
mark occhilupo talks about surf lakes

 |  Television

Occy gives wonderfully, uh, Occy-esque Surf Lakes assessment


Mark Occhilupo is a Surf Lakes spokesperson. He’s not terribly articulate and his words come out slowly, yes, just like many of the surfers we know. And while his delivery will never be confused with the crushed velvet cadence of Alec Baldwin narrating a Wes Anderson film, it’s Occ's simplicity, honesty and lack of eloquence that resonates with surfers like

Mark Occhilupo is a Surf Lakes spokesperson. He’s not terribly articulate and his words come out slowly, yes, just like ...Continue ›

rupert partridge now at Aventuur

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Aventuur expands, signs on industry vet for key role


Aventuur, the global surf park developer with projects in Perth, Queensland, Northern NSW, New Zealand, Singapore and Fiji announced the addition of Rupert Partridge as Chief Revenue Officer. The company’s announcement signals just how fast the surf park landscape is expanding. Partridge comes to Aventuur after five years at Urbnsurf Group where he wore many hats, leading that company’s commercial,

Aventuur, the global surf park developer with projects in Perth, Queensland, Northern NSW, New Zealand, Singapore and Fiji announced the ...Continue ›

several riders at surf lakes

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Surf Lakes clears hurdle in race to be Australia’s next public wave pool


Livingstone Shire council has pushed everyone's favorite steam punk pool a step closer to opening up for the public. The local council approved the plunger's plan and initiation of Stage 1 which includes accommodations and a renewable energy facility. Other amenities on the list include a tourist park, cabins, camping and a skate park. “The Surf Lakes project has continually

Livingstone Shire council has pushed everyone's favorite steam punk pool a step closer to opening up for the public. The ...Continue ›

 |  Latest

Podcast: Andrew Thatcher and the concept of Endless Surf


Andrew Thatcher grew up surfing in the warm waters off Durban, South Africa and came to live in my home town of Cape Town, much further to the south before leaving for the USA back in 2000. The happiest coincidence occurred when a family connection to Tom Lochtefeld landed him a job at the legendary wave maker's Surf Loch and

Andrew Thatcher grew up surfing in the warm waters off Durban, South Africa and came to live in my home ...Continue ›

The Wave Bristol

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The Wave and Wavegarden sign UK & Ireland deal


The Wave announced an exclusive partnership agreement with Wavegarden to deliver six (possibly more) developments across the UK and Ireland. The surf park first opened in Bristol in 2019 and is currently working on a second site in London while also exploring the other potential sites. The six sites represent an investment of more than £200million ($275million US). The Wave says

The Wave announced an exclusive partnership agreement with Wavegarden to deliver six (possibly more) developments across the UK and Ireland. ...Continue ›

wave pool for tampa bay

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Florida enters race to build a Surf Lakes wave pool


A new proposal was announced this week for a Tampa Bay surf tank. Peak Surf Park would cover 30 acres and include a wave pool along with a handful of other amenities like a cafe, restaurant, and shops. The company website says they will also include skate, bike and climbing facilities as well as lessons, coaching and competitions. Surf Lakes

A new proposal was announced this week for a Tampa Bay surf tank. Peak Surf Park would cover 30 acres ...Continue ›

reception desk at wave park

 |  User Guide

Wave Pool Reviews by You: Wave Park

User Guide

Pros in wave pools are Instagram and YouTube gold. Your favorite surf brands are happy to foot the bill in exchange for likes and engagement. But it's a lopsided ecosystem. Search "wave pool" through social platforms and you'll find a hive of influencers and pros claiming "best pool ever." But what about us mortal surfers who have to trade hard-earned

Pros in wave pools are Instagram and YouTube gold. Your favorite surf brands are happy to foot the bill in ...Continue ›

surfers ear art image

 |  User Guide

Know how to protect your head holes from Surfer’s Ear

User Guide

Finding the best surf earplugs is a tricky task. Mainly because the human ear canal, annoyingly, doesn’t come in one size.Let’s face it, the human body hosts the most magnificent natural engineering in the known world, yet is also one of the greatest mysteries in the universe, not counting however it is that Star Wars Stormtroopers manage to go to

Finding the best surf earplugs is a tricky task. Mainly because the human ear canal, annoyingly, doesn’t come in one ...Continue ›

Guide to Swiss wave pool Alaïa Bay

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How Alaia Bay made their smaller footprint work


