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Wave pools have the unique opportunity to be female-focused

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With wave pools well on their way to becoming the norm, expect to see more females and families planning holidays that meet their requests - as moms, as women, and as pros looking to log serious wave time.  For surfers that means chlorinated travel destinations could replace salt water ones “I think that you can make certain comparisons to surf

With wave pools well on their way to becoming the norm, expect to see more females and families planning holidays ...Continue ›

Modern Surf Manchester

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New images released for Manchester wave pool

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Modern Surf Manchester made the news cycle this week with design plans officially submitted to Trafford Council by Leslie Jones Architecture and developers McKinney Group. The new design plans give more detail than previous ones the project floated through press agencies. In the latest renderings, we get a glimpse of the skate park and Wavegarden Cove layout, both with unique

Modern Surf Manchester made the news cycle this week with design plans officially submitted to Trafford Council by Leslie Jones ...Continue ›

Johanne Defay of France surfing in the Semifinal of the Surf Ranch Pro

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Johanne Defay and Filipe Toledo claim Surf Ranch Pro


Johanne Defay and Filipe Toledo have won the Jeep Surf Ranch Pro presented by Adobe today, the sixth stop on the World Surf League Championship Tour and the final event ahead of surfing’s Olympic debut in Tokyo next month.  Defay defeated the reigning four-time WSL Champion Carissa Moore by less than half a point in a hard-fought Final. The pair

Johanne Defay and Filipe Toledo have won the Jeep Surf Ranch Pro presented by Adobe today, the sixth stop on ...Continue ›

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Greenlight for wave pool in Queensland


There is a new wave pool coming to the Sunshine Coast. Here is what we know More details were issued this week about the wave pool slated for the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia. According to the Sunshine Coast Daily, Sanad Capital is building Actvenure, a $65 million water park along with the Invigorate family resort on Steve Irwin Way

There is a new wave pool coming to the Sunshine Coast. Here is what we know More details were issued ...Continue ›

wave pool texas art

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Why is Kelly’s wave pool in Austin not moving forward?


They were not the headlines we were hoping for. “Austin Surf Ranch ready to open” or “Kelly Slater Surf Ranch fills Austin wave tub.” These would kindle our stoke and quicken our pulse. But no. Instead, local platform Austonia picked up the comatose Kelly Slater Wave Co project at the abandoned NLand site and digital surf media pounced. Stab and

They were not the headlines we were hoping for. “Austin Surf Ranch ready to open” or “Kelly Slater Surf Ranch ...Continue ›

Taichi Wakita

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Japan pool commissioning to finish in time for Olympic training


American Wave Machines announced that commissioning will commence at the new Surf Stadium in Shizunami Japan with an eye on providing training for Olympic athletes. "Surfing is in the Olympics for the first time only once. This is a watershed moment for the sport," said Bruce McFarland, AWM Founder. "Starting July 12, PerfectSwell Shizunami will provide a consistent platform for

American Wave Machines announced that commissioning will commence at the new Surf Stadium in Shizunami Japan with an eye on ...Continue ›

map of south america

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The South American connection – how three companies are making surf

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Wave pool technology has long been a mostly American and European business, with a few behemoths leading the pack and a handful of smaller players.  Scottish-made Murphy’s Waves, for example, has put its technology in places from Dubai to Beijing. American Wave Machines Inc., meanwhile, has waves breaking from Texas to Japan, and has permits for locations in Florida and

Wave pool technology has long been a mostly American and European business, with a few behemoths leading the pack and ...Continue ›

Julie and Emily Nishimoto at wave park

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POV: A guide to Wave Park with Julie & Emily Nishimoto


At WavePoolMag we like to give readers as much information as possible about the world’s surf tubs. You can find that in our Surf Planner guide, a map detailing the world’s upcoming wave pools, and in our Tech Guide. Sisters Emily and Julie Nishimoto recently made the jaunt from Hawaii to Wave Park South Korea. In a video clip, the

At WavePoolMag we like to give readers as much information as possible about the world’s surf tubs. You can find ...Continue ›

Ian Gouveia praia do grama

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Brazil’s new private wave pool – can you surf it?

