
Damon Tudor of Urbnsurf

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Master Class: Running a surf park with Urbnsurf CEO Damon Tudor

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Urbnsurf Melbourne has been open for a little more than one year. In that time the gates have been shut more often than open. By not pumping out waves to a happy public on the daily, their learning curve for building a thriving, profitable surf park has been incredibly steep. Hot on the heels of 2020, and with just six-months

Urbnsurf Melbourne has been open for a little more than one year. In that time the gates have been shut ...Continue ›

beginner wave pool indonesia

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Throwback to beginner-friendly concept pool in West Java

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In the wave-rich Indonesian archipelago, some inventive persons built a wave pool prototype in Sukabumi City. This 2013 clip shows how beginner-friendly the waves are. Not so beginner-friendly is the concrete wall at the end of the ride. “This wave pool is incomplete at only half of its intended length,” says the YouTube description. “This video was created to attract

In the wave-rich Indonesian archipelago, some inventive persons built a wave pool prototype in Sukabumi City. This 2013 clip shows ...Continue ›

evan geiselman and Kevin Schulz

 |  News, Television

Quick Hit: Guide to airs courtesy of Evan Geiselman and Kevin Schulz

News, Television

Can you tell a Stalefish Air Reverse from a Frontside Grab Air Reverse? Sounds complicated, but it’s simply a matter of hand placement on the rail. In this clip, Evan Geiselman and Kevin Schulz play a game of S-U-R-F. Modeled after the game of H-O-R-S-E, each surfer trades turns calling out an air and then executing it (or not). In

Can you tell a Stalefish Air Reverse from a Frontside Grab Air Reverse? Sounds complicated, but it’s simply a matter ...Continue ›

Largest standing wave in the USA

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Insight from Shane Beschen on new rapid wave pool sizes

Latest, News

With the unveiling of Wai Kai and Chelan Washington we thought it was time to revisit the river wave-inspired genre of stoke. In light of the term “standing wave pool” being absolutely zero percent exciting, in this piece we’ll try on the term “Rapid Wave Pool” for size and see how it goes (we’re open for suggestions, so please hit

With the unveiling of Wai Kai and Chelan Washington we thought it was time to revisit the river wave-inspired genre ...Continue ›

okahina test barrel

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Tiny tubes hint at full-scale potential

Latest, News, Television

Creators of the floating deploy-almost-anywhere circular wave system, Okahina Wave, aired more footage of their test model. In the video we see tiny barrels rolling out like spokes on a wheel at their facility in France. The Okahina wave pool works like this: A floating atoll is deployed in the ocean, stagnant bays, lagoons and lakes. Wave generators revolve around

Creators of the floating deploy-almost-anywhere circular wave system, Okahina Wave, aired more footage of their test model. In the video ...Continue ›

south america on the globe

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New wave pool tech, concept discovered in South America


In line with two surf parks coming up fast in Brazil and a new wave technology launched out of Ecuador, WaveSEG joins the South America wave pool party with their own unique technology and branded surf park concept. WeveSEG is part of SEG (South Entertainment Group) South America, and implements the design, installation and maintenance of wave pools marketed under

In line with two surf parks coming up fast in Brazil and a new wave technology launched out of Ecuador, ...Continue ›

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5 Reasons to Head to the Nearest Wave Pool by Olivia Jameson

Latest, News

Editor’s note: This post is part of a guest series of articles from the global surf community. If you’re looking to scratch your itch and go on an adventure, why not try your hand at the fun water activities at your nearest wave pool? Artificial waves date back to late 19th century Bavaria — when King Ludwig II ingeniously electrified

Editor’s note: This post is part of a guest series of articles from the global surf community. If you’re looking ...Continue ›


 |  Latest, Podcasts

Podcast: Episode 7 Season 2 with Ryder Thomas and his Caribbean project

Latest, Podcasts

Pegasus Lodges, Punta Cana, and Swell International form the basis of this chat with Ryder Thomas Ryder Thomas is a fun, engaging character, and while he was spending a cold grey day in New York, I jumped on a call with him from my base down here in Portugal. We had a long and super interesting conversation all about the

Pegasus Lodges, Punta Cana, and Swell International form the basis of this chat with Ryder Thomas Ryder Thomas is a ...Continue ›

rob kelly

 |  News

Employee of the Month: Rob Kelly, Operations Coordinator for PerfectSwell


What are the differences between the waves at American Dream and BSR Surf Resort? PerfectSwell Employee of the month Rob Kelly shares details about each spot... Rob Kelly is a well-rounded social media powerhouse stacking clips in gnarly, cold surf the world over while still keeping his hair wet with novelty sessions in the Great Lakes and the occasional adventure

