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Kelly’s Wave hosts slick night-time longboarding event


The world's most famous wave pool delivered live surfing to fans, a rarity in the time of COVID. The Surf Ranch hosted a handful of loggers to showcase their skills in a unique event that focused on style and tip time. In the end, Soleil Errico and Justin Quintal took top honors at the Cuervo Surf Ranch Classic. The one-hour

The world's most famous wave pool delivered live surfing to fans, a rarity in the time of COVID. The Surf ...Continue ›

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USA, Australia and pretty much the rest of the world smitten with Olympic wave pool training

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Late last year at Urbnsurf in Melbourne the Australian National team went in under wraps for some training. “We're stoked to help more Australian surfers achieve their dreams of qualifying for the World Tour, winning world titles, and earning Olympic gold,” Urbnsurf said in a social media post. But Australia’s Uber-competitive streak is not unique when it comes to training

Late last year at Urbnsurf in Melbourne the Australian National team went in under wraps for some training. “We're stoked ...Continue ›

 |  News, Television

Taylor Jensen tests different longboard techs at Kelly’s Wave

News, Television

Wave Pool clips are predominantly shortboard-centric slices of digital candy. Airs! Flips! Freaky. wedge waves! It’s like the ubiquitous beauty standard set by fashion magazines, totally unattainable without photoshop and a keto diet. Longboarders unfortunately, are invisible in the world of wave pool clips the same way your high school gym coach never made the cover of GQ. But a

Wave Pool clips are predominantly shortboard-centric slices of digital candy. Airs! Flips! Freaky. wedge waves! It’s like the ubiquitous beauty ...Continue ›

ben gravy at the american dream mall

 |  News, Television

Ben Gravy takes in the PerfectSwell New Jersey opening

News, Television

Surfing’s uber-stoked grown-up-grom Ben Gravy ducked into the official opening of the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford New Jersey. Sister site to Waco’s PerfectSwell waves, this smaller, chlorinated indoor version was dogged by construction delays and COVID which pushed back its opening nearly one year. But did the rescheduling and wait (or anything else for that matter, my god

Surfing’s uber-stoked grown-up-grom Ben Gravy ducked into the official opening of the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford New Jersey. ...Continue ›

siheung wave park

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World’s largest wave pool officially opens in South Korea


Asia’s largest wave pool, Wave Park powered by Wavegarden, officially opened with a formal ceremony and a surf session in Siheung, South Korea this weekend.The centrepiece of Wave Park, a mixed-use real estate development, is the world’s largest Wavegarden Cove surfing lagoon. New technology means the South Korean site offers longer waves and barrels and a wider variety of waves than any

Asia’s largest wave pool, Wave Park powered by Wavegarden, officially opened with a formal ceremony and a surf session in ...Continue ›

 |  Latest, Podcasts

Podcast: Deep insight into the wave park creation process with Skip Taylor

Latest, Podcasts

Skip and his team’s job is to help surf parks be profitable. Duties include everything from advising on construction planning, customer experiences, food logistics, locker placement and even towel choices. But the crown jewel of responsibilities, at least in our opinion, is Surf Park Management's role in deciding which wave company technology works best for a particular client. In this

Skip and his team’s job is to help surf parks be profitable. Duties include everything from advising on construction planning, ...Continue ›

Ben Player in the tube

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The Slab Whisperer: What’s it take to be a test pilot at Surf Lakes?

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To those non-indoctrinated in the ways of prone surfing, Ben Player is the Mick Fanning of the flipper set, claiming three IBA world titles. He’s also a media mogul, running the much-celebrated bodyboard publication Movement Mag. But to wave pool fans he’s known as “that one guy in the barrel at Yeppoon.” Part of the reason is that early incarnations

To those non-indoctrinated in the ways of prone surfing, Ben Player is the Mick Fanning of the flipper set, claiming ...Continue ›

 |  News, Television

Dozens of clips from South Korea’s new wave pool plus a rising surf star

News, Television

As images keep coming in hot from the world’s newest wave pool in South Korea, we kept noticing a snappy young goofyfoot populating the Instagram posts. The 16-year-old surfer is Jae Ung Seol, a mystery grom to many, but a rising star in South Korea. “I live on Jeju Island, and I’ve been surfing for four years now,” Jae told