Latest, News, Television

The new Wavegarden Cove in South America will open in Praia da Grama, located 60 miles from São Paulo, on July 1, 2021. Despite COVID issues, the project was completed quickly and now becomes the first Cove in Brazil, South America and The Americas. “Built in partnership with KSM Realty, the world-class waves breaking in a palm-fringed, white sandy beach

The new Wavegarden Cove in South America will open in Praia da Grama, located 60 miles from São Paulo, on ...Continue ›

A Surf Lakes set framed as a tropical vacation postcard

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Surf Lakes provides more details about the Las Vegas project


A few months ago plans were announced for a Surf Lakes pool in Las Vegas. The company had been hinting at something big in the desert and in April CEO Reuben Buchanan posted on Instagram an artists’ mockup for the new Surf Lakes wave pool. Today Surf Lakes provided more information on licensee Torrey Ward. "Ward, an entrepreneur from California, and his

A few months ago plans were announced for a Surf Lakes pool in Las Vegas. The company had been hinting ...Continue ›

artist mock up of munic surf scene

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How Surftown Munich will transform the German surf space


I have been following wave pool projects in Germany since Wavegarden came out with their first-ever video, which was filmed at their testing facility in the Basque Country roughly 10 years ago. The hype was real and considering that Germany only has a small stretch of coastline and waves are rare, for me, Germany was destined to get a pool

I have been following wave pool projects in Germany since Wavegarden came out with their first-ever video, which was filmed ...Continue ›

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Reduce your microplastic use for International Surfing Day & always


Sunday, June 20th is International Surfing Day, a day where surfers around the world are encouraged to hit the water and celebrate this thing we love to do. The day is designed to raise awareness about the environmental threats facing the world’s oceans, most recently the problems with micro plastic. Only 10% of all plastic produced worldwide is currently recycled,

Sunday, June 20th is International Surfing Day, a day where surfers around the world are encouraged to hit the water ...Continue ›

surf stadium in shizunami japan

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First surf footage of Surf Stadium Japan signals summer grand opening


New footage leaked this week of Surf Stadium Japan shows pro surfers Sara Wakita and Taichi Wakita enjoying wedge rights at the new Shizunami pool. "A global pandemic, supply chain disruptions, quarantines, travel restrictions and 5500 miles of ocean could not stop us," American Wave Machines said. "Thanks to help from Volcom, Sara Wakita and Taichi Wakita surfed the first

New footage leaked this week of Surf Stadium Japan shows pro surfers Sara Wakita and Taichi Wakita enjoying wedge rights ...Continue ›

surfer in the tube at urbnsurf

 |  Latest, Television, User Guide

Pool Tips: Threading the barrel at Urbnsurf without cartwheeling

Latest, Television, User Guide

We’ve heard a lot of you express frustration about fitting into the tube, especially at a Cove design pool. Admittedly it’s a tight fit, more so than Waco’s wedge settings. But there are techniques to help you through Beast and Barrel mode perfection whether it’s a Wavegarden Cove in South Korea, Bristol, Switzerland or Melbourne. Surf coach Cahill Bell Warren

We’ve heard a lot of you express frustration about fitting into the tube, especially at a Cove design pool. Admittedly ...Continue ›

waco texas foam board contest

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Foam surfboard event hits novelty surf high-water mark

News, Television

Soft tops in strange waves are internet gold. Recently YouTube groaned under the added digital weight of nearly a dozen professional YouTubers documenting the Red Bull Foam Wreckers event in Waco. The comp at BSR was part of a 13-event series and was especially fun thanks to a new wave setting in the PerfectSwell pool, a sort of double wedge

Soft tops in strange waves are internet gold. Recently YouTube groaned under the added digital weight of nearly a dozen ...Continue ›

felipe toledo

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Can Felipe oust Gabriel at the Surf Ranch Pro?

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The Surf Ranch Pro will return mid-June as the WSL strives for normalcy in a year that is everything but normal. This year's tour, originally 13 events, had to cut the J-Bay, Portugal and Santa Cruz comps due to the ongoing pandemic. Now five of the nine official events have been run and done leaving two-time world champ Gabriel Medina

The Surf Ranch Pro will return mid-June as the WSL strives for normalcy in a year that is everything but ...Continue ›

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COVID variant jams Urbnsurf and Victoria’s re-opening plans

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Authorities in Victoria, Australia claimed they were concerned about a major spike in COVID cases after detecting the highly infectious Delta COVID-19 variant. The Delta strain is likely to have caused the devastating outbreak in India. Last week Urbnsurf announced they would close for a few days as the government implemented a weeklong circuit breaker lockdown. That closure has now

Authorities in Victoria, Australia claimed they were concerned about a major spike in COVID cases after detecting the highly infectious ...Continue ›