What are the differences between the waves at American Dream and BSR Surf Resort? PerfectSwell Employee of the month Rob ...Continue ›

wavegarden HQ

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Unfiltered: What I learned on my visit to Wavegarden headquarters

Latest, News

The unlikely location for the next chapter in surfing is near the town of Zaurutz in the Basque Country of Spain. The medieval beach town is home to a thriving surf scene complete with surfboard factory, luxury surf boutiques and an annual WSL event. Game of Thrones fans can thank the area for Gaztelugatxe, the isthmus setting for Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s

The unlikely location for the next chapter in surfing is near the town of Zaurutz in the Basque Country of ...Continue ›

night surf wave pool

 |  News

How much to surf Urbnsurf? Price changes reflect the cost of perfect waves


Note: Updates to Urbnsurf and all the world's wave pools can be found on our 2022 pricing guide by clicking here. It’s amazing the variety in wave pool projects that blip on our radar screen. From multi-million dollar homes fronting a central surf lagoon to low-cost, barebones waves peeling off adjacent to a dirt lot. The business models are varied,

Note: Updates to Urbnsurf and all the world's wave pools can be found on our 2022 pricing guide by clicking ...Continue ›

artist image of wave pool, beer and hops

 |  News

Latest wave pool project opts for America’s beer barrel


If all goes according to plan Yakima Washington, two hours from Seattle and three hours from Portland will break ground on a Wavegarden Cove this year. Yakima Valley is closer to Canada than it is to Trestles and while most surfers will envision either Bigfoot country or cold, windswept plains of wheat, in reality, the valley here resembles that other

If all goes according to plan Yakima Washington, two hours from Seattle and three hours from Portland will break ground ...Continue ›

Wai Kai standing wave pool

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World’s largest deep-water standing wave breaks ground on Oahu

Latest, News

Developers announced today that construction is underway on The LineUp, the anchor attraction to the Wai Kai waterfront facility at Hoakalei Resort in Ewa Beach in West Oahu. Wai Kai will feature what’s labeled by developers as “the world’s largest deep-water standing wave.” Built by CityWave, the 100-feet-across structure will host three surf areas sitting side-by-side. Citywave machines run between

Developers announced today that construction is underway on The LineUp, the anchor attraction to the Wai Kai waterfront facility at ...Continue ›

artist rendering of mix tape

 |  Latest, News, Television

Battle those Bots! Captivating wave pool videos recommended by flawed humans

Latest, News, Television

What’s appearing on your social media feed? Did your House Hunters International YouTube binge kick the surf clips off your suggested list? Did you inadvertently create a vortex of paint-choice tutorials pockmarked with Bed, Bath and Beyond adverts and nary a Ben Gravy suggestion? Blame the YouTube algorithm. “But algorithms and their bots are wonderful,” you say. The one on

What’s appearing on your social media feed? Did your House Hunters International YouTube binge kick the surf clips off your ...Continue ›

world map of wave pools

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Surf Planner Update: The world’s latest wave pools – Is your town on the list?

Latest, News

Welcome to our latest edition of the Surf Planner update. This month saw a flurry of activity globally with more wave pools planned for Europe, South America, Australasia and the USA. The WavePoolMag Surf Planner is currently up-to-date with nearly 95 projects worldwide. How do we do it? How do we track down all the developing projects in the world?

Welcome to our latest edition of the Surf Planner update. This month saw a flurry of activity globally with more ...Continue ›

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Wave pool plans for West Oz reignited with new location

Latest, News

Hot on the heels of the announcement that Sydney would be moving ahead quickly with a proposed Wavegarden Cove as done by Urbnsurf, the group is now sighting on the Cockburn section of Perth. Urbnsurf is hoping to begin construction on the $40-million project in 2022. The new location follows a disappointing run at making waves in nearby Melville. In

Hot on the heels of the announcement that Sydney would be moving ahead quickly with a proposed Wavegarden Cove as ...Continue ›

 |  Wave Technology

How the Endless Surf wave system works

Wave Technology

Endless Surf Endless Surf is another one of the major pneumatic systems on the market today. Surf is created when air is pushed through caissons (chambers) in sequence to produce a variety of wave shapes and sizes. The number of caissons at the deep end of their heart-shaped pool correlates with the wave system’s size. An Endless Surf 18 has

