes wear capes. Meet the guy who guarantees that the stoke machine keeps on firing


Should the wave machine at the world’s longest wave outside of Kelly’s tank stop for whatever reason, the multimillion-dollar marvel of engineering would suddenly be transformed into a very large, oddly shaped swimming pool. Which is still, in its own unique way, interesting. But let’s face it, waves make everything more fun. Fortunately, there is one human at the helm

Should the wave machine at the world’s longest wave outside of Kelly’s tank stop for whatever reason, the multimillion-dollar marvel ...Continue ›

Yes, salt water is more buoyant than freshwater.

 |  News

The lowdown on buoyancy in a wave pool


There is so much theory tossed back and forth about why surfing in freshwater feels so different than it does in salted waves. We did some digging to mythbust Fresh vs. Salt buoyancy rumors and answer some basic questions. Guess what we found out? Yes, salt water is more buoyant than freshwater. But it’s a bit more complicated than that.

There is so much theory tossed back and forth about why surfing in freshwater feels so different than it does ...Continue ›

research shows that surfing is good for you

 |  News

It’s official: Surfing makes you happy


First of its kind research has been carried out at The Wave, by a University of Bristol student, Ariane Gerami, showing the mental health benefits of surfing. Ariane's research followed a group of women who took part in a six-week surf course, and found results that showed the women's mental wellbeing significantly improved, including reduced anxiety, having more confidence, and feeling

First of its kind research has been carried out at The Wave, by a University of Bristol student, Ariane Gerami, showing ...Continue ›

 |  Television

New Thermal Beach Club video shows wave pool


The Thermal Beach Club by WhiteStar Development was approved by Riverside County, California, however, we’ve not heard any further announcements regarding the advancement of the project. Until this week. TBC Animation has launched a Vimeo on part of Martin Aquatic that showcases the development complete with pumping surf from Endless Surf technology. More on Thermal Beach Club: 150 miles from

The Thermal Beach Club by WhiteStar Development was approved by Riverside County, California, however, we’ve not heard any further announcements ...Continue ›

yourwave system

 |  News

New Zealand company launches inflatable rapid wave


Gleefully ricocheting off the battlements of inflatable, bouncy rubber castles is a right of passage when you're young. And when you're a little older and likely too tall for the rubber Barrons of fun to allow you entry, surfing steps in. But why not combine both?  YourWave, set to launch later this year, is an inflatable, durable, and expandable standing/rapid/stationary

Gleefully ricocheting off the battlements of inflatable, bouncy rubber castles is a right of passage when you're young. And when ...Continue ›

camden hoover epic surf

 |  News

EpicSurf sponsors East Coast surfer Camden Hoover


EpicSurf announced their first-ever sponsored surf athlete this week. Camden Hoover is currently competing in the North American Qualifying Series for the World Surf League. She is utilizing EpicSurf as a training tool to improve skill and technique. Unlike training in the ocean, wave pools offer real-time coaching with a team in close proximity. The compact setup allows surfers to

EpicSurf announced their first-ever sponsored surf athlete this week. Camden Hoover is currently competing in the North American Qualifying Series ...Continue ›

wave pool jobs

 |  News

You had us at “free staff surf sessions.” Wave pool jobs roundup for March


How do I find work at a wave pool? Consider this: Even if only half of the surf park projects on the WavePoolMag App come to fruition, it still represents more than 5000 jobs in the next 3-5 years. We just found a few dream positions for anyone serious about working in the space. Wavepooljobs is a platform for surf

How do I find work at a wave pool? Consider this: Even if only half of the surf park projects ...Continue ›

Are heated pools the future of surf parks?

 |  News

Are heated pools the future of surf parks? One company is betting on it


The use of geothermal energy could eventually heat all pools – plus their surrounding facilities... As Marcus Cintas was enjoying a chilly, wintry session at Kelly Slater’s pool in California, he couldn’t help but wonder if the teeth-chattering cold was worth the significant sum of money it cost to ride the wave.  "The night time experience [at Kelly Slater Wave

The use of geothermal energy could eventually heat all pools – plus their surrounding facilities... As Marcus Cintas was enjoying ...Continue ›

skip taylor on the wavepoolmag podcast

 |  Latest, Podcasts

Podcast: Enjoy this big bucket of surf park insight with Skip Taylor

Latest, Podcasts

Skip Taylor is the guy we call when we’re stumped as he is one of the few veterans working the nascent wave pool landscape. This industry being what it is, he’s up to his elbows in NDAs so getting him to spill is basically impossible. That said, Zooms with Mr. Taylor are like a perpetual cocktail hour where the conversation

Skip Taylor is the guy we call when we’re stumped as he is one of the few veterans working the ...Continue ›

surf stadium japan

 |  News

How do wave pools affect crowding in the ocean? A look at Japan


There is a consistent complaint in the surfing world regarding wave pools: They will create more surfers and therefore make the ocean more crowded. But could the opposite not also be true? If there are finite surf spots with finite waves in a given area, could adding a new, quality surf spot to the area, i.e. a wave pool, provide