As images keep coming in hot from the world’s newest wave pool in South Korea, we kept noticing a snappy ...Continue ›

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German championships go down in Berlin’s favorite standing wave pool


Germany is a stoked country. With five wave pools planned in the next few years, the land of Kraftwerk and Struwwelpeter (the first modern children's book) is fast-tracking its way to becoming a legit surf country. Pools planned for Krefeld, Berlin, Stade, Hallbergmoos, and most recently the Ruhr area are likely to bring the fictional Rick Kane/North Shore scenario to

Germany is a stoked country. With five wave pools planned in the next few years, the land of Kraftwerk and ...Continue ›

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Pharrell Williams’ wave pool momentum keeps rolling


Pharrell Williams’ surf park and entertainment center in Virginia Beach cleared another hurdle last week as it speeds toward breaking ground. Venture Realty Group, the developers behind the plan, secured the financing necessary to move ahead to the next phase of the project. Investors have worked closely with the city to fund the $325million development, meeting regularly and tasking the

Pharrell Williams’ surf park and entertainment center in Virginia Beach cleared another hurdle last week as it speeds toward breaking ...Continue ›

Endless Surf Punta Cana

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Two Endless Surf pools coming to the Dominican Republic


These days people value experiences and put travel at the top of their expenditure list. For some, a trip to a world-class surf break is the ultimate adventure and reward. For now, we are unable to do that, but we miss trips expanding our horizons and thirst to return to tropical beaches just like those in Punta Cana. For almost

These days people value experiences and put travel at the top of their expenditure list. For some, a trip to ...Continue ›

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Webber Wave Pools’ US licensee plans surf spot for Coral Springs Florida

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Coral Springs Florida unveiled plans for a new wave pool today. The move comes just one week after American Surf Parks pinned Fort Pierce as the latest site of a full-size Wavegarden Cove. City officials are backing the project hoping to expand the area’s recreational draw while creating a space for the area's youth. Located just inland of Pompano Beach

Coral Springs Florida unveiled plans for a new wave pool today. The move comes just one week after American Surf ...Continue ›

Erin Brooks at the BSR Surf Resort

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Portfolio: Rob Henson’s artistic take on the prosaic wave pool point-and-shoot


Rob Henson, the staff photographer at the BSR Surf Resort is becoming an artist. But he won’t admit to it. Between 16-hour days shooting and his no-frills Texas sensibilities he has little room to embrace the fancy stuff. We tried to out him as an artist by throwing out terms like “composition” and “texture” regarding this latest batch of photos

Rob Henson, the staff photographer at the BSR Surf Resort is becoming an artist. But he won’t admit to it. ...Continue ›

Surf Lakes new smaller model

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Surf Lakes launches new smaller wave pool priced at US$20Million


As demand for artificial wave facilities continues to grow, Surf Lakes has launched a new product model designed to suit reduced-sized footprints and with a view to targeting the beginner to intermediate surfing market. While still producing up to 2000 waves per hour like its larger sibling in Yeppoon, the new Surf Lakes model requires only two hectares (five acres)

As demand for artificial wave facilities continues to grow, Surf Lakes has launched a new product model designed to suit ...Continue ›

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Value of the learner set recognized in Bristol

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Action at The Wave in Bristol has been humming along since they reopened on August 1 this year. Now, as we move into Autumn, Europe’s first commercial Cove is launching two new sessions to its already full menu of surf options. The first is an hour-long non-coached beginner session. The idea is that learners can practice their skills freely without

Action at The Wave in Bristol has been humming along since they reopened on August 1 this year. Now, as ...Continue ›

new korea wave pool

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First Look: South Korea’s massive wave pool

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The Kelly of South Korea, Sungyong Ko just dropped a clip of the world’s largest Wavegarden Cove in South Korea. The new wave pool is part of the Siheung Surf Park component of the massive Turtle Island development an hour south of Seoul. The overall development cost is half a billion Euros and will include a hotel, convention center, marina,

