
Wild Rivers theme park in Irvine

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First Person: The 1988 Wild Rivers surf comp foretold California’s wave pool infatuation, and yes, Kelly was there


The Palm Springs Surf Club is fully up and running daily and because I live so close, I have been making several trips to watch and photograph a few people I know and I have really enjoyed it.  This past week, I got a call from Sean Mattison and his lovely wife, Krissy. Krissy works at Surfride, one of the

The Palm Springs Surf Club is fully up and running daily and because I live so close, I have been ...Continue ›

jacques laroux hero

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Locals: Jacques Le Roux of URBNSURF Melbourne


How difficult it must be to have a wave pool in your backyard and watch it open up only to shut down almost immediately due to COVID-19. For three excruciating years, Jacques Le Roux watched this surf park drama unfold in his backyard. At the time, WavePoolMag would get Instagram DMs from Mr. Le Roux, "What's going on?" and "When's

How difficult it must be to have a wave pool in your backyard and watch it open up only to ...Continue ›

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Celebrated photographer returns to find wave pool in his hometown


Bristol native Adam Warmington runs an Emmy Award winning production company out of San Francisco, California. He vaguely remembers the area around The Wave in Easter Compton, having only ventured there as a kid to play the odd cricket match. In July he returned home to see family, reconnect with old friends and take his kids to the The Wave.

Bristol native Adam Warmington runs an Emmy Award winning production company out of San Francisco, California. He vaguely remembers the ...Continue ›

2024 wave pools that opened

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Travel Log: WavePoolMag visits the surf parks that opened in 2024


In 2024 WavePoolMag visited half a dozen surf parks to get a feel for each facility’s uniqueness and character.  We know from past trips that waves, prices, management, surfing level and most importantly, X Factor/Vibe are all different at each location. Which is something we never really expected when we set out on documenting this space so many years ago.

In 2024 WavePoolMag visited half a dozen surf parks to get a feel for each facility’s uniqueness and character.  We ...Continue ›

wave pool Surf lakes by rambo estrada

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Like gold dust coming through your Insta feed


During a WavePoolMag trip to Surf Lakes, we were fortunate enough to meet Rambo Estrada. The photographer was on site to document the experience for assembled investors, contractors, and celebs. Rambo captured the entire three-day event from both land and water. Some images were used for promotional purposes by Surf Lakes, while most simply filled the Instagram accounts of the

During a WavePoolMag trip to Surf Lakes, we were fortunate enough to meet Rambo Estrada. The photographer was on site ...Continue ›


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Wave Pool inventiveness is alive and well with latest circular concept


We’ve often heard the wave pool space referred to as a big kids’ science fair. And we embrace that aspect of it because it’s through these basement tapes that true innovation comes about. Even without millions of dollars of investment support, wave pool designs are still sprouting up across the globe. It's a good indication that the spirit of the

We’ve often heard the wave pool space referred to as a big kids’ science fair. And we embrace that aspect ...Continue ›

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Convo Time: How wave pools will shape everything from the WSL to the surf industry


Brendan Buckley, or just “Buck,” spent years in the marketing department at Quiksilver before moving to the editor’s desk at Stab. His perspective is unique because, whereas editorial and marketing are typically two separate entities, Buck is a professor of both. We spoke with him to gain surf endemic insight on those places where wave pools intersect with surf brands,

Brendan Buckley, or just “Buck,” spent years in the marketing department at Quiksilver before moving to the editor’s desk at ...Continue ›

The wave bristol video review

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Can the Wave Pool Industry Go Green? Yes. Here’s How


Owning and running an environmentally aware business that leaves as light of a footprint as possible is a tricky task for any business, doubly so with wave pools. Water and electricity usage and practices need to be constantly scrutinised and updated; for both economic reasons, and green principles. To streamline the path to good environmental governance, which can assist wave

Owning and running an environmentally aware business that leaves as light of a footprint as possible is a tricky task ...Continue ›

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Waco Surf uses customer feedback to evolve, expand the facility


To stay in the game surf parks need to keep on top of consumer demands. Most industries have a decade or more of trial and error to fall back on. Not surf parks. So what to do? Sometimes it's as simple as asking your customers what they want. Recently, Waco Surf announced upgrades to their accommodations, including new hotel rooms

To stay in the game surf parks need to keep on top of consumer demands. Most industries have a decade ...Continue ›

wave pool to surfer ration worldwide

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Numbers Nerd: How many surfers per wave pool per country?


Figures are only as solid as their interpretation, and while numbers don't lie, they can be thrown into the shorebreak of estimates and come out any which way. But with the growth of surfing worldwide, the actual number of surfers is as pliable as a block of wax on a summer's day.  In 2012, the International Surfing Association (ISA) handed

Figures are only as solid as their interpretation, and while numbers don't lie, they can be thrown into the shorebreak ...Continue ›

Michaela Heinz: WavePoolMag Employee of the Month

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Employee of the Month: Michaela Heinz, office manager at the American Dream surf pool


I learned that native New Jerseyans distinguish whether they came from Northern New Jersey or elsewhere in the state. I think it's a matter of pride, like the way Northern Californians never let you forget that they are NOT from Los Angeles. Northern New Jersey, or "North Jersey," is an economic and transportation hub (25 million passengers per year pass

I learned that native New Jerseyans distinguish whether they came from Northern New Jersey or elsewhere in the state. I ...Continue ›

Riyue Bay Surf Resort

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New project shows that China is embracing wave pools 2.0 after failed foil surf basin


In 2019, China conducted its first wave pool experiment in Henan province, marking its entry into the global wave pool market. The facility's design closely resembled that of Kelly Slater's wave pool in Lemoore, California. While the waves produced did not match the quality of Slater's pool, the initiative indicated potential for future advancements in surfing if the Chinese government

In 2019, China conducted its first wave pool experiment in Henan province, marking its entry into the global wave pool ...Continue ›

Flowstate.zone launches new website

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Surfers have logged at least 4.5 Million wave pool clips


The metrics of how much we like to watch ourselves and our friends surf are impressive. Flowstate announced this week that a staggering 4.5 million clips have been recorded through their technology. To reach this milestone, the AI video tech logged 89,202 sessions involving 26,474 surfers across the world's wave pools. Within that jaw-dropping metric, the top surf parks by

The metrics of how much we like to watch ourselves and our friends surf are impressive. Flowstate announced this week ...Continue ›

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German double-wave pool secures land on former industrial site


A unique double wave pool project in western Germany secured a purchase agreement for approximately 100,000 square meters of the main area of the former Werne Colliery. The Surfwrld/Scncwave project has had two successful capital raising rounds which allowed the purchase option to go through with the energy company that holds the land, Ruhrkohle AG. “This is a big step

A unique double wave pool project in western Germany secured a purchase agreement for approximately 100,000 square meters of the ...Continue ›

revel surf arizona

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Revel Surf in Mesa Arizona is officially open


In an excited social media post packed full of exclamation points and emojis galore, Revel Surf, the much anticipated Mesa Arizona wave pool announced they are now open. In the post the company urged people to come down and share the stoke and wished everyone a happy holiday. If you are interested in visiting Revel Surf at the Cannon Beach

In an excited social media post packed full of exclamation points and emojis galore, Revel Surf, the much anticipated Mesa ...Continue ›

Flowstate at PSSC

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SoCal’s favorite wave pool installs new video system


Flowstate has officially launched its services at The Palm Springs Surf Club (PSSC) in California. When WavePoolMag visited PSSC in October, the surf park had yet to have an AI video system in place. During our podcast with Cheyne Magnusson the wave maker had hinted at the prospect of a system, but would not confirm. The installation at PSSC marks

Flowstate has officially launched its services at The Palm Springs Surf Club (PSSC) in California. When WavePoolMag visited PSSC in ...Continue ›

Brasil Surfe Clube Endless Surf

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Endless Surf and Brasil Surfe Clube announce they will build the two largest wave pools in the southern hemisphere


Endless Surf and Brasil Surfe Clube (BSC) have announced plans for two surf destinations: BSC Costa Verde and BSC at Região dos Lagos. The announcement follows a launch event in Rio de Janeiro attended by over 450 club members and supporters.The developments will feature Endless Surf’s wave technology and aim to create surf lifestyle hubs in Brazil. Membership sales for

Endless Surf and Brasil Surfe Clube (BSC) have announced plans for two surf destinations: BSC Costa Verde and BSC at ...Continue ›

Cannon Beach, McKinney Texas

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New Texas wave pool is by the same developers as the new Mesa Arizona project


WavePoolMag visited Cannon Beach Arizona in early December and spoke with COO Adam Saks (Podcast Here). At the time Adam hinted at something big happening – a second project, yes, before the Mesa location was even open to the public. Of course he couldn't share details at the time. But now, word is out. Cannon Beach in Mesa Arizona is

WavePoolMag visited Cannon Beach Arizona in early December and spoke with COO Adam Saks (Podcast Here). At the time Adam ...Continue ›

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It must be Wrapped season: England’s favorite wave pool pushes out 1.6 million waves and 2,555 plates of poached eggs


Launched nearly a decade ago, Spotify's year-end Wrapped feature has become quite the pop-culture phenomenon. The list allows listeners to showcase their unique music tastes to friends, family, and internet strangers. It's hours of listening boiled down, then polished into a shiny social media diamond for the TikTok set. Caught up in the online maelstrom, The Wave in Bristol released

Launched nearly a decade ago, Spotify's year-end Wrapped feature has become quite the pop-culture phenomenon. The list allows listeners to ...Continue ›

Summer waves in Bristol

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The Wave Bristol adds Flowstate AI video service


Flowstate has launched at The Wave in Bristol, installing several cameras at Europe’s longest-running surf park. The system, first developed in Melbourne at URBNSURF, offers surfers a way to capture, relive, and improve their sessions. “Our award-winning AI technology now powers automated video capture, photography, coaching, and instant replay at one of the UK’s premier surfing destinations,” said Luke Wallace,

Flowstate has launched at The Wave in Bristol, installing several cameras at Europe’s longest-running surf park. The system, first developed ...Continue ›

Cabo Real surf club to feature Endless Surf pool

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That hotly-anticipated, much talked about Cabo wave pool officially announces it will have an Endless Surf design as its centerpiece

Features, News

For years Baja Mexico has been the quintessential road trip for California surfers. The northern spots near the border were first explored in the ‘50s and became a standard weekend destination through the ’60s and ’70s. As crowd pressure increased, surfers pushed further south until they ran out of road at the tip of the peninsula and mapped out towns

For years Baja Mexico has been the quintessential road trip for California surfers. The northern spots near the border were ...Continue ›

Cove test facility in the Basque Country rebranded as the Wavegarden Lab

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After several major changes, the Cove test facility in the Basque Country rebranded as the Wavegarden Lab


The original Wavegarden Cove prototype has recently been transformed and extended to provide an increased variety of waves and new design features. The full-sized prototype had been pivotal in modelling for commercial facilities worldwide. However, its small footprint had placed limits on research and development. Until now.  With a water surface area of just 90m x 45m, the Wavegarden Lab

The original Wavegarden Cove prototype has recently been transformed and extended to provide an increased variety of waves and new ...Continue ›

Mick Fanning at Endless Surf

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Inspired, Mick Fanning backs Australia’s first surf and golf resort


Three-time world champion surfer Mick Fanning has announced the development of Palm Valley, Australia's first surf and golf resort, located 7 kilometers from Main Beach at Parkwood International Golf Club. The project aims to integrate a surf park with a championship golf course and a luxury hospitality resort, reflecting the lifestyle of the Gold Coast. Scheduled to open in mid-2027,

Three-time world champion surfer Mick Fanning has announced the development of Palm Valley, Australia's first surf and golf resort, located ...Continue ›

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Treating migrant and asylum seeker trauma at a wave pool


So far this year, more than 31,000 people have crossed the English Channel in attempts to seek political asylum in the U.K. Of those, 52 have died – the most since the International Office of Migration started tracking the numbers in 2018. For at least some of the refugees who migrate to England, the water isn’t a place of joy

So far this year, more than 31,000 people have crossed the English Channel in attempts to seek political asylum in ...Continue ›

Sasha Becejac testing surfboards at The Wave

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Wave Pools: The Perfect Testing Grounds for Surfing Equipment


Surfing has always been intertwined with nature, and surfers must constantly adapt to ever-changing conditions. From the ebb and flow of tides to the whims of wind and swell - for better or worse. The hunt for the perfect alignment never ends - until you walk into a wave pool.  The on-tap consistency and predictability of wave pools provide surfers

Surfing has always been intertwined with nature, and surfers must constantly adapt to ever-changing conditions. From the ebb and flow ...Continue ›