Alaia Bay is a game changer. Yes it’s a wave pool in the middle of the Swiss Alps but it's also unique because it refined the concept of a successful smaller footprint surf tank. Typically for a surf park to stay profitable, it needs to get as many butts into the pool as possible. Simply put, the more paying customers

Alaia Bay is a game changer. Yes it’s a wave pool in the middle of the Swiss Alps but it's ...Continue ›

door shaped surfboard

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Surfing gets a new kind of kick with door & coffin-shaped boards


Our favorite on-again-off-again Instagram chat of late has been with an entity known as Perfect Designs. We’re not really sure what it is they do beyond their band Bad Pelican’s sleeper hit “Too Cool For The Wave Pool” but we totally dig that they are floating something new and creative and have chosen to tether it to surfing - however

Our favorite on-again-off-again Instagram chat of late has been with an entity known as Perfect Designs. We’re not really sure ...Continue ›

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From Bets to Barrels: Sardinian city’s race track joins Italian pool project list


Will Sardinia be home to Italy’s first wave pool? And more precisely will the capital of Cagliari transform itself from a cruise ship step off to a surf tourism hot spot? In recent weeks the island’s warm climate and old-world charm became the backdrop for another wave pool proposal. Italy’s last surf park hope was way to the north in

Will Sardinia be home to Italy’s first wave pool? And more precisely will the capital of Cagliari transform itself from ...Continue ›

wave pool consultants

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Need help building your wave pool? We spoke to 3 experts in the field


We pull back the curtain to discover what it is exactly that wave pool consultants do. With surf parks being such a new space the title for this job rol e has yet to be set in cement. We've seen such perfunctory gems as "planner," "manager," "advisor" and "administrator" - all of which are quite acurate. For now, we’ll call

We pull back the curtain to discover what it is exactly that wave pool consultants do. With surf parks being ...Continue ›

typhoon lagoon reopens

 |  Latest, News

OG wave pool Typhoon Lagoon turns on the machine after nearly 2 years

Latest, News

Florida’s favorite wave pool (and only one to date) officially reopened this week after nearly two years of being closed due to the COVID pandemic. Despite Florida’s tug of war with the federal government over public safety guidances, Orlando’s theme park industry sided with caution and kept most Disney parks closed. During the downtime, Typhoon Lagoon underwent a few undisclosed

Florida’s favorite wave pool (and only one to date) officially reopened this week after nearly two years of being closed ...Continue ›

AllWaves first wave

 |  Wave Technology

How the AllWaves system works

Wave Technology

AllWaves AllWaves uses an underwater textile system powered by exterior hydraulics. They call this machine the “wavemaker.” When the wavemaker pushes out waves they break along a reef on each side of the pool. This creates right and left point break waves down the length of the pool. A second reef is situated at the front of the main pool.

AllWaves AllWaves uses an underwater textile system powered by exterior hydraulics. They call this machine the “wavemaker.” When the wavemaker ...Continue ›

wave pool surf art

 |  News

Top 10 wave pool stories of 2021


What happened in 2021? Well, COVID stuck around, Squid Games entered our TV sets and #FreeBritney became a movement. Not a whole lot can surprise us anymore, not even Flysoulja's "Island Boy" going viral. By comparison wave pools, once regarded with the same awe as unicorns and Pokemon, have become part of the "new normal." We wanted to take a

What happened in 2021? Well, COVID stuck around, Squid Games entered our TV sets and #FreeBritney became a movement. Not ...Continue ›

surf parks australia

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Sunshine Coast sights on new pool just one hour north of Brisbane


Surf Parks Australia is planning a 13-hectare development near Glass House Mountain on Australia’s Sunshine Coast. The wave pool will feature learn-to-surf facilities, cafe, dining, wellness center and a shop or two. According to Surf Parks Australia, the development will be a sustainable surf park. “Surf Parks Australia just wants to surf and promote the healthy lifestyle that comes with

Surf Parks Australia is planning a 13-hectare development near Glass House Mountain on Australia’s Sunshine Coast. The wave pool will ...Continue ›

waveseg test tank

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WaveSEG partners with the Brazilian Surf Park Association


Brazil has 3 million surfers and represents roughly one-third of the WSL top 34 going into the 2022 season. Of the country's 8.5 million square miles, only 4,600 of that skirts the coastline. So what happens when the inland territories have access to surf via wave pools? Once the whole country starts surfing we can guess that total, unstoppable world