Endless Surf Endless Surf is another one of the major pneumatic systems on the market today. Surf is created when ...Continue ›

 |  Wave Technology

How the American Wave Machines/PerfectSwell system works

Wave Technology

American Wave Machines/PerfectSwell PerfectSwell uses a pneumatic system similar to Endless Surf, SurfLoch and others. While there are nuances to the systems that come through in the patents and are obvious to engineers, it’s basically air pushed into the water to create waves. The pneumatics are housed in caissons hidden in a central wall. Software controls the firing sequence of

American Wave Machines/PerfectSwell PerfectSwell uses a pneumatic system similar to Endless Surf, SurfLoch and others. While there are nuances to ...Continue ›

 |  Wave Technology

How the Wavegarden Lagoon system works

Wave Technology

Wavegarden Lagoon The first of the wave pool 2.0 generation to break ground nearly a decade ago is alive and well at Adventure Parc Snowdonia. This is the beast that launched the whole revolution while Kelly, Greg Webber, Lochtefeld and others were still in the lab. Developed deep in the Basque Country of Spain, the world woke to the Lagoon

Wavegarden Lagoon The first of the wave pool 2.0 generation to break ground nearly a decade ago is alive and ...Continue ›

wavegarden HQ

 |  Wave Technology

How the Wavegarden Cove works

Wave Technology

Wavegarden Cove Wavegarden developed the Cove system shortly after their groundbreaking Lagoon design. Where the Lagoon had limitations in wave count and variety, the Cove resolved these issues critical to a profitable surf park. The system is a diamond-shaped pool with a customizable pier or footbridge running through the center. The top end of the pier houses the machinery that

Wavegarden Cove Wavegarden developed the Cove system shortly after their groundbreaking Lagoon design. Where the Lagoon had limitations in wave ...Continue ›

surf loch wave pool

 |  Wave Technology

How the Surf Loch wave pool works

Wave Technology

SurfLoch Wave pool OG scientist Tom Lochtefeld finally saw his design come to light in 2020. After years of test tanks and sketches, the inventor of the FlowRider pumped out waves at an abandoned water park in the desert. SurfLoch’s technology uses pneumatic systems within big caissons (a watertight concrete or metal chamber) that push out air to displace water

SurfLoch Wave pool OG scientist Tom Lochtefeld finally saw his design come to light in 2020. After years of test ...Continue ›

A Surf Lakes set framed as a tropical vacation postcard

 |  Wave Technology

How the Surf Lakes wave pool design works

Wave Technology

Surf Lakes Anyone who has tossed a rock into still water and watched the ripples fan out comprehends the Surf Lakes system. Mix in elementary bathymetry knowledge and each one of us believes we could design such a machine. But we can’t. A pneumatic system pumps hydraulics to move a giant central plunger up and down at a specified height

Surf Lakes Anyone who has tossed a rock into still water and watched the ripples fan out comprehends the Surf ...Continue ›

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2020 in the Rearview: Here are the stories that mattered for one reason or another


In a year ruled by a pandemic, a common theme was finding escape. With our usual social and work outlets twisted and restricted, many of us searched for a new happy place. We learned to cook. We Zoomed. We binge-watched Tiger King. Many of us simply curled up and cried in the corner while out in the world wave parks

In a year ruled by a pandemic, a common theme was finding escape. With our usual social and work outlets ...Continue ›

crowd at urbnsurf melbourne

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Where will the next Urbnsurf be?

Latest, News

Urbnsurf announced today that it has welcomed more than 100,000 guests in 2020 despite only being open for six months of the year due to COVID-19. The park opened on January 6th, then closed twice before re-opening in mid-October, and is now experiencing strong demand in the lead up to the New Year. “Despite a challenging 2020, we’re thrilled to

Urbnsurf announced today that it has welcomed more than 100,000 guests in 2020 despite only being open for six months ...Continue ›

editorial art for switzerland wave pool

 |  News, Podcasts

Podcast Episode 6 Season 2: Adam Bonvin and how Switzerland will have waves this March

News, Podcasts

  Find out what it takes to build a wave pool in the middle of the Swiss Alps as WavePoolMag podcaster Nick Robinson talks to super-effective-and-incredibly-driven human Adam Bonvin about getting the job done at the Alaia Surf Park...

  Find out what it takes to build a wave pool in the middle of the Swiss Alps as WavePoolMag ...Continue ›