There is a consistent complaint in the surfing world regarding wave pools: They will create more surfers and therefore make ...Continue ›

marty hammersley of The Wave

 |  News

OG UK surfer finds perfect position at The Wave, Bristol


Matty Hammersley began venturing into the surf on the Cornish coast nearly four decades ago. It's hard to imagine the surfers of that era, decked in rigid 80s flouro, envisioning a working, operating wave pool nearby. Fast forward thousands of surf sessions later and now Matty has made his future, having shaped his passion into a role as acting senior

Matty Hammersley began venturing into the surf on the Cornish coast nearly four decades ago. It's hard to imagine the ...Continue ›

wavepooljobs and wavepoolmag partner

 |  Careers, News

Wavepooljobs and WavePoolMag enter partnership to serve growing employment needs

Careers, News

This week WavePoolMag entered a partnership with innovative start-up Wavepooljobs, a kind of LinkedIn for the surf park set. The agreement will see the two platforms expand to meet the ever-growing demand to staff and run the world’s wave pool industry. Wavepooljobs is a platform for surf park operators looking for lifeguards, managers, baristas, coaches - you name it. In

This week WavePoolMag entered a partnership with innovative start-up Wavepooljobs, a kind of LinkedIn for the surf park set. The ...Continue ›

surreal palm springs wave pool

 |  News

2023 California desert update: Wave pools still target 2023-24 launch


The WavePoolMag desert update focuses on developments in the evolving surf park oasis east of Los Angeles. After the pandemic, more drought and economic woes, progress on the four surf parks has changed. Coral Mountain is no longer on the map. Palm Springs Surf Club appears to be the next launch with DSRT Surf and Thermal the following year. Full

The WavePoolMag desert update focuses on developments in the evolving surf park oasis east of Los Angeles. After the pandemic, ...Continue ›

Edinburgh Napier University and Lost Shore Surf Resort announce global first collaboration

 |  News

Scottish wave pool makes room for university research on site


Lost Shore Surf Resort and Edinburgh Napier University have announced a unique collaboration that will see ground-breaking surfing research take place in Scotland. The partnership, which will be called SurfLab, represents a global first in terms of a formal research relationship between further education and a wave pool. The agreement will see Lost Shore Surf Resort, Scotland’s first inland surfing

Lost Shore Surf Resort and Edinburgh Napier University have announced a unique collaboration that will see ground-breaking surfing research take ...Continue ›

pinewood development tennessee

 |  News

New project in Tennessee aims for family-focused wave pool development


It’s a busy endeavor pulling together a wave pool project. Along with the standard home-building construction challenges, there’s the labyrinth of surf-centric creation issues from ground conditions to local board approvals. Matthew Ford and Jonnie Corrie are currently in the midst of building a new surf spot complete with residences and activities that will embrace a family-centric slowed-down lifestyle. We

It’s a busy endeavor pulling together a wave pool project. Along with the standard home-building construction challenges, there’s the labyrinth ...Continue ›

rapid surf league 2023

 |  News

Rapid Surf League makes changes, airs new schedule


In 2023 the Dextro Energy Rapid Surf League will organize a Pro/Am tour to shake things up a bit. The company said that because more and more rapid surfers are coming onto the scene each year, the group is changing its format to provide new faces a platform to present themselves and collect ranking points. The Rapid Surf League said

In 2023 the Dextro Energy Rapid Surf League will organize a Pro/Am tour to shake things up a bit. The ...Continue ›

Epicsurf wave pool as therapy

 |  News

EpicSurf granted Certified Autism Resource title


Aquatic Development Group (ADG) announced that their deep-water stationary surf wave EpicSurf, has been granted the title of a ‘Certified Autism Resource’ by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). The company said the current wave and surf pool movement will change the world by providing access to the sport of surfing, adding that many countries around

Aquatic Development Group (ADG) announced that their deep-water stationary surf wave EpicSurf, has been granted the title of a ‘Certified ...Continue ›

drone image for wavepoolmag TV logo

 |  Television

Television: Three different takes on Waco by Mr. Coco


Sometimes raw is better than slick. The SLAW TV outfit focuses on surf videos captured from land, air, and water. While the ocean is their main focus, founder John Cocozza is also behind some serious wave pool work. In this bit, we grabbed three gems from the Waco Surf files including sessions by the Seager Grit Company Surf Team, a

Sometimes raw is better than slick. The SLAW TV outfit focuses on surf videos captured from land, air, and water. ...Continue ›

brad gerlach talks wave pool and wave ki

 |  Podcasts

Brad Gerlach on the intersection of wave pools and Wave Ki


Brad Gerlach held down a very successful pro career during the ASP’s 3-to-the-beach era, finishing ranked at #2 in 1991. He then went on to pursue big wave riding, winning an XXL award in 2005. At some point, Brad merged martial arts and surfing fundamentals in a new training regimen called Wave Ki. In a nutshell, it’s practicing movements on

Brad Gerlach held down a very successful pro career during the ASP’s 3-to-the-beach era, finishing ranked at #2 in 1991. ...Continue ›
