
wave pool predictions

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Futuregazing: What will the wave pool space look like in 2031?


Predictions, Trends & Questions For The Coming Decade Of Wave Pools. Heading towards the latter part of 2021 there are currently more than a hundred wave pools around the world in planning stages, the midst of land acquisition or under construction. But despite the millions of dollars being poured into these projects, how many will be completed? Will wave pools

Predictions, Trends & Questions For The Coming Decade Of Wave Pools. Heading towards the latter part of 2021 there are ...Continue ›

surf lakes podcast

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Podcast: Aaron Trevis on the state of Surf Lakes five years in

News, Podcasts

Aaron Trevis has been tinkering away for well more than five years on Surf Lakes. He built small 1:25 and 1:10 prototypes of the plunger to see if the idea could work. It did. Fast forward to today and licensing has been fast with Surf Lakes selling territories in Hawaii, China, the US, and elsewhere. In all, the company says

Aaron Trevis has been tinkering away for well more than five years on Surf Lakes. He built small 1:25 and ...Continue ›

layne beachley for urbnsurf

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Layne Beachley hops on board as Urbnsurf intensifies expansion


Urbnsurf announced today the appointment of seven-time world champion and current Chair of Surfing Australia, Layne Beachley to the board of directors. The champ is joined by the former CEO of Impact Investing Nigel Allfrey. The move comes after both Beachley and Allfrey participated in Urbnsurf’s raising of $55million in capital to fund the group’s next wave pool in Sydney.

Urbnsurf announced today the appointment of seven-time world champion and current Chair of Surfing Australia, Layne Beachley to the board ...Continue ›

perth wave pool by wavegarden

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Perth wave park gets green light from State Government

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Aventuur has today been named by the Western Australian Government as the winners in the push to build a wave pool in Perth. The $80 million proposal was selected via a competitive bidding process put forth by the gov't and involved several departments and agencies across tourism, sport, lands, planning and transport. The next-generation wave park will be the largest

Aventuur has today been named by the Western Australian Government as the winners in the push to build a wave ...Continue ›

best wave pool surfboard

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Surfboards for wave pools: What works and what doesn’t


The best surfboard for a wave pool will be made with lighter, stronger materials and tend to be shorter in length with more rocker, as well as curve in the template. A touch more foam for all that paddling is a good option as well. Below are guidelines from some of the best shapers in the world. The best surfboards

The best surfboard for a wave pool will be made with lighter, stronger materials and tend to be shorter in ...Continue ›

surf art wave pools

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Alex Kilauano: When surf culture collides with art


Alex Kilauano kept deflecting our attempts to call him an artist. “I wouldn’t say I’m an artist” he told us more than once. But we kept pushing - probably due to all those years spent at Uni and our obsession with wanting to be cool and edgy. But from where we're sitting, art is a big deal. It makes tangible

Alex Kilauano kept deflecting our attempts to call him an artist. “I wouldn’t say I’m an artist” he told us ...Continue ›

dorset wave pool main image

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England welcomes latest wave pool plan


The Dorset wave pool is part of a development project by W H White called the Brocks Pine which would sit in the heart of Avon Heath Country Park and use Wavegarden Cove technology A new wave pool proposal is being pitched in Dorset, England just north of Bournemouth International Airport. The current plan is to build a Wavegarden Cove

The Dorset wave pool is part of a development project by W H White called the Brocks Pine which would ...Continue ›

Guide to Swiss wave pool AlaĂŻa Bay

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AlaĂŻa Bay Guide: Travel, Tips, Prices and Settings

User Guide

In this guide to surfing Switzerland's best wave pool, we provide helpful hints including prices, wave settings, best travel options, where to stay and more. Between sets at Switzerland's favorite wave pool AlaĂŻa Bay One of the most unique surfing destinations on planet earth. Nestled in the heart of the Alps, AlaĂŻa Bay offers surfers a bucket-list experience in a

In this guide to surfing Switzerland's best wave pool, we provide helpful hints including prices, wave settings, best travel options, ...Continue ›

shakira wave pool

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Shakira drops into a wave pool for “Don’t Wait Up” official video


Shakira just dropped her latest video and it features - yes! - choreographed dance moves and lots of hips. But to everyone’s surprise, there’s also heaps of wave pool surfing. It’s proving quite popular with the official clip for “Don’t Wait Up” already notching 28 million views on YouTube. Riffing on the lyrics “Do you remember how we lit up

Shakira just dropped her latest video and it features - yes! - choreographed dance moves and lots of hips. But ...Continue ›

Jordan Oueslati wave pool

 |  News, Television

What’s it like when your board hits you in the face during Beast Mode? Find out.

News, Television

Jordan Oueslati is a YouTubing surf pro and instructor from Guadeloupe. He recently made the trek to the French-speaking corner of Switzerland to test out Alaia Bay’s different wave settings, including Beast Mode. “I got into a tube and fell, barely touching the water,” said Jordan. “I caught the side of my board in the face. The lifeguards came immediately

Jordan Oueslati is a YouTubing surf pro and instructor from Guadeloupe. He recently made the trek to the French-speaking corner ...Continue ›

surf lakes drone

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Surf Lakes through the lens of the average surfer


In a dramatic break from standard-issue wave pool clips, Surf Lakes has just launched a gem featuring - gasp! - real surfers who aren’t paid pros. We’ve grown so accustomed to watching the best land impossible airs as surf brands send their elite teams to inland destinations to wow us via Instagram. It is what powers the internet and has

In a dramatic break from standard-issue wave pool clips, Surf Lakes has just launched a gem featuring - gasp! - ...Continue ›

wave pool berlin

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Surf Berlin? Yeah, it’s a thing now with the latest wave pool vision

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Berlin, actually just less than an hour outside of Berlin, will host the world’s newest wave pool as Surf Era announced plans this week to build an Endless Surf wave tub. The city of Fürstenwalde/Spree is accessible by bus, car or train from downtown Berlin and lies on the main rail line from Berlin to Frankfurt. The town has 32,000

Berlin, actually just less than an hour outside of Berlin, will host the world’s newest wave pool as Surf Era ...Continue ›

 |  News, Podcasts

The person behind Brazil’s first wave pool, Oscar Segall

News, Podcasts

Oscar Segall is the human behind Fazenda do Grama, Brazil and South America’s first surf-focused wave pool. In this episode podcaster Nick Robinson uncovers the how and why to Segall’s master development. The Wavegarden Cove is the central component to the private development and is only accessible via membership or residency. It could also herald the arrival of wave pools

Oscar Segall is the human behind Fazenda do Grama, Brazil and South America’s first surf-focused wave pool. In this episode ...Continue ›

epic surf wave pool system

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ADG maps course on the heels of EpicSurf launch


Legacy wave pool company Aquatic Development Group, or ADG, has its pneumatics in several wave pool systems across the world. You just might not recognize them. On the surf culture side, the opening scene from the classic The North Shore was filmed at Oasis in California at one of ADG’s pools. In our view, this totally cements the company name

Legacy wave pool company Aquatic Development Group, or ADG, has its pneumatics in several wave pool systems across the world. ...Continue ›

wave pool texas

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Island roots in the heart of Texas – through the lens of Otis Stevens


The contrast between surfing’s guarded outposts and the all-players-welcome approach of wave pools is like few other juxtapositions in the world today. Otis Stevens learned the Hawaiian surf photography code early. Certain spots you could name, Pipeline, Sunset - pretty much most of the North Shore - while entire Islands were verboten from naming, even shooting. It’s this dichotomy between

The contrast between surfing’s guarded outposts and the all-players-welcome approach of wave pools is like few other juxtapositions in the ...Continue ›

ultimate surfer kelly slater wave pool

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Cringe or Binge? The Ultimate Surfer drama goes down at Kelly’s wave pool

Latest, News

The Ultimate Surfer is a Bachelor-esque reality TV show that pits 7 men and 7 women against each other in competitions at Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch. Each week two contestants are eliminated until a men's and women's champ walks away with $100K and wildcard slots into 3 yet-to-be-determined WSL CT events. Just after the WSL euthanized the Surf Ranch Pro,

The Ultimate Surfer is a Bachelor-esque reality TV show that pits 7 men and 7 women against each other in ...Continue ›

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Coral Mountain meets resistance from neighbors

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As the Coral Mountain Resort private development and its associated wave pool in La Quinta, Coachella Valley, California comes closer to reality, local opposition arises. While wave pool developers have their wave heights, length of ride, frequency of swells, and hollowness, all dialed into their pools plans, there’s one aspect, a simpler choice, which can cause everything to grind to

