
surfworks adventure park

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Consultants from The Wave & Snowdonia helping Myrtle Beach wave pool

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One of the most wildly popular news items on WavePoolMag recently was the announcement of the Myrtle Beach South Carolina wave pool. We were a bit perplexed as to why it received so much traffic as it was just another project announcement. Why this development? It’s not as sexy as a new Kelly wave and it’s not sparkling with the

One of the most wildly popular news items on WavePoolMag recently was the announcement of the Myrtle Beach South Carolina ...Continue ›

empty wave in palm springs

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Jamie O’Brien’s California wave pool tour

News, Television

Jamie O’Brien grew up on the North Shore overlooking Pipe/Backdoor. It’s said that on any day he gets the pick of the set waves. So why would he be interested in a wave pool? Three reasons come to mind: #1 because it’s summer and the North Shore is flat; #2 He’s surfing Kelly’s wave in Lemoore with a handful of

Jamie O’Brien grew up on the North Shore overlooking Pipe/Backdoor. It’s said that on any day he gets the pick ...Continue ›

Alaia concept art for swiss wave pool

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French-speaking Swiss town to open Cove in one year


Sion Switzerland’s wave pool leaked some artist renderings and completion projection dates recently. The Alaïa park project reported this week that despite the COVID-19 delays that much of the world is experiencing, the Swiss surf park is shaping up to be completed on time. The wave pool is anticipating completion in the next year with a full-size 8'500m2 (a little

Sion Switzerland’s wave pool leaked some artist renderings and completion projection dates recently. The Alaïa park project reported this week ...Continue ›

adventure parc snowdonia wave pool

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Snowdonia wave pool forced to close for the season

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The world’s first dedicated surf park will close for the rest of 2020 according to a press release issued today. Adventure Parc Snowdonia says they are unable to operate within the latest Welsh Government guidelines regarding COVID-19.In mid-June authorities in Wales issued guidance to close water parks, soft play areas and indoor gyms among other types of facilities. The news

The world’s first dedicated surf park will close for the rest of 2020 according to a press release issued today. ...Continue ›

toy surfer

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10 years ago AWM unveiled their tech to scattered applause

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This decade-old clip from the amusement parks and attractions trade show, or IAAPA shows American Wave Machines guru Bruce McFarland explaining surfing to amusement park video journalists in a quick 7-minute clip. But it soon becomes obvious that while Bruce gives an eloquent, enthusiastic explanation of surfing, he is a fish out of water. The journalists, accustomed to gravity-powered water

This decade-old clip from the amusement parks and attractions trade show, or IAAPA shows American Wave Machines guru Bruce McFarland ...Continue ›

Artist mock up of surfer and eiffel tower

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Wave pool project hopes to revitalize Parisian neighborhood


First launched a few years ago, a redevelopment project in the Sevran quarter of Paris is taking aim at issues unique to under-represented neighborhoods. And it’s doing so with a wave pool. Urban renewal (charged terminology that it is) has grown rather stagnant. It follows a pattern: build a few soccer pitches, condos, and storefronts and then call it a

First launched a few years ago, a redevelopment project in the Sevran quarter of Paris is taking aim at issues ...Continue ›

Ben Gravy

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Ben Gravy discovers tidal bore wave pool design

News, Television

We love Ben Gravy. He makes a living being happy. And he should. Against our collective Charlie Brown funk, he’s like a gap-toothed Peppermint Patty eternally frothing, forever stoked. And it’s contagious because it’s genuine. In the superlative-heavy sphere of YouTube posts, Ben Gravy claims in his latest episode, “This is the most epic novelty wave I’ve ever seen in

We love Ben Gravy. He makes a living being happy. And he should. Against our collective Charlie Brown funk, he’s ...Continue ›

Artist rendering of wave pool surf in space

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Wavegarden confirms four more Coves will open by 2020/21


Today Wavegarden launched its 2020 product clip, a five-minute online video touting the wave maker's positive selling points along with facts, figures, and a few technical details. In the accompanying press release, the company also revealed the number of upcoming projects. And it's a lot. Currently, there are four Wavegarden facilities open for surfing with four more set to launch

Today Wavegarden launched its 2020 product clip, a five-minute online video touting the wave maker's positive selling points along with ...Continue ›

surfer dropping in at the wave bristol

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Cinéma vérité – Raw Clips from The Wave, Bristol