The Kelly of South Korea, Sungyong Ko just dropped a clip of the world’s largest Wavegarden Cove in South Korea. ...Continue ›

 |  News, Television

Television: An outsider’s look at the Surf Ranch

News, Television

We love Casey Neistat. His video title teaser is “This wave pool costs $100 per second.” He’s a filmmaker, not a public relations company hired out by the WSL. So the seven-minute edit he just dropped about his Surf Ranch visit is a refreshing non-corporate peek at world’s most expensive wave. Check the clip below to enjoy Neistat's deft editing,

We love Casey Neistat. His video title teaser is “This wave pool costs $100 per second.” He’s a filmmaker, not ...Continue ›

far far a bay

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New Jersey PerfectSwell wave pool to open October 8th


The PerfectSwell wave pool at Far Far A Bay has had a rough run. Originally slated to open November 27th at the American Dream mall in New Jersey, construction delays postponed the opening until Spring 2020. Then, the grand opening debuted with the arrival of COVID-19. This week the official “in” to the wave pool Skudin Surf announced that surfing

The PerfectSwell wave pool at Far Far A Bay has had a rough run. Originally slated to open November 27th ...Continue ›

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A naked look at surfing through the art of DrewToonz

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Surf art is a weird beast. Like a minotaur, half-bull and half-human, it’s often two very separate things that don’t really belong together. The genre of surf art is dominated by two different animals. One is the airbrush flowy Wyland daydream species seen in tropical vacation galleries across the Pacific. And the other is the cartoonish splendor of Andy Davis,

Surf art is a weird beast. Like a minotaur, half-bull and half-human, it’s often two very separate things that don’t ...Continue ›

wave pool construction

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Why wave pool construction is a difficult, moody beast


In the creation of dream waves it's the engineers who get all the glory. These creative minds tethering their stardust visions via slide rules and math are the rock stars of the wave pool movement. But Aaron Trevis, Josema Ordriozola, Bruce McFarland, Clément Ginestet, Adam Fincham and others need a solid backing band to bring these dreams to life. This

In the creation of dream waves it's the engineers who get all the glory. These creative minds tethering their stardust ...Continue ›

 |  Latest, Podcasts

Podcast: Digging into Berlin’s future surf potential with Eirik Randow

Latest, Podcasts

Head down and focused, Eirik Randow keeps paddling and paddling in his campaign to bring waves to Berlin. In 2014 the German city was set to plant a Wavegarden Lagoon plow system at an old airstrip outside of town. When the local council axed the plan Eirik was crushed. But then, like a grom, he got all frothy and took

Head down and focused, Eirik Randow keeps paddling and paddling in his campaign to bring waves to Berlin. In 2014 ...Continue ›

Surfworks planned wave pool for Florida

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Fort Pierce project aims to break the Florida wave pool curse

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This week a 200-acre community development received unanimous approval from the Fort Pierce City Commission. At the center of the new Willow Lakes project will be a massive 56-module Wavegarden Cove facility as large as the one in South Korea. If all goes according to plan, the American Surf Parks development will be the first next-generation wave pool to open

This week a 200-acre community development received unanimous approval from the Fort Pierce City Commission. At the center of the ...Continue ›

Surf Lakes wave

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Feature: The many layers to Surf Lakes’ stone-in-a-pond concept


The test pool in Yeppoon is known by a lot of names: The Mad Max Wave, The Plunger Wave, Apocalypse Wave, That Giant Donut Thing …Surf Lakes makes a huge visceral impression. Arguably more than any wave technology out there at the moment. While concrete and software-synced air-powered swimming pools become the Dave Mathews Band of the surf park landscape,

The test pool in Yeppoon is known by a lot of names: The Mad Max Wave, The Plunger Wave, Apocalypse ...Continue ›

artist rendering

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First Look: Mesa Arizona wavepool design and layout


The world got another glimpse of the new SwellMFG wave-making technology this week through just-released architectural drawings and an Instagram post. The new sketches are the first schematics of the tech which will power the Cannon Beach development east of central Phoenix.Up to this point, we've only seen video clips of perfect little peelers from SwellMFG with no idea of

The world got another glimpse of the new SwellMFG wave-making technology this week through just-released architectural drawings and an Instagram ...Continue ›