Brazil has 3 million surfers and represents roughly one-third of the WSL top 34 going into the 2022 season. Of ...Continue ›

for the love music festival at urbnsurf

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Urbnsurf receives IAAPA award for, well, basically throwing a party


Ocean surfing is cyclical. Each season we chase swell to our favorite breaks (both nearby and across the world.) Digital surf platforms follow, pumping out the carnage of each big wave season, WSL contest updates and wetsuit guides with calendar precision. Exciting to watch? Yes. Predictable? Too much so. But while fans cycle through the digital surf media sphere each

Ocean surfing is cyclical. Each season we chase swell to our favorite breaks (both nearby and across the world.) Digital ...Continue ›

alaia bay surf the alps

 |  Television

Video: Alaïa Open Winter Cup recap


The majestic Swiss Alps can now claim to be part of the history of surfing. Despite the water temperature reaching near freezing (3.5ºC/38.3F), 125 brave surfers from across the globe competed in the inaugural Alaïa Open Winter Cup in Sion, Switzerland. Participants were quick to forget about the icy waters and focused on posting their best performances and highest scores possible. This was one of the first major international competitions staged in the Wavegarden Cove,

The majestic Swiss Alps can now claim to be part of the history of surfing. Despite the water temperature reaching near freezing (3.5ºC/38.3F), 125 ...Continue ›

kelly slater endorfins fin

 |  Latest

New fin system by Kelly will float in the pool


Kelly Slater and Firewire just launched eco-themed Endorfins, a new carbon twill build with very specific flex patterns and weight properties. The new line is made of a layered ultralight carbon veil over a P.E.T core (yes they float) and is designed to stay put in fin boxes so they won't come loose and litter the ocean (or pool) floor.

Kelly Slater and Firewire just launched eco-themed Endorfins, a new carbon twill build with very specific flex patterns and weight ...Continue ›

wave pool jobs at bsr

 |  News

BSR call for Director of Surf Experience heralds new niche market


The wave pool industry is growing. What is niche today won't always be that weird thing that's difficult to explain to relatives over the Holidays. Your uncle won't harrass you when you say you're a Wave DJ - "well what kinda music is that?" Today there are only a handful of jobs at the world’s limited number of surf parks,

The wave pool industry is growing. What is niche today won't always be that weird thing that's difficult to explain ...Continue ›

Surf Aid Cup wave pool

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SurfAid Cup returns to Urbnsurf wave pool for a second year


SurfAid announced today they will partner with Urbnsurf for the return of the SurfAid Cup in 2022. The event will raise vital funds to improve the health, wellbeing and resilience of people living in isolated regions. The event will be held on Friday 25th March in Melbourne at Australia's only public-facing surf-focused wave tank. Urbnsurf delivers a variety of Wavegarden

SurfAid announced today they will partner with Urbnsurf for the return of the SurfAid Cup in 2022. The event will ...Continue ›


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Rewind: The Allentown wave pool comp 1985


Wave pool comps have a bad rep. Much of it due to the tense monotony of the CT elite at Kelly’s. Yes, there are moments of brilliance, but overall the splendor of surf spectating is dragging anchor at such events. Conversely, the longboard event at Kelly’s was beautiful, graceful and engaging. Further up the wave pool comp please-o-meter the Alaia

Wave pool comps have a bad rep. Much of it due to the tense monotony of the CT elite at ...Continue ›

holiday wave pool party

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World’s wave pool prices and availability for Holiday (and other) parties


Which wave pool will host your Holiday party for $300,000 and which one will do it for $1,250? We researched The Wave, Urbnsurf, Alaia Bay, BSR, Snowdonia, Praia da Grama, Kelly's, Surf Stadium & Wave Park to get you prices and availability for the world's surf parks. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Boom! it’s suddenly December. Better get working

Which wave pool will host your Holiday party for $300,000 and which one will do it for $1,250? We researched ...Continue ›

wavepool urbnsurf sydney

 |  News

Urbnsurf Sydney: One of the world’s most hotly anticipated surf parks breaks ground


The long-anticipated groundbreaking at the Urbnsurf Sydney site went down this weekend with the unveiling of official park renderings, surf star appearances and construction vehicles. Sydneysiders and surrounding areas will have access to the park which sites within 30 minutes of the CBD. It will provide an alternative break to the ocean that will pump human-made waves for all ages and abilities. Tom Carroll, Luke Egan and others

The long-anticipated groundbreaking at the Urbnsurf Sydney site went down this weekend with the unveiling of official park renderings, surf ...Continue ›

Endless Surf 2023A