News, Television

Take in a relaxing two-and-a-half minutes of The Wave on a blustery day in early February 2020 with the surf pumping through on the intermediate setting... Why? Because sometimes we have to use our college arts degree to sound smart. So here it is: Cinéma vérité was invented by anthropologist Jean Rouch who was inspired by Dziga Vertov's theory about

Take in a relaxing two-and-a-half minutes of The Wave on a blustery day in early February 2020 with the surf ...Continue ›

surfing escape from LA movie

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How an early artificial wave tripped up Hollywood’s CG set

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Hollywood rarely gets surfing right, unless it’s done with enough sublime genius we can quote it 30 years later. Such was the case with the "North Shore." But Escape From LA? This was the sequel no one really asked for to follow up “Escape From New York.” Yet, there's a surfing scene with Peter Fonda and Kurt Russell that can

Hollywood rarely gets surfing right, unless it’s done with enough sublime genius we can quote it 30 years later. Such ...Continue ›

Urbnsurf melbourne to reopen

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Urbnsurf airs artful edit, new sessions ahead of re-opening


Urbnsurf Melbourne will re-open this Friday, June 19th and will also offer bookings for Cruiser, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert surf sessions. The company said they will resume operations this Friday after temporarily closing in late March due to coronavirus (COVID-19). In line with the Victorian Government’s gradual easing of restrictions, up to 18 surfers will be permitted on each side

Urbnsurf Melbourne will re-open this Friday, June 19th and will also offer bookings for Cruiser, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert surf ...Continue ›

Drone view of The Wave in Bristol

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The Wave Bristol shortlisted for engineering marvel award

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A panel of engineers has selected England’s only Wavegarden Cove to join 11 other projects competing in the ICE South West Civil Engineering Awards. The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), an independent professional association for civil engineers with 95,000 active members, just shortlisted The Wave in Bristol for the People Choice Award category. The Wave was chosen due to its

A panel of engineers has selected England’s only Wavegarden Cove to join 11 other projects competing in the ICE South ...Continue ›

yin and yang wave pool concept

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Symbol for duality, balance and world harmony is, like, totally shred-able


An oft-overlooked component in the wave pool game is creativity. We celebrate the terrestrial engineers who get the job done, players like Tom Lochtefeld, Aaron Trevis, Josema and Karin, Bruce McFarland and others. But it’s the sketches from the fringe visionaries - those mad humans eating stardust for breakfast - that plant the seeds for the machine-made waves we will

An oft-overlooked component in the wave pool game is creativity. We celebrate the terrestrial engineers who get the job done, ...Continue ›

surfer in the tube at urbnsurf

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Beast Bargain: What is the cost of insane barrels?

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Those wave settings once reserved for pros and private parties are now open to the paying public. Urbnsurf announced today they will add new Expert surfs to their current menu. The sessions will host just 12 surfers on each side of Melbourne's first Wavegarden Cove and offer a variety of waves including the famous Beast setting. Priced at $129AUS, the

Those wave settings once reserved for pros and private parties are now open to the paying public. Urbnsurf announced today ...Continue ›

new zealand map

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New Zealand council green lights feasibility study for wave pool


An Olympic-level Aquasports park is one step closer to calling Kaiapoi home after the concept demonstrated through the pre-feasibility study the potential to be commercially viable. The WHoW Charitable Trust plan a New Zealand first by co-locating surf wave, whitewater and cable wakeboard facilities together in an Aquasports Park parks alongside the Kaiapoi River on former red zoned land. Trust Chairperson, Tony

An Olympic-level Aquasports park is one step closer to calling Kaiapoi home after the concept demonstrated through the pre-feasibility study ...Continue ›

surfing at urbnsurf melbourne

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Urbnsurf Melbourne will resume operations next week

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Urbnsurf announced today that they will reopen to the public on Friday, June 19th. The statement comes at the same time the Victorian Government is easing restrictions for sport and recreation. The new regulations limit the number of users to 20 per separate area of outdoor swimming pool. “On re-opening, up to 18 surfers will be permitted on each side

Urbnsurf announced today that they will reopen to the public on Friday, June 19th. The statement comes at the same ...Continue ›

wave cfd and map

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SurfPark Resort aims for opening in São Paulo late 2021

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Fabio Ferraz, along with his team leads Surfpark Resort, an ambitious project to build the largest independent surf park network spread around the world. The concept is to create wave pools for surfing set in a family fun environment. What that pans out to look like exactly, either BSR Surf Resort barbecue fun or Far Far A Bay indoor New

Fabio Ferraz, along with his team leads Surfpark Resort, an ambitious project to build the largest independent surf park network ...Continue ›

wavegarden cove machine

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Cove wave pool to land in western Germany

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Surfers across Europe, in particular Germany, will be pleased to know that a Wavegarden Cove is planned just 20 minutes from Düsseldorf. Wavegarden announced that Krefeld City, in western Germany, will host a Cove. The new €25Million development by the Elakari Group anticipates completing the job by summer 2023. The surf park’s location is key to attracting an estimated 200,000

Surfers across Europe, in particular Germany, will be pleased to know that a Wavegarden Cove is planned just 20 minutes ...Continue ›

Hannah Bristow, intermediate surfer at The Wave Bristol

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Intermediate surf tips with a professional coach

News, User Guide

WavePoolMag correspondent Hannah Bristow – partner at KellySaysSurf, a YouTube channel “full of faceplants, fun and surfing fails” — shelved her ego and said “Yes” to a video coaching session with Martin Dunn.  A fixture in the UK surf scene, Hannah emphasised to us that this is her first coaching session, “unless you count all the times random dudes paddled

WavePoolMag correspondent Hannah Bristow – partner at KellySaysSurf, a YouTube channel “full of faceplants, fun and surfing fails” — shelved ...Continue ›

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Look for standing waves to enhance Multi-Wave Surf Parks

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Currently, chatter in the wave pool industry is about the future of Multi-Wave Surf Parks - that is, destinations with more than one type of surf-able technology. It’s a term for a place like BSR Cable Park in Waco - with its wakeboard center and water attractions - but surf-specific. The idea is that Multi-Wave Surf Parks will offer several

Currently, chatter in the wave pool industry is about the future of Multi-Wave Surf Parks - that is, destinations with ...Continue ›

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How safe is it to surf in a wave pool during COVID-19?

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In the US and around the world ocean lineups today look much like they did pre-COVID-19 with surfers returning as lockdown rules ease. Wave pool operators shut doors months ago following government guidelines and now eye a global re-opening, leaving many of us to ask “how safe are wave pools in this era of COVID-19?” There is a lot of

In the US and around the world ocean lineups today look much like they did pre-COVID-19 with surfers returning as ...Continue ›

Johnny Cabianca shaping surfboard

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What does 2X Freshwater Pro champ Gabby have under his feet?

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It’s a unique time for surfing. Not just because of wave pools, but because for the past decade regular surfers have had access to the exact same designs as pro team riders. With the advent of brand models, those magic recipes are replicated with each board. And, as more surfers take to surf parks those of us not on tour

It’s a unique time for surfing. Not just because of wave pools, but because for the past decade regular surfers ...Continue ›

wipeout at urbnsurf

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Celebrating the ordinary: 5 waves, 4 fails

Latest, News, Television

We love raw footage. It offers a real view of wave pool sessions. Mostly what we see on the interweb is slick, primped, primed and calculated slices of digital stoke curated by professionals. The result? We all feel a little deflated when we see real footage of ourselves surfing. In case you need a reminder of our collective surfing shortcomings,

We love raw footage. It offers a real view of wave pool sessions. Mostly what we see on the interweb ...Continue ›

kalani robb in palm springs wave pool

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Pool party chaos leads to at least two new sports

News, Television

When the whole concept of surf-able wave pools sprung up this is exactly what we hoped it would look like. Fun, creative and little reckless. Kalani Robb lit up Instagram this week with footage of surf maestro Blair Conklin and crew inventing new surf-sports at the Palm Springs Surf Club. The Laguna skimboard champ used a winch cable to heighten

When the whole concept of surf-able wave pools sprung up this is exactly what we hoped it would look like. ...Continue ›

La Vague Paris Endless Surf

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With Paris project industry giant WhiteWater jumps into the surf park market


Until now, the kingdom of wave pool makers has been limited to a handful of frontrunners including Wavegarden and Kelly Slater - both of whom created their systems from scratch. But what if a company that had been in the wave pool game since 1980 put its waterpark muscle behind surf-specific wave pools? That is exactly what’s happening as WhiteWater,

Until now, the kingdom of wave pool makers has been limited to a handful of frontrunners including Wavegarden and Kelly ...Continue ›