As the Coral Mountain Resort private development and its associated wave pool in La Quinta, Coachella Valley, California comes closer ...Continue ›

urbnsurf podcast

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Damon Tudor on the trials and challenges to Urbnsurf’s expansion

News, Podcasts

Urbnsurf Melbourne has been open for a little more than one year. In that time the gates have been shut more often than open. By not pumping out waves to a happy public on the daily, their learning curve for building a thriving, profitable surf park has been incredibly steep. CEO Damon Tudor shares with us an accelerated master class

Urbnsurf Melbourne has been open for a little more than one year. In that time the gates have been shut ...Continue ›

wave pool night surf photography

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Glow: Nighttime wave pool photos get a makeover


Photographer Mathew Tildesley captured our attention with his 'Nocturnal' photo series. The Tasmanian lensman (yes Shipstern’s is a regular haunt) is in the habit of sending a strobe light out the back to capture the ghostly serendipity of ocean waves. He spends a lot of time at the bombies floating around shooting surf. Along with this being one of the

Photographer Mathew Tildesley captured our attention with his 'Nocturnal' photo series. The Tasmanian lensman (yes Shipstern’s is a regular haunt) ...Continue ›

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Locals Only: BSR’s Rodney Roller champions adaptive surfing


His name is befitting of a Saturday morning cartoon superhero. But a wrinkle in the time-space continuum appears once you realize he’s owned his name long before his hero deeds were done. Rodney Roller lost his leg three decades ago, abruptly ending his love affair with surfing. When he picked it back up he decided to get others into the

His name is befitting of a Saturday morning cartoon superhero. But a wrinkle in the time-space continuum appears once you ...Continue ›

camera mounts wave pool

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What are the best POV camera mount options for a wave pool?

Latest, News

The best POV camera mount options for surfing a wave pool are: mouthpiece, rail mount, front pole mount, front-facing board mount, back-facing board mount and rear pole mount. Which one works best for you is a matter of skill level and personal taste. Here is what each POV looks like as used by Aaron Withers at The Wave in Bristol.

The best POV camera mount options for surfing a wave pool are: mouthpiece, rail mount, front pole mount, front-facing board ...Continue ›

wave pool danger

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What happened to BJ Penn? Unraveling the How and the Why of a surf tragedy

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A wave pool near-death experience places surf tank safety in the spotlight and forces the question "How do you make safety standards for a wave pool?" This week UFC superstar BJ Penn posted about his near-death experience at an un-named wave pool when he got sucked into the engine room. In the Instagram post, Penn shared his nightmare in great

A wave pool near-death experience places surf tank safety in the spotlight and forces the question "How do you make ...Continue ›

twin fin surfboard wave pool

 |  News, User Guide

Twin Fin Pool Party scratches your surf nerd itch

News, User Guide

Noel Salas is the surfboard whisperer. Late to the scene of the inter web’s board review Gestalt, which includes such greats as Shred Show and Benny’s Boardroom, Salas can now claim the top spot with Surf N Show. Despite a predisposition to scoring his videos with cheese metal, his YouTube channel delivers sound knowledge in an entertaining package without venturing

Noel Salas is the surfboard whisperer. Late to the scene of the inter web’s board review Gestalt, which includes such ...Continue ›

epic surf wave pool

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Firsthand encounter with ADG’s surf-specific rapid wave EpicSurf


Cohoes, New York – just north of Albany, the state capital – seems like an unlikely place to find a new wave pool technology. A former mill town on what was originally Iroquois land, it’s known for its massive waterfall and colonial days as a hub of textile manufacturing. A quick drive through town reveals a mix of one-family homes

Cohoes, New York – just north of Albany, the state capital – seems like an unlikely place to find a ...Continue ›

Life Ring

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Who is developing standards for surf pools? That’s right, “Safety Nerds”

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The safety protocols for monitoring wave pools are rather complicated. Surf Lakes and the Palm Springs Surf Club demo pool are two different beasts. One is expansive and open while the other is small and boxed in. Safety guidelines aren’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The expanse of Surf Lakes requires more lifeguards while in Palm Springs, the main danger comes from

The safety protocols for monitoring wave pools are rather complicated. Surf Lakes and the Palm Springs Surf Club demo pool ...Continue ›