Ivie Akinwumi

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Art Study: Ivie Akinwumi’s work celebrates global surf culture


Ivie Akinwumi can sense water from a distance. Yes, like a dowser of old. When she discovered surfing she felt complete and her art found a muse. She now has built a cottage industry with her designs adorning everything from bags, clothing, iPhone cases and pillows. Akinwumi’s perspective is a world away from the SoCal surf industry aesthetic. Her art

Ivie Akinwumi can sense water from a distance. Yes, like a dowser of old. When she discovered surfing she felt ...Continue ›

Baptiste Caulonque

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Industry: Baptiste Caulonque’s shred moxie and Endless Surf


Baptiste Caulonque is a core surfer who slipped into the surf industry during the heyday of the Big Three. He helped anchor Rip Curl in Europe and navigate the trappings inherent in European business. Where in America the industry can be as simple as wholesale profit margins, the Euro game is like an extended chess match. Baptiste knows how to

Baptiste Caulonque is a core surfer who slipped into the surf industry during the heyday of the Big Three. He ...Continue ›

altered cassette image

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RetroVault: The super speedway of surfing is here!

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The hyperbole is good and includes "a revolution in surfing," "perfect endless dynamic overhead barreling surf" and other gems. But the reality is that it's a guy named Kevin (possibly with a mullet but it's hard to tell with that backdrop) in a Hawaiian shirt mansplaining the next big thing in surfing. "This machine delivers the most intense continuous excitement

The hyperbole is good and includes "a revolution in surfing," "perfect endless dynamic overhead barreling surf" and other gems. But ...Continue ›

American Wave Machines Perfect Swell

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Virginia Update: Richmond project adds more residential units


Virginia media outlets reported activity surrounding The Lake, Richmond’s giant wave pool development. The Chesterfield planning commission recommended a few adjustments to the mixed-use development to allow for additional units. Officials want room for 400 more housing units beyond the current 1,190 planned residential units. Homes will be mixed consisting of 830 apartments and 360 townhouses. The 105-acre property would

Virginia media outlets reported activity surrounding The Lake, Richmond’s giant wave pool development. The Chesterfield planning commission recommended a few ...Continue ›

artist rendering of surfing an enldess surf wave pool

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Innovations: Endless Surf’s Swell Studio & Surf Concierge features


Come look into the not-to-distant future with us as we book a session at a new Endless Surf wave pool. With six announced new surf spots planned to open in the next two years, we are wondering what the user experience will look like. Online interface for booking a customized session at an Endless Surf wave pool The white glove

Come look into the not-to-distant future with us as we book a session at a new Endless Surf wave pool. ...Continue ›

wave park south korea

 |  News, Television

Television: South Korea’s surfers train at Wave Park

News, Television

What kind of training ritual do South Korea’s surfers go through at Wave Park? In our latest episode of “Found Footage” we weave synthesisers and a random 1970s sci-fi clip into a thoroughly confusing, but ultimately entertaining clip of South Korea’s up-and-coming surfers training at the Wave Park wave pool in Siheung-si. Video by Watermelon Surf Photography with music by

What kind of training ritual do South Korea’s surfers go through at Wave Park? In our latest episode of “Found ...Continue ›

michael schwab

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How Michael Schwab, the Surf Ranch’s best customer, is making more pools

Latest, News

Michael Schwab is busy and everywhere in that unique way super-entrepreneurs are. Racing cars one day, surfing Lemoore the next, or energizing zoom meetings across the globe. He’s like Richard Branson, but with more human-looking teeth. The Surf Ranch’s biggest customer is currently working with several capital partner groups, a fusion energy company, and Travis Rice for the Natural Selection

Michael Schwab is busy and everywhere in that unique way super-entrepreneurs are. Racing cars one day, surfing Lemoore the next, ...Continue ›

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Wave Pool Review: Good vibes in a surreal setting – Skudin Surf at American Dream

Latest, User Guide

Average surfer Brett Hass finds that Skudin Surf offers great waves, confusing parking and fun vibes as he drops $250 for 19 waves. Did he feel surfed out after the two-hour session? Below is his full first-hand account of surfing til midnight… I think of myself as the classic weekend warrior surfer: I’d rather be surfing than doing almost anything

Average surfer Brett Hass finds that Skudin Surf offers great waves, confusing parking and fun vibes as he drops $250 ...Continue ›

Endless Surf 2023